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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oooooh yes!!!


At first, I was underwhelmed since it really does feel like it is going to built up to explode a la Season 6 since last season was as refreshed as Season 5 was. 


But after a rewatch...ooooh, I can't believe how those three blind mice are already coming for Drew. And for me...I'm going into the divorce Team Drew. And I don't mind seeing how she has grown from her first season as I know she will check all three of them.


Speaking of checking...there goes Sandy Teddi Terri East Coast...being willingly blind to the point that Kenya was trying to make and running to make it into having a beef. For your sake, LINT, you better hold Kenya don't make it an issue. 


Oh, and our gays are back and throwing shoes? At Drew??? Tampa Ralph's lover? Cuz I will fall out.


That said...wow...we are ALREADY at midseason?


Are we liking it? 

GUUUUUUUUUUUUURLLLLLLLLLL!!!! I gasped and fell out the door the day that that popped out. I've enjoyed all the tweets, memes, and gifs. And YES, I immediately thought back to Alison Dubois as soon as all the tea started spilling. Somewhere Ex Soap Opera Star is seeing red that she's already forgotten with ACTUAL drama. 


Exactly!!! So many people forgot about that last line online as if they can't go back and watch the scene. The fact? Allison was RIGHT. 


ANDY BETTA BRING THEM CAMERAS BACK UP!!!! If we did it for Drew on RHOA (and we better get film about their race to the court house to file) and we got it with Scandoval on VPR, I hope they are going back to filming on BH.


Also...regardless of the statement she made...sadly just like Monqiue and Chris...I am going to lean to PEOPLE'S side on that one. Cuz...look how it turned out. 

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Oh, I felt like it's been 85 years since Season 5 ended. And I'm been impatiently patiently waiting for it to start on Bravo. And I got TWO episodes...ONLY TO FALL ASLEEP!!!!


BUT...for NOW...it seems like my tv system is retaining the episodes so I sat down to watch the first two episodes. And what did I think?


Well...even on multiple viewings...I felt Episode 1 was a lot. It felt very scatterbrained as we tuned back in for the girls. It was like off and running and you just had to keep up with it and figure out what was going on. Episode 2 was a little bit better about that. And YES, this was what I was living for!!! And by THIS, I meant all the wealth. I was explaining to my co-worker that I loved it because these ladies are rich. From their houses to Anthony's fleet of cars to Lisa throughout both episodes was drop dead gorgeous with all her outfit (my favorite being her pink one at Larsa's New Beginnings Party...she SOLD that), but they all looked gorgeous throughout. And some of the camera angles are soooooooooo breathtaking...like Lisa walking through the walkway and Guerdy comes up behind her...just wooow. Please keep this quality once it moves back to Bravo for Season 6. 


And then the Lenny of it all??? Woooow...I haven't even gotten to that clip that was all over Twitter...the hot mic one he did with his son RIGHT...THERE!!! But the little foreshadowing/flashforwards at the end of both episodes were chilling. And it was VERY clear at the end of Episode 1 with that dinner. Talk about awkward.


Oh, and I forgot...the petty feuds!!! Alexia vs Guerdy! Lisa vs Larsa! Kiki doing whatever! That's what Housewives was built on and it is ridiculous, but hilarious at the same time!


Speaking of the girls...so far...


ALEXIA. It's weird seeing Alexia being supporting. Since she is a walking telenovela and most of last season was all about her, it's just...funny. I would say she was total background, except for her petty feud with Guerdy. And she saw Round 1 to Guerdy because Guerdy was gathering her with the quickness. How dare she was over there taking pot shots over a charity event that had to do with deceased members of Guerdy's family. Cuz she knew if Guerdy said ANYTHING about her deceased mother, Alexia would have been fuming. Has Alexia always been so un self-aware?


LARSA. Well she came in hot!!!!! After being a wannabe Queen B that got interesting as last season went on, she went at it. Resolved her storyline from last season. Got into potential feuds with Adriana and Julia. Got into an actual (and petty) feud with Lisa. Gave a hottie guy AND an event. 


GUERDY. Looking fabulous as usual. And I loved that she was there for Lisa (with some light shade...of course). And I was loving the start of her petty feud with Alexia. I liked she tried to rise above. But when Alexia thought she was going to have her Queen Bee moment and Guerdy was going to bow down like Marysol someone else, Guerdy very nicely started to gather her with logic and common sense. Back down? Where? lol. I liked she had a little something going on, along with her own life.


