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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think one of the strengths of the OC is that there is always some sort of cast rotation from season to season so the show always feels fresh.  Even during shaky times like season 15, people knew that a cast change or two would happen after the season was over so people could hang on.

Jersey, Potomac, etc have always had trouble with cast changes.. they always come too late and when the happen.. they aren't done well.

BH would have a new lease on life if the show cut Kyle loose.. she drags the show down.

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Yeah, I'd love to know how the streaming numbers look. I do wonder if some of the viewership has simply shifted to Peacock. We finally cancelled our (horrific) Spectrum service and now just watch the RH shows on Peacock. 

I also wonder if the positive buzz around OC this season might inspire them to try and revive some of the HW shows through returns and careful rebuilding, as opposed to reboots. It's a crime they aren't filming the OG RHONY girls right now!

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I think Kyle is kept there bc she's the anchor love it or hate it. With her gone, I dont think any of the other women can really fill that role.  On paper, Id want to say Sutton but she's not a central figure and they havent been building her up as such. I feel BH would feel disjointed without Kyle. The only way I can see Kyle gone and it working is if htey brouhght back LVP

Edited by Cheap21
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I can't believe Bravo threw in a To Be Continued at the end -- and then proceeded to skip a week! Just when a few more people started tuning in (on the basis of that clip of the voice-note reveal, I'd wager). Way to kill momentum for a show deserving of better numbers. 

Couldn't agree more about Stanbury, who is firing on all cylinders. Whether it is pranking the women with 'Sergio's coming,' to talking face to face with Brooks, to the voice note reveal -- Caroline is Queen Bee and rules this show effortlessly. She is in control, and I thought Lesa's "First of all -- messy" with its tone of near-admiration was to Stanbury, not Brooks. Lesa knows she got outplayed. Check. Mate.

Totally agree about Taleen and Ayan vying to be the Juliets in Caroline's life. Juliet must be watching the season from London and absolutely FUMING.  As far as who is to blame, Lesa shared the voice note with Ayan, who shared it with Caroline, who used it to embarrass Sara and break up the Brooks-Sara friendship. Neither of these three women are coming out of this smelling like roses! I don't believe Lesa shared it with Ayan because she didn't understand who Sara was talking about (Taleen). She shared it with her BFF so they'd have leverage over Sara.

As for Sara -- dumb move recording that voice note in the first place and sending it to Lesa, of all people. Are they even close? Also dumb: believing that Brooks, aka Maleficent, is a true friend. Brooks is going to throw Sara under the bus to get close to Stanbury again. My girl Sara is naive, and I feel bad for her. She has no other close friends on the cast. She was once close to Stanbury and Sergio,  but threw that away to prove to Brooks what a loyal ally she is. Sara is going to get burned.

I'm starting to find Taleen annoying.

Brooks thinks she's that girl, but the reason she came to Bali is that she didn't want the other women bonding and getting close without her there to drive a wedge. Stanbury let drop that a gentleman who appreciates Brooks', ahem, talents lent her the private plane. I'm intrigued, because that is the second or third time this season that someone has implied that Brooks relies on the kindness of well-connected men. Hmmmm.

I'm so invested in this show and cannot wait for the next episode.

I'm no fan of Kyle, but I totally agree with you. Kyle and the psychodrama with her sisters has been the cornerstone of this show since Day One. None of the other women can match that. They are all reactors to events and don't really bring much of their lives to the screen. Kyle actually drives story and bases most of it on her familial relationships. Without her, I fear the show is going nowhere fast. It is literally built around her.

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OMG yes. The fight between Brooks and Taleen appeared to get audience's interest and the ratings reflected it a little bit. And now that they are getting to the meat aka Ayan vs Lesa...A week off? WHY? Way to kill the momentum indeed.


She really is firing. Sorry, Lesa.


And while I am firmly Team Lesa until further notice...even I side-eyed her when she said she did not understand the message. Moreso given the clip of Sara from next episode. As far as their friendship, Lesa said on WWHL that she regreted doing that because her and Sara were just coming to a place where they were having a good friendship when they were not close beforehand. She also owned what she did in the first place on WWHL so another reason still on her messy side. 


I'm honestly worried that we are not going to see what happened that would cause a rift between Stanbury and Sara given Sara's interview online a few weeks ago since she said those scenes were cut. And it explains more why her and Brooks are closer if I am remembering the interview currently. Which is just making me go grrrr cuz all of what I'm talking about is OFF-SCREEN and really needs to be ON screen. lol. 


Yaaaay for you on Taleen. lol. 


To be fair...Brooks herself has been saying that about herself since Season 1. 


Same. And I know I'm going to the movies next Tuesday, but will be making time to watch that night. 


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Brooks has been saying what about herself? That she's Maleficent? Lololol. Actually, I loved Brooks' honesty about herself and her past at S1 reunion. I think this is why I love Stanbury this season -- she never shies away from saying how she feels. She isn't fake. For someone who was scarred by a loveless childhood and boarding school, Stanbury is refreshingly upfront about herself and open to having sit-down conversations with others. Like her convo with Brooks which went a long way to repairing their friendship. I wish we knew what went down with Sara because both women would be up for confronting it and trying to fix it. After all, as Sara said, she was very close to Caroline, Sergio and her family.

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And seriously...have you seen ANY promos or tv spots for Dubai lately? Because all I see is for the show I'm not watching NJ and everyone is over it and looking forward to their yearly pause from what I can tell. Even Andy is POed that no one likes Joey/Melissa and snapped on some fan. 


I agree with you about Stanbury. It's part of the reason I LOVED her on LADIES OF LONDON. Yeah she was a bitca, but she was upfront about that and VERY open. No wonder everyone was drawn to her. I have no doubt that come the forthcoming reunion filming or a WWHL appearance she will be upfront about that Michael tea that Brooks and Ayan dropped. Cuz if she doesn't...it will be her first dent in her armor. 


The ladies on this show have always been the best kind of Housewives...authentic friendships OUTSIDE of the show. Because of that I do feel that at some point that Sara and Stanbury will talk about it on camera. If they have not already. But...will we see it?


Speaking of authentic friendships and Housewives...you and @kalbir have any thoughts on Larsa's now ex's new woman? 

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