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Rumors of Robyn's firing or Andy's anger were greatly exaggerated given the tone of the WWHL after-show where they're giggling about being able to keep her wedding a secret and Andy being "in on the joke"

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It came from Media Takeout which is not reputable. Had Andy roasted her, it would have been a bigger story as the audience would have tweeted/posted but it literally had no traction outside of that one page that everyone cited

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LOL...this has got to be the shadiest finale card bravo has ever done

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I think some of the discussion around RHoP Robyn deflecting from her husband's infidelity misses one crucial factor; production. 

Should Robyn have been honest when confronted? - yes

Was Robyn under any demand to bring it up on her own? - no

I think what's being ignored is that production was in her home for weeks.  They had previously caught Juan in a "hot mic" moment complaining about Robyn on a prior season.  How did they not pick up on the tension between the couple and start asking questions?



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I thought Andy gave her a decent grilling on last night's WWHL. You could tell he was a tad ticked at Robyn withholding the truth about her own life while at the same time stirring up rumors and discussion about other castmembers' marriages. As he said, suspicions of infidelity seems to be a continuous throughline on this show. Meanwhile, Robyn still has that DUH expression on her face as she tries to twist her words to make Juan sound completely innocent with the woman from Canada. 

If/when she returns for S8, The Grande Dame and likely Candiace (and Wendy) will hold her feet to the fire. At least we can enjoy that. 

"UNLIKE her finances..." lol at that shady writeup for Mia at the end. 

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I was disappointed by the WWHL episode (and by the finale, but that's another story). I wanted Amdy to go IN on Robyn and Gizelle's tactics, but I understand why he kept it cool and asked some (for once) judicious questions. He didn't want to be accused of favoritism with, say, the Heather Gays of this world while holding Robyn's feet to the fire. Even though Andy and Robyn were playing nicey-nice, it was clear he wasn't into some of her answers. He did a very fake HAHAHA when Eboni congratulated Robyn on her pay wall. And the questions themselves were carefully put together by a team, so yeah, Bravo is pissed. 

Bottom line: this was stage-managed damage control for both Robyn and Bravo. Robyn laughing and smiling and acting like she really showed Bravo who is boss... And maybe she is boss. Because I got no inkling that Bravo plans to fire Robyn. At worst, maybe demote her. That says to me, as @j swiftindicated, that Production has been happy to turn a blind eye. They encourage this because it brings 'drama' and makes their work easier. But Robyn has set a precedent with this Patreon pay wall, and other HWs will be inclined to do the same unless Production speaks,sternly to their casts and Legal examines contracts to add a clause about talking about their life and not monetizing it elsewhere. I'm not sure where RHs go from here if Bravo can't take a stand and make an example of this, because first SLC and now Potomac have opened Pandora's Box. And viewers cannot unsee it.

Maybe I'm viewing this too simplistically and it will blow over. Certainly this must be what Bravo is hoping will happen. 

Andy also didn't ask about Juan's court case and whether that was why he married Robyn.

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Now about this Mexico trip...lol. 


Well...I said I would be back.

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And just in time for tonight's finale, too. Better late than never. But...I don't know what to say. 


So much has happened since I viewed the episodes. And I'm sure they would be a ki ki to rewatch. I have not felt...outside of Gizelle's attempt at coming for Chris...this season has been dark. Though with recent revelations, yeah it's now been tainted greatly. It's very much the same situation as SLC where the whole season Jen Shah said she was innocent...only to plead guilty after filming. And that just tainted the whole season because you knew the whole time she was lying through her teeth. Now with Robyn's confession now that the sesason is over...and Gizelle taking a page from the BH's Housewives Book of Deflection...the narrative makes sense now, but...it has ruined the reason. 


However...without that knowledge...that Mexico trip was a chaotic mess. Mostly in a good way. 


Those GEB be staying trying to get at La Dame. And they are totally using Cha Cha to do it. So it was good to see La Dame let them know what time it was. And since they started mess, I felt La Dame was in bounds to come after them. Which she did by blowing that bombshell on Robyn. Personally before Robyn's confession, I was of the mind that where there is smoke, there's fire. Look at Juan explode. Look at La Dame (and Wendy) getting disinvited to the bachlorette party. Look at Cha Cha still talking mess when she said she did not care. Care enough to talk mess. 


