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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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So the Gorgaa lied about Dina/Dave. And Teresa lied about the pizza ovens. Two wrongs never make a right. Why do they want to coexist again? 

The healthiest thing both families could do is go in their own directions. They will never stop lying/stabbing each other in the back. 

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What started as the possibly the best UGT has gone off the rails the past couple of episodes. Gizelle is definitely overplaying her “producer” hand with this fake tequila brouhaha. And Porsha is no longer fun. You can tell the group is not really gelling, as they all seem so dull and disengaged when there’s no forced drama going on (I’m sure the Thailand heat and humidity aren’t helping, but still).

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Dina's explanation sounds by far the most plausible. Of course she'd have PTSD about going to New Jersey ever again after her ex husband hired goons to beat her and her husband up. It also sounds, weirdly, like she and Dolores can co-exist fine in social situations. Which is surprising to me, given that Dolores is alleged to have written a letter of support to Tommy Manzo to the judge overseeing his trial.

Dolores's refusal to discuss Dina on camera in this week's episode was also very final-sounding, like something went down between them recently. (And bear in mind, Dina's video was filmed in mid-2022, before Teresa's wedding. In the video, she says she'll be at the wedding, but looks like she pulled out later, maybe because Bravo cameras were going to be filming everything). Maybe Dolores is tired of being asked questions about Dina. RHONJ really is Six Degrees of Separation between castmates and ex-castmates.


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I am wondering what really went down with Dolores and Dina. In an interview with Danny Pellegrino a few years back, Dolores indicated that she and Dina had never gotten along, though they hung out in the same girlfriend group which also included Teresa way before RHONJ existed. Apparently, the friend squad went into NYC one Saturday night for dinner and a club, and Dina and Dolores had a big falling out.

And I've tried to rationalise to myself that Dolores, who I like, would not have written a letter of support to the judge if she actually thought Manzo had had his wife beaten up -- because that would be way too cold and brutal on her part. Surely she does not hate Dina to that extent? 

As for the Teresa-Joe-Melissa drama, it is heading into its final denouement. The Gorgas' default setting is victimhood on this show. The idea that Teresa could have asked them to participate in the wedding off-camera and they declined, knowing they could throw a woe-is-me pity-party for the cameras, is not inconceivable. But I also think Teresa hates her SIL and that will never change -- the difference is, now she is also completely done with roid-rage Joe. There is no Nonno and Nonna anymore to enforce the peace. And Louie, even while pretending to be Good Cop to Teresa's Bad Cop, is basically the Brooks Ayres of RHONJ.

(BTW: why the hell are Melissa's nieces/nephews asking Louie and Teresa for money all the time? Don't they hate Teresa like Melissa does? Why don't they ask Melissa & Joe for cash?)

Speaking of RH alignments, Jackie is the Teddi Mellencamp of RHONJ. I find her insufferably, incomprehensibly smug towards Danielle who, so far, is looking like she will be back next season as a full-timer. Unlike cutting-room-floor Jackie.

If I were Margaret and Jennifer, I would also be worried about how I'm coming across. Margaret comes into every scene either threatening somebody or talking about her coochie sweat. She definitely has dirt on everyone. Her burning hatred of Jennifer makes her look mean-spirited and bitter, and I'm pretty sure that's not the persona she would like to convey onscreen. Jennifer really has gotten under her skin. But Jennifer, too, is looking contrived and rehearsed, whether it is fighting, and then making up with, Dolores, or the coffee-reading mess. Jennifer seems to take her cues from RH Twitter fans' opinions.

Still not sure about Rachel, though I think it's mostly due to my visceral reaction to her nose-job. And Jenn Fessler is thirsty as hell. Jackie, I'd watch out if I were you, because if she can shank Siggy to get into Margaret's good graces, she can shank you to get on the the show.

Edited by Cat
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Well I guess better late than never! lol. Especially since Ashley did some test filming with a potential newbie...and shooting for the new season REALLY starts this week. So far it sounds like EVERYONE is back. Even the Roommate. So I expect La Dame and Wendy to drag her to Hades and back if true.