JULIA. I continue to enjoy seeing Julia's life and her friendship with Adriana...which is still fun. But it's clear they are not as...flirty...as they were last season. So nice they noticed. And I giggled at her conversation with the guy from New York. It was like a quirky scene from Sex and the City


NICOLE. At one point, I was like...saying aloud...god, i loooove that she is soooo rich. I like her and Anthony together...and loved his light shade at Larsa...foreshadowing her CURRENT relationship...hehe...who knew? We got follow-through scenes about her father. So different than Whitney Little Girl over on SLC. And so far...she's not feuding with anyone. YET.


LISA. You know what? When the news broke with Lenny, it was shocking. And the more that came out, the worst it got. Lenny just seem horrible. And these first two episodes did nothing to take away from that. That said...that dinner scene at the end of Episode 1, it was clear that Lisa was fighting for her marriage...sadly with rose-colored glasses because that scene made it clear she was playing pretend and ignoring every time that Lenny was checked out. Guerdy made it clear at the end of Episode 2 in Confessional, that there was something more going on with her to be set off by Larsa's comments. Of course, Lisa knew her marriage was falling apart no matter how much she was trying to pretend otherwise. It just felt like everyone in the room felt it BUT her. So her feuding with Larsa was just deflection. And the interesting is...Lisa had never been hotter. Something about putting up this perfect image brought an edge DFWM vibe that you don't really see in Housewives much. It fit her. And her fighting with Larsa gave some good (okay and annoying) Housewives moments. Like calling out Kiki...who was correct in her Confessional (yay) for saying if your middle age men starts working out again all of a sudden...BEWARE!


MARYSOL. I was actually liking her though her comedy moments do not seem as much fun as they were last season. And so they are becoming slate. Now getting stuck in Kiki's pot stirring...yeah, I felt that. Marysol seem stuck in a lot of her friends' mess and it was interesting to watch.


ADRIANA. Hehe. Her and her dates. Now...when do I get my raven hair back? LOL!!! She and Julia were bringing the fun vibe. I can't wait for her to get into being messy. Cuz Adriana is soooo not background. At least, not for long. 


Me likey. 



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What's interesting about Tamra's return isn't so much that she's 'doing the most' by stirring the pot. It's that she's getting the other women to work. It is a constant switcheroo of alliances between Tamra & Jenn, Tamra & Heather, Tamra & Taylor, Tamra & Shannon. One minute she's your friend, kiki-ing with and cuddling you, the next she's thrown you under the bus. Tamra is one of the best practitioners of RH pot-stirring and, crucially, she doesn't care if she gets caught on camera. What's of interest to me is Heather not wanting to confront Tamra on what she knows must be true, which is,Tamra talking behind her back. The hasty alliance they slapped together since Tammy Sue returned is already cracking -- Heather already fears that when T and Shannon make up, she'll be on the outs.

I am really liking Shannon so far this season. Also, Jenn is a good pick for a newbie.

Heather talking to Travis on the phone "She's fine. She'll call you back" and then hanging up on him had me LOLing. 

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@Taoboi re: the RHOA mid-season trailer.

So, I wasn't expecting it to be NC-17 rated. LOL and it's Drew! I did not have 'Drew may have a gay lover' on my bingo card. Given everything that happened this week, including whatever it was that Wig pulled, I have to ask if someone over at Bravo has instructed all shows to brew up a Scandoval and make sure a same-sex third-party might be involved. Which makes no sense in RHOA's timeline, because they finished filming months ago, before Scandoval. They sure did keep it under wraps, didn't they -- I was convinced the Pittmann divorce happened because of Ralph! i will say this -- RHOA is actually showing and discussing what BH refuses to film.

Anyhoo, it looks like Drew will be carrying the rest of the season, because I don't remember anything else in the trailer. Except for Kenya claiming she might get back with Marc Daly. Yeah, right! I made the same face Kandi did. 

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Kenya's comment says to me that Ms. Moore has little energy for this season. Kenya, Kandi seem a little over the current cast -- certainly on  other media, etc, they have been willing to entertain a return of people they originally didn't like so much (Porsha, Nene, Cynthia). As for me, I am enjoying the season thus far, it just seems like it hasn't taken off yet. It feels like we're only at episode 3 or 4.


Re: The Umansky separation... I KNOW!!! I can't believe I wrote that, thinking it was all Twitter rumor-mongering, and then NothinButAttitude was like 'They just announced their separation in People.' It was a lot of fun to read the memes and posts after that shocker. The thread was hopping for about 2 hours.


Re: RHOM, I'm glad you've finally been able to dig into the season. I hope you enjoy it because it is a great slow burn. And Lisa really brought it this season. So did Adriana. And, in her budget Kardashian way, Larsa. Still can't stand her, though. 

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The problem with both Tamra and Heather is that neither are authentic.

The last episode was so paint by numbers that I was so happy to see Emily in a scene with Shane and her daughter.  It was a nice scene and a nice relief from all the contrived BS of the Montana trip.