The trip also spotlighted the continuing drama between Mia and Jacqueline. And that I have been liking. I find Jacqueline to be a good FOH. It's just sad that Mia is using their friendship to try to be messy. Funny since it seems fans like Jacqueline more than Mia. It just seems so messy and there is more to it. Perhaps even Mia is jealous because it does seem like Jaqueline is making more connections to the group. And I loved Candiace taking her under her wing given they have feuding this season.


And finally, I liked that rather than be an isolated incident Mia vs Wendy was brought back up. And that reveal of Mia probably wanting a piece of the Doctor...uh...lol. Well...I can say this much...Messy Mia keeps giving content...for better and for worse.


LA DAME. It was a matter of time before Karen left the room and we had to usher in KUUUREEN!!! And THAT was worth the wait. Regardless if it is true or not, these heffas stayed proving her right. She figured Cha Cha would mention the funeral due to her need to chase clout. The fact Cha Cha proved her right is all that matters. Though something else that matters that I know from personal experience don't you dare mention the loss of a parent. Will usually can and will trigger folk no matter how long time has passed. So if La Dame wanted some payback...I was here for that. And she looked like she did by bringing up the Robyn tea. The fact that for all the Blue Eyes deflection, in Confessional people were mentioning it so it just might be true. And it was definitely true when Juan reacted how he reacted. And we know what happened after filming now...La Dame #winning And the fact thye were talking about her at the bachelorette party while La Dame just stayed focused on her business. #stillwinning


GIZELLE. Now that I think about it...did she do anything? Is it because Robyn has truly outshined her this season in the messy department...or just the fact that La Dame always shut her down? *shrugs*


ROBYN. I wish I could say something nice. I can't. lol. She truly is the diztiest bitca at the table. She's been trying to get Cha Cha back on the show through La Dame and then want to be the one talking about deflection. Her? Really? La Dame has been VERY clear on why she did not want to be friends with Cha Cha all season. So...turnaround is FAIR play. And La Dame got her butt with a dash of typical Karen delusion. Which given the new tea one wonders if La Dame was right about that, too. 


ASHLEY. lol. If there is one thing Ashley will do, it will be pot stirring. It makes me wonder if La Dame used her to get that Robyn tea out there to everyone...who didn't already know already.  I also loved that her and Candiace had a deep and serious conversation about themselves. And Ha! at her again running and getting that Wendy/Mia tea out there, too. Devil works hard, but Ashley works harder. Except on that divorce it seems...


CANDIACE. Practically redeemed at this point. Shouldn't this had been her takedown season? And yet she's the one who has been nothing, but common sense and the voice of reason this year. Who would have thought it? The wisest thing she has done was give no air to the rumor, focused (and showed) her life, and showed up only when she is required to...with fun Confessionals as well. And I felt her talk with Ashley on the trip showed her growth. Doesn't at all mean she ain't about to drag Gizelle from one side of the reunion stage to the other though.


WENDY. Speaking of growth, look at Ms. Four Degrees!!! From hold those degrees over people to Too Much Wendy to Actual Zen Wendy actually. She was fun on the trip. Those facial expressions with Candiace. Calling Mia out on what her deal with her is...funny since Mia's broke so she would be jealous. And the flirting??? smh. I am just sorry she would even consider anything with Mia given how Mia's been acting. 


MIA. I cannot help but think about Carlos King's video on YT when it comes to her. Love her or hate her, Messy Mia does give content. Though you can't believe a thing she says, it is STILL better than nothing given how entertaining it is most of the time for me. BUT I don't like how she has destroyed her friendship with Jacqueline in the pursuit of this. I think it is safe to say RHOA Drew she is not. :D Second Two Curse? Even for all her lying, she still has potential if only because we have not dealt with Broke Mia yet. And I want to see where everyone will stand with her on that.


Good trip, but by this point, I was ready for the finale AND reunion.


So next time...finale...



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Oh, how I laughed at that.


You're not. Some people have been saying the same. And Twitter definitely has been arguing that very point along with the potential return of Mary to SLC given she skipped the second season reunion. It sets a standard and people are going to wonder...especially the housewives themselves.


Perhaps he will ask on that one on one.

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That's horrible! I'm no Caroline fan, but this is just wrong on so many levels and absolutely unjustifiable. I was here a really thinking Brandi did the Lords work and called out Caroline on writing the court letter for her sister's abusive ex-husband, but of course not. She just needs to stoop to the lowest point. 

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