But...I'm really talking about the Reunion Part 3.


With some time and distance...my opinion hasn't changed. I felt this past reunion was up there with Season 5's. We got to see Gizelle get dragged in Part 1. It was fun in Part 2...I would say moreso than Season 5's Part 2 where I remember being irked. And then Part 3...Andy was trying to cover for Gizelle aka playing favorites. What I liked about THIS one was yes, he tried...and so did Production...but Candiace (and La Dame and Wendy)...WERE...NOT...HAVING...IT!!! And I was living for it. 


Everything...and I do mean EVERYTHING...Candiace threw out at Gizelle was justified. And the fact that when FINALLY confronted...when she was FINALLY allowed...to speak her truth...she was all crickets...and then stumbled...and I was over her when she was mentioning lying in the bed in a ROBE? A robe? You got to see how those options are looking given what was said all season long? It made Gizelle just look funny. And not the funny of Battle of the Reciepts either. 


Speaking of Battle of the Receipts...LOVED it just like Candiace and Wendy loved it. And I'm sorry, Jacqueline WON that. And I want her back next season, too. Cuz Mia backed allllllll the way down when Jacqueline started throwing out those receipts. 


I thought a lot happened that was fun, dramatic, and juicy. And while there was resolution in the form of the true guilty parties were confronted and (deservingly) called out, in the overall scheme of things, nothing was. So the fact they are ALL back is troubling. I can seem why Carlos King was going off about them...even his favorites. This coming season is make or break for them. I would have called Season 7 a great season...before the Roommate scandals...now it's a mess to me and that's sad. 


LA DAME.  So after being mute for the most part, I loved that when La Dame activated, she was taking out everybody!!! I guess this was the part where she was mentioning in that Andy video she was fighting for her life. Because she was calling out Cha Cha WHO ANDY ADMITTED HIM AND PRODUCTION WERE ASKED TO BRING BACK...and I loved that La Dame shaded Andy by asking by who...cuz not the fans.

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  And she looked dead at Gizelle. Messy Mia tried to come for her and got it from La Dame, too. And Roommate...that's a given. She got her butt every chance she got like she was chasing Gizelle's shadow...oh, wait.  And I loved that Production did the rollback showing all the times La Dame showed her grace by not mentioning Juan's business, but the signs has been there for SEASONS. If La Dame wanted to destroy that shade of a person...she easily could have...cuz the history has always been there with this case. Hopefully, next season...she does just that.


ASHLEY. Flapped so hard that all she could do was trying to defend Gizelle this part. How the mighty have fallen. She was Teddi a gnat buzzing around. 


MIA. Oh, how I lived for the Battle of the Reciepts. That bedazzled box vanished with the quickness when Jacqueline was proving every thing she said. And outside of awkwardness from G, Mia was not bringing anything. She tried it with La Dame and got shut down. Nothing to see here. 


WENDY. Proved she was more of a friend than Robyn That Trick Gizelle's Shadow. I saw her talking to Candiace as being that friend who will soft ball a disclaimer for you, but would still keep you honest. And I felt she did that in the moment, allowing Candiace to calm down enough to articulate herself. And she of course gave great reactions shots and shade. 


CANDIACE. Ironically the Monique of THIS reunion. She drrrrag Gizelle ALL...THE...WAY...DOWN to Hades and back and I was here for it. Did her fuse go? Yes. But what I liked was that before we got to that point, she was definitely pointed, focused, and aimed at who she should have been. Perhaps, everyone thought she would be like the Candiace of past reunions, but one thing that Candiace had been was very level headed...especially now that she was forming a brand. Still human, but I felt she was within bounds given all that happened. And her and Chris were a great tag-team on Neck Ankles. That said...yeah, that anger was real. Even La Dame and Ray felt it. And I agree. Gizelle only apologized because SHE LOST. My response (which Candiace did)...LIGHT...HER...A^&...UP. Good reunion performance.


GIZELLE. I wish I had that Kandi gif where she calls Kenya a B&*(). Oh, wait. 

