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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Joanna was on dancing with the stars in the states and did quite well..so people knew of her from that.

I think season 2 had several different people...but the only one really doing stuff was Joanna.  She got on Adrianna's nerves, she was friends with Karent/Lisa/Lea...while also being friendly with Ana.  Ana/Joanna and Lea/Adrianna seemed to be the only link between those 2 cliques.

Season 3 got rid of Ana/Karent...and added back Alexia...but Alexia wasn't so front and center because of Frankie...so all that was left to focus on was Joanna vs Adrianna

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I think so much of Kelly is an act for the cameras. I’ve been in a few meetings/press events with her and she is sharp as a tack. She is a strong negotiator. She is cool under pressure. She has a strong creative eye. It is not the Kelly you see on TV.  

Her daughters are very smart and well spoken too. 

Her only vice is her tardiness. She is NEVER ontime. Her whole team will arrive hours before her. 

This is a case of the person being very different than the persona. 

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I wonder if it’s a defence mechanism.

Kelly went from being a model where you were seen and not heard, into a real Editor role at a mainstream magazine. The content she curated is what made them money. Maybe the airhead personality was her way of having a way to cop-out if an article/editorial/issue did not go well. It carried on to her show/ her life. 


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And this episode is exactly why Gizelle shouldnt have been asked on this trip. Im sick of her producing moments. Fighting over a damn bottle of tequila and accusing people of stealing was beyond stupid. Im glad Candiace didnt want to play along and said no to her searching her room. I bet it was in Gizelle's suitcase. She is ruining this season the way she ruined S7 of Potomac

Im glad Whitney decided to table her drama with Heather bc it was dominating the scenes and no one cares

Candiace is losing me. Marysol's read on her is accurate. She is fine in one on one settings but when she gets in the group, she goes crazy. She calling Porsha a cyber bully bc she wasnt tagged in a photo was so juvenile. They really fighting over an IG tag? LOVED that Porsha owned it and said no it wasnt an oversight. She dont like Leah, so she wasnt tagged. It was a reach for Candiace to die on the hill that it was going to cause a shtstorm. Um no one cared. Did anyone even notice and make an issue?

Im also glad producers pulled the reciepts of Candiace being triggered and yelling at Porsha everyday. LMAO at Porsha pulling out the triangle napkin

Shrek continues to be a pathetic pick me. She is two faced and cant own anything she says

Alexia on here is more like the Alexia I like and not the a-hole she became on the last season of Miami

Leah nasty fanning her hot coochie. She is on her period and has diarrhea yet wears no underwear....who does that?

Poor Pepsi! These hoes are stressing him out

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Gizelle should never be allowed on these shows again.  

Candiace needs to control her emotions...both Alexia and Marysol were right about her.  Seems like both like her and are concerned/annoyed at her at the same time.

Porsha is that girl that you smile at and then ignore.  She thrives on attention..but Candiace does have Porsha pegged.  I wonder how Porsha would be if Gizelle wasn't on the trip.

I think for season 5 and later seasons..6 should be the cap on how many can go.

Lastly, I've seen no bonding scenes on this season.

Season 1 had Ramona/Teresa bond, Kyle/Melissa bond, Luann/Kenya bond.

Season 2 had Taylor/Eva bond, Tamra/Phaedra plus Tamra/Brandi bond...and Phaedra/Jill/Brandi bond.

I've seen little bonding..just drama and shade throwing.

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Do you think UGT3 was delayed so much because the producers knew they didn’t have an A Cast? 

I admit I am missing Blue Stone Manor. There is something so much more authentic about staying in someone’s home/town. 

I can’t believe 3/4 of these women would have ever gone to Thailand. They are so fish out of water. Surprisingly, I am loving Alexia and Marysol the most, and they have been un-rootable in Miami. 

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Is Gizelle really upset about a $100 bottle of tequila? It’s available at every liquor store, this isn’t some rare vintage. 

I think I’m quitting this series. Enjoy beautiful Phuket, give me some eye candy. I don’t care about fighting over tequila. 

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Didn't they show the missing Tequila high up on a shelf in editing?  I promise I am not an idiot, but I watch these shows while working on my computer and sometimes miss things.  I kept thinking Pepsi was going to find it, but the whole thing went on an entire episode.  The type of tequila Gizelle had wasn't even close to the most expensive bottle they make either lol.  This isn't a college frat party.  These girls have endless choices for alcohol.  No one would steal it.  Along with Leah passing out with her period and diarrhea and no underwear, this was by far the worst episode of Girls Trip.   


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Seeing Pepsi get upset at the bottle search makes me dislike Gizelle even more than I already do.

Gizelle is vaunted for her producing skills, but IMO she is so lazy. She never thinks through the ramifications of her schemes -- just the opening headline. Once they turn up nothing in the HW's quarters, where to next? Suspicion inevitably will turn on the staff, all of whom work incredibly long hours, cheerfully catering to these spoiled women, for a relative pittance. What if Pepsi or someone else got fired for what we all know is a Gizelle SL stunt?

Intruding on the women's private rooms to search them is also a bully move. I'm glad Candiace refused to have her room searched like a common criminal. If I'd been Candiace, I would have insisted Giz's room be searched first.

So it's clearly Gizelle & Porsha vs Candiace & Leah. Both groups have got the other pegged. Porsha's ditzy act IS fake. Gizelle WILL use anything against you. Leah IS an attention-seeking, constantly complaining, drama queen. Candiace is verbally abusive (with no sense of humor about herself -- i added that last part).

Leah not wearing any underwear while on her period + diarrhea is beyond gross. I'd be diapered like a Kardashian. Yes, heat and diarrhea are dehydrating. This is why electrolyte drinks and Imodium were invented. I can't even buy that fainting spell in the store.

Heather is completely disingenuous. OTOH I really enjoy Alexia and Marysol here, like some of you. And I nearly warmed to Whitney this episode.

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