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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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OMG, I GAGGED! She ate Alexis up with that line. Alexis looked so stupid the entire reunion. She had all these rehearsed reads but would drop them when it didnt make sense. She could learn a thing or two from Phaedra


One of the best moment from the reunion was this producer telling Shannonbackstage that she chewed Alexis up! LOL....


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This is basic Corporate 101.

Co existing with your enemy for the good of the company (Shannon and Tamra).

The ones that are speaking up get left in the cold (Jenn and Katie). 

The favored toxic employees are protected (Tamra and Heather). 

The follower that contributes nothing is rewarded with continued employment (Gina).

The tattletale is rewarded and not demoted/fired (Emily).

And a temp worker is bought back to rile feathers and be more a burden then a help (Alexis)

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Oh, lord. LOL!!! That episode.


I've said it all over the place. When they started the episode showing Mary set up her dinner, I knew it was going to be something special cuz...MARY. And when they started to show the party, and I realized that it was ONLY fifteen minutes into the episode...we were going to be in for some mess. 


But THAT...? Daaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyummmmmmmm!!! Like @Cheap21...the dinner party from hell for SLC indeed. So much went down. Heather vs Bob. Angie K vs FriendofHeather. FriendofHeather coming for everyone...and everyone coming for her!!! Bob gathering Lisa. Angie K vs Meredith. Meredith vs Mary. So much with down at the dinner that Production (allegedly) edited out the Mary vs Lisa fight that would have taken us through this second half of the season. In fact...Mary kicked Lisa out, too. I guess we will know for sure how much of that is true next week if we start up at the dinner party.


Outside of the main event...I felt this was still a great episode. Angie K's scene with her father brought so much focus to who she is. And it makes sense now why she is the way she is with her daughter AND how she was irked by what Lisa said. We got a little more about Bob and her hubby's relationship. We got Lisa continuing to NOT be a good friend, spilling all to Heather. And we got Heather being all bravado and catty...only to be gagged by Bob. Nice try, 'Good Time Girl.'


But that event...WOOOOOOOOOOOOW.


LISA. First of all, they have had hidden speakeasys on this show since Season 1 when Whitney did a cool one. Second of all, she sure did run to Heather reeeeal quick to tattle on Bob. Yeah, she ain't her friend. And I cannot believe she would give up her long friendship for....Heather. Even the moments where she tried to pipe up for Bob with Heather at the dinner came across very performative. Just throw her away. I just know that Bob is going to roast her at some point. And it will be all her fault.


HEATHER. BITCH. The bloom has completely come off the rose, hasn't it? I mean seriously...is Production just finally getting their lick back for all of Heather's lies on them? Because she has not been shown in a good light at all this year. And here she was spitting at Lisa how she was going to show Bob who was in charge. And then she came into Mary's dinner party all ready to be catty and start mess. A wordsmith she ain't. When Bob said 'cuz it's my GD credit card...' She was gagged. And no matter how much she tried to deflect, Bob met her everywhere she turned with no choice but to backpedal and apologize to Bob. As Nene Leakes would say...you're weak, hunni. Oh...and poor.


WHITNEY. Okay, I'll use her name this time. lol. She was a trip from start to finish for me. And I have to give credit where it's due she had me rolling. I saw her give Angie K that alley oops she needed to check FriendofHeather...and the tea of 3 men...LORRRRDDD!!! lol. And then her with the wig in her Confessional picking on Meredith, I fell out. And then her and Meredith getting physical over Meredith's phone. Is it Season 5 of POTOMAC again? Whit put in the work. 


ANGIE K. I have always liked Angie K. My only issue has been it has always been one step forward, two steps back. For every moment, she has a good moment, she then fell back in line. And she is one of the few in the cast now that has always activated Meredith (who is the BEST Meredith). But her talk with her father was such an authentic moment and really explained EVERYTHING about her. Her relationship with her mother explains why she has been such a pick me, her own relationship with her daughter, and why it hurt her to the core when Lisa made that comment about her daughter. Very well done, Angie K. But her moments at the dinner party were good. Her vs FriendofHeather was great. And of course, there she goes again backsliding with Meredith. She was giving fierce with that. 


BOB. And Bob gave the other favorite authentic moment. I guess her hubby had no idea what show she was going to be filmed for. And he doesn't seem to like it. Or he cares about how the whole world would see them...a real thought to have when you have a business, and you are on reality tv. So I liked that. And 'Cuz it was my GD credit card' was THE moment. Freshman year like Monica and giving moments. I don't know why Heather thought she could even take her when Heather is not at all a wordsmith. She checked Heather oh so good. In fact, she was literally exposing Heather at the dinner party for how she moves. I am just sad that (outside of Mary who don't care and Whitney with the nod), no one noticed because Heather did the backpedal reeeeal quick. And at the same time, you could see her observing Lisa to see if she would help her like a real friend. And it's clear she still don't like FriendofHeather. She has so many ways to go. 


MEREDITH. Smh. Well, Meredith has always been at her best when she's on the defensive. Unfortunately, it was all wrong here. First with her and Angie K...all Meredith had to do was not take it to Hades and let Angie K run out of air. Not helped by her showing her slip in the first place where everyone called her out on it. Meredith DOES like to say out-of-pocket things and then threaten someone when they call her out of it aka when Meredith is on the OFFENSIVE.

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 She should have disengaged. And secondly with Mary. I've been wanting to see why they fell out and it's sad that they fall out because Meredith was so busy arguing with Angie K that she missed what Mary said. Specifically the 'if you are going to argue, then...' part of 'get out of my house.' Worse...she wouldn't allow Mary to explain. So Team Mary.


MARY. Production should always do a Mary event. They are always crazy. Cuz...smh. And...NOT FRIENDOFHEATHER'S MAN DMING MARY!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF...!!! lol. I fell out. And Mary looked so great. And I loved her shade at people who could not dress to theme. And for all the shadiness, she does real things like inviting FriendofHeather and talking to her on AND off screen while the other ladies did not talk to her at all. Even her good friend Heather. *side-eye* One can call Mary many things, but she will always keep it real. It was why I was sad to see the fallout between her and Meredith which appear to continue next week since a clip has been released and both are currently not talking in real time. 


And did I mention FriendofHeather coming for the cast only for the cast to wind up coming for her?


Great episode. 

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Now...that I got time...meh. lol. I hate to say it but when it came to the taglines, I think my favorites were Kyle, Garcelle, Dorit, and...shocking...Erika. It was in how she said it more than the tagline itself.


Looks good though. And how funny that all the other shows remixed their theme with the new visuals. Meanwhile...BH did not.




YASSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! That mid-season looks great. And to think I was just talking about how the seasons were approaching mid-season for this to drop. lol. 


And wow at how those tables turned. If it is to be believed...everyone will be coming for Mia and her representative and I'm here for it.




I got what they were going for there, but NO.  The Confessionals were on point. And I will always be here for 4th Wall breaking.


Just get to the Kenya mess. 

It really was. I won't be surprised if I rewatch at all. lol.


Mmmmm tempting.


OMG YES!!! They really were. I wouldn't mind them back. Especially given how much SM has bought up. You know some HW would be messy and bring it into their blog. 

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