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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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She probably did bring it up lol.  This time, Brandi should have, if that’s what happened.  These women think they can go back into the fire and not get burned?!?  Like how did Phaedra and Vicky get out of addressing how they left their shows in disgrace, etc. on Ex-Wives s1?!?  Lolol

However, Brandi is a tricky subject.  She is sooo desperate to be on Bravo that she will truly bring it… she’ll keep everything moving, but she takes it way too far and alienates herself from everyone.  And then no one will film with her.  And she also obviously can’t drink—she’s simply just not in control of herself, and this isn’t the environment for that because of all the triggers.  Like I’m sure she can get wasted around her real friends, like NY’s Kristen, and just be fun and crazy… but around these other Housewives where there is legit sabotage and paranoia happening, she just loses it.

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I'm on old-school RHONY fan. RHONY was my first RH show.

Obviously the good old days are gone. Bravo is not spending the kind of money it used to, either to produce these shows or garnish the HWs' wages. The OGs have been around since 2006 and expect salary increases. But, as we know, the TV ratings are not there.

After last season, the RHONY OGs no longer have any leverage. Ramona is gone. Dorinda and Jill are begging to join. Bravo can call the shots on how much it pays and whether this show lives or dies.

Personally, I am devastated, because RHONY at its best and brightest? Nothing can top it IMO. There were moments when RHONY was so funny, it could easily have been nominated for an Emmy. (Shout out also to the best editors in TV). 

S11-13 went from undercooked to truly dreadful. However (and maybe I am deluded), I believe the cast (with some judicious additions) would still have what it takes. These women have recalibrated their lives after Covid and have new social lives. There is nothing I'd love more than to see where their headspace is right now.

Salary talks may be prompting the above headlines. Either this is Bravo's tactic to silence salary demands, or Bravo was already pretty much done about 2 years ago and now it really is Done Done.

Edited by Cat
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Brandi does seem to like dipping her toe into that pond.  Remember in season 2 of UGT she hinted at wanting to loosen up Vicki by making out and Vicki was like 'no, not going to happen'.  

So I'm not surprise she tried that with Caroline.  She doesn't respect boundaries and I hope she suffers consequences for this.  

Edited by Soaplovers
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@Cat, I actually disagree, friend. Nina is not going to be a great loss. Yes, she provided great eye porn, but she is easily replaceable. I do think though that they need to cast about 2 Emirati or Arab woman fill her spot. Preferably, I'd prefer them casting another Emirati instead of an expat. That way, we can get another perspective of the UAE against Sara, which could cause conflict as Sara is a more progressive Emirati.

Also, there appears to be tons of characters in Dubai (non expats) as Dubai Bling (a Netflix reality show) has a ton of them. 

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We can agree to disagree. 

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 I don't think any of Dubai's first-season cast should be jettisoned, because we have only gotten a glimpse of their potential. The season was a total slow burn and it wasn't until the end (with a very decent reunion) that these women warmed up -- and we warmed up to them.

Is Nina a RH for the ages? No, and she stuck her landing at the reunion. But she had more to offer, including drama and tension with Lesa, Ayan, Brooks and Stanbury. In some ways, she gave more than Stanbury herself over the course of the season. We still haven't quite uncovered whether Nina is a sniper from the side. She is also gorgeous, rich and Muslim-Lebanese by way of Texas. Not someone you see on RHs every day.

RHODubai should, of course, add to the cast to see if anybody new brings something interesting to the table. RHODubai still needs to find its feet -- and an audience. It is like a baby gazelle struggling to walk.

I haven't seen Dubai Bling. Is it popular?

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Count me in as an OG NYC fan. The OG cast is my all-time favorite and Season 3 will remain my all-time favorite season of any franchise. 

It's sad the Legacy idea is fizzling away, because there is still an appetite for the originals. Look at how excited & curious longtime Housewives fans are to finally see Alex McCord again. Plus, so many have wanted a full-time return of Jill. Plus, the curiosity over whether Dorinda can pull herself back together, and there's always good old tried and true LuAnn and Sonjarita. 

Seeing RHONY: Legacy fall apart really solidifies the idea that Housewives are modern day soap operas and we the audience like to see our longtime favorites come and go and return and... stay. 

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Because Michael was doing it to other men.  If he did that to one of the women, he would be banned from appearing and maybe face consequences.

I'm surprised Brandi was removed, but she'll still be welcome at Bravo.  If it had been a man that did that to Caroline..he would be cancelled and charged. 

I have a feeling Caroline won't press charges...but won't want to be around Brandi.

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Regarding Dubai Bling, they had a bit of a following on Twitter. I've just seen a few clips and it gets chaotic. I remember seeing a clip of two women fighting on the show and tossing drinks, so again, it shouldn't be hard for them for find characters in Dubai.

I agree that messing with the cast after the first season is stupid but that has been a constant on most of these shows. Bravo removed Tiffany Hendra from the Dallas season 1, which I found to be stupid as she was the one person to rein Leeanne in. On Potomac, we all saw how stupid it was to get rid of Katie. They got it right (idea wise) with SLC in not messing with the cast and just adding new characters to add a new flavor to the mix. I thought they would've done the same with Dubai, but I guess not. I do agree that Nina had a lot of history with Lesa and Ayan that needed to be explored more. I do think that Nina will be a housewife we'll see return in the future though. 

Legacy is falling apart b/c these women think they should be getting 7 figures when they shouldn't. Their seasons post-Bethenny barely did well. NYC shot themselves in the foot by not accepting reasonable offers, putting out a stellar season, and then going back to the negotiating table for more next season.

Those women did Bravo a favor by shooting themselves in the foot. Now, their short-sightedness have given Bravo the green light to focus and push the RHONY reboot. I am actually excited for the reboot. This should also scare all these other shows into reminding them that ANYONE can be replaceable. However, most of these women should've drawn that conclusion with the mass exodus veterans being pushed out by Bravo (i.e., Nene, Vicki, and lately Ramona). No one is safe. 

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That saddens me. The whole cast should be back for Season 2.  And she definitely was giving wealth and connections. And French fries.


Yeah, I see so much love for NY from you, @Cat, and others. And it will feel weird to see my Countess not on my screen. Because it STILL has buzz on the strength of how much people loved Season 3. I can't believe they won't be back in some form or the other. 

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She should be fired for that sh*t. Like seriously. It is pure gaslighting and faking stories to prevent the actual truth from coming out. However, many of us have known for years that Juan has been stepping out as it has been on the blogs. And it infuriates me even more that many of the women knew that Karen was telling the truth but chose to uphold the lie. 

I hope Karen brings the lady on camera like Kenya did the Cookie Lady on RHOA in order to cause Robyn's face to crack. 

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