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That's how I felt watching her this Part. And then she had the nerve to be defiant. Not helped by Andy and Production. I was all for Chris and Candiace going in on her. And how do we know she was truly wrong. Her shadow said NOTHING. Her shadow sat there and ate her food. And WE ALL KNOW anyone who comes for Gizelle, she HAS to step in and bark. She did NOTHING. 


ROBYN. THAT STUPID SHADOW. TEDDI. ROOMMATE. La Dame truly had her peadded in my favorite La Dame read...she truly is the ditzy B at that table. It's funny to see Andy kinda come for her at the reunion knowing that the interview was AFTER filming. And he truly did. But her deflecting with 'clickbait?' Did she not read the article? Cuz there's a reason why Juan's name was in the headline and it was not for clickbait. I was shocked Andy mentioned the college scandal tbh. She was giving ShebySheree delusion without any of Sheree's charm. And then that 'unseen' footage? Wasn't that all IN the episode? SMH. I lived for NY's Eboni's reactions. And why wait for La Dame to bring it up...when she could have gotten ahead of it and showed the audience something real...she would have come out of it with the audience ON her side? Just...ditzy B. By the end of the 'unseen' footage, I NEED La Dame to get her so hard. 


Overall, I enjoyed the reunion, but I don't see how they can move on from this. It's very 'we saw behind the curtain...what now?'


On that note...and before it vanishes from my system...let me get into that RHOA reunion.  





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I saw that over the weekend.... I hope it comes to fruition! I think it's a great idea actually. I just knew we weren't done with this group of gals forever. Too bad for Jill, huh? lol Oh well.  And love her or hate her, Ramona makes for great reality TV. I wonder if she'll jump back into the shark tank for a one-week adventure. 

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I need this to be true and for the cast to be as described. I miss our gals so much.

I think they should shoot a little longer - perhaps 2 or 3 weeks, a Summer In The City show that gives us 10-12 episodes. 

Jill overestimates her worth time and again. She is not important and will not be missed. 

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I find Ramona reprehensible and would be disappointed in Bravo if the invite her back. She has showed time and time again that she is a racist. It’s not a generational thing, it’s not ignorance, she is a racist. I like many in NYC have seen her disgusting behaviour in real life. 

Ebony may not be loved by her cast, but clearly Bravo knows to keep her on their good side. She has been on WWHL since the show’s conclusion. I am sure what she heard and observed is true. 

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I overall like Ebony but she was a bad fit for the OG cast of NY. She was too young and she felt too much like a diversity hire with how forced her conversations were. I wouldnt mind if she was brought back as a friend on this new iteration to test her out with the women and if she does well, back full time.

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I feel like an UGT iteration might work for Eboni in a RHONY context, and maybe Bethenny and Tinsley could dip their toe into a one-week trip also. Eboni herself suggested a One Series Wonders UGT where she could go with Jules Wainstein.

I haven't heard a peep about the new RHONY so I can't say if she'd work with that particular group, but having Eboni and Leah be our entry into the reboot should have been a no-brainer from early on. Unfortunately, the immediate reaction to S13 was so bad that Bravo execs were probably scared off.

Of course, someone on this thread had the genius idea of Eboni moving to DC and joining Potomac! Eboni is whipsmart and would keep Giz and the others on their toes.

Amen to all this. Summer in the City, between the city and the Hamptons, would have harked back to classic RHONY where the first 4 episodes of the first seasons actually took place on Long Island.

Jill totally overestimated her worth, especially after RHUGT 2.

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Had Eboni been hired and told to be herself on NY, it would have worked out differently.

She had potential...and oddly I liked her and Ramona's love/hate relationship.  I think Bravo set Eboni up to fail..imho.

One of the things about RHONY was always seeing how Ramona would piss off a new housewife..and also seeing how the new housewife would react to Ramona.

Season 5 was the best example of this where Heather instantly didn't like her, Carole tried to use logic before using reverse psychology with her, and Aviva embraced her until she finally had enough of her.

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