And I don't want them to 'work's.  I want to see all the women be themselves and not interact with one another.

I want 1 episode where none of the women talk to one another, no mentions of a party or trip, just a peek into their lives.

I want to see Heather's daughter Kat (the 16 year old) learn to drive with uptight Heather, Shannon with Archhe/John/daughters, Tamra/Eddie adjusting to life post Cut Fitness, Emily as a stay at momager, Gina/Travis trying to sell a house, Jen with her kids and her ex/boyfriend, and for fun...Taylor with her daughter Kennedy.

1 episode like this for all franchises would be nice.

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While I enjoyed the Montana trip, I definitely see your point. I've become so used to a scripted girls trip on RHs that I expect to see the contrivance now. I think I enjoyed the episode because of the old relationship chemistry between Shannon, Tamra and Heather mainly.

But it's clear that Heather and Tamra have a pre-agreed alliance, and Gina and Taylor's attempt to put a crzck in it won't work until Heather chooses to make it happen as a SL. Either later this season or at reunion.

I missed Emily a lot here, and agree that her scene with Shane and the kids was the most real and refreshing of the entire episode. Every week she's had a family scene, and I've been loving them. I think Shane is hilarious too. Emily is currently my fave this season. 

An episode like you describe would definitely help solidify the cast in the eyes of the audience. I think Jenn's family life blends right in with the old school OC dynamic.

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RHOA...EXACTLY!!! We know next to nothing about this, BH, OR RHOP outside of brief pictures and I don't mind it at all. It makes the anticipation soooo much better. And it seems like some of the Drew stuff WAS out there, but heeey love that I missed it. And since I'm not going to look, I will see as it airs. I am sure Tampa Ralph did something though. Or perhaps he's pulling a Keke Palmer's BD move. 

Wait! Did Kenya say that? I might have to rewatch!! lol. 


I am looking forward to Drew carrying. She will now, after two seasons, get to show what she is made of. And I suspect she is going to be Housewives Gold. Sooooo different from her first season. 


So far...enjoying the season as well.


BH...I remember seeing little things, but you know I pay BH little mind. I think I was at work all day that day so I saw little hints, but I had NO IDEA until I got home what was up and WOOOOOW. Hehe...I did see the pages moving fast here and wondered what happened though from work. 


RHOM...thank you again for the tag. I almost forgot it was the 5th. lol. It will be appointment tv for me. I just hope they don't get short-changed like what Bravo is doing with BELOW DECK: SAILING YACHT (which I'm playing catch-up as I type and work out) and doing double episodes so they can get to another franchise. BD: SY is having a delicious messy season this current season with more hotties for deck crew and a messy triangle, but it seems they are already ready to move on to the next BD franchise...not to mention all the other new seasons of shows. And sorry, Bravo...you could have just scheduled BETTER. So...RME. 

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I read this story yesterday.  My first thought was that the decor was so specific that it couldn't have been their original plan to use it as a rental, which made me question if it is a money issue.  Then, I read her reasoning that she wants something like a fresh start, which made me question if they are getting a divorce.  Finally, as a RHoBH fan, I wondered if they ever finished their basement reno.

I never realized that they bought a tear-down in upper Bel Air, and then built their home from scratch.  Taste is subjective, and I don't appreciate theirs, yet that is an impressive amount of wealth. I guess she didn't only marry Rob for his good looks...

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This feels like a flop. 

I've always thought Rob seemed like a very nice, supportive husband.

That said, my first thought was divorce. The alternative is they're going to try living in Malibu or Santa Monica or Santa Barbara for a year and see how they like it and, if so, sell in Bel-Air. Each of those areas is far enough away from the Bel-Air lifestyle/commute that you might consider trying before buying. 

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Maybe Ive grown up watching too many soaps but I cant help but think that Drew's sister Allison is really her  bio-mother. My theory is that Drew was concieved via sexual assault and she gave her to their mother to raise and Drew was brought up as her younger sister. Drew looks alot more like the sister than their mother and the age gap while not unheard of, definitely stands out. Im waiting for this to be a twist thats revealed

The reunion between the OGs was a flop and waste of a scene. Im convinced the producers did this to shade Nene by excluding her. I eard that they wanted Kandi in the scene but kandi put her foot down and declined. That would have been so shady to have her replace Nene given their issues

Love Kenya but she was so rude to be late for the even that she was gonna be an MC at

Sanya was dead wrong for how selfish and inconsiderate when it comes to her sister's time. Im glad Shari held her accountable/

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Yes, except you can't get permits to film a reality show in Malibu or Montecito unless your last name is Bell. So, unless she's planning on the leaving the cast, one would wonder why she would consider moving away from the westside?

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