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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well remember when I said I would make it back to those 'filler' episodes? Lol.


I know it would appear opinion is mixed over this season of POTOMAC. One of the things I know we discussed here often has been no matter how dark a season might be (Season 5 comes to mind), these ladies have always managed to shift the show back into a light place, keeping things moving no matter what. Perhaps it's because there is so much history between the ladies that pre-date the show. Or the fact that now in Season 7 it's about time for contracts to come up, but perhaps things are more heightened than they normally are. Or they could be making up for Season 6 which was light, but a transitional season. In any case, I feel everyone (but Gizelle) are working, but there is A LOT going on. A person could get whiplash. 


That said, the best seasons do have calm episodes. And just like RHOA used to do before them, the ladies of RHOP have enough personality to carry these kind of episodes, bridging the gap between the Miami trip and the Mexico trip. I...actually didn't even feel like it was like filler episode watching tbh. Were there boring moments...oh yes. lol. What I found interesting however was that it was a case of building blocks. Everything that happened around the 3 episodes following the Miami trip perfectly set up or continued what was either going on (Mia/Jacqueline weird friendship) or setting up what was coming (La Dame vs GEB). And given the chaotic nature of the Miami trip...didn't we all need a break with some light fun?


If anything the thing that hold these calm episodes together was the fact that Gizelle FINALLY put in some work. She started to manipulate the cracks in the Mia/Jacqueline friendship. And she continued to stir the pot between Cha Cha and La Dame. Meanwhile, you had Ashley trying to start some mess with the Sesame Street Character (c) Candiace, leading to Mia's comment about how Candiace/Wendy are 8s (keep in mind she didn't like them at this point AND this could be seen as foreshadowing this past Sunday cliffhanger) while SSC is a 4.5. 


Going into the Mexico trip...everybody for me were like this...


LA DAME. Her delusions are always fun. And MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. That said...how was Mia mad at her when she was the ONLY one to give her the heads-up that the GEB were coming for her. SMH. And her show...well...the Countess she is not!!!

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But it was still fun. Meanwhile, the rivalry between her and Robyn was growing. She took every chance she had to shade Juan's roommate in her Confessionals about the wedding. Interesting given some online tea and this past Sunday.


GIZELLE. Well, she tried. lol. But who wanted to see or asked for Pastor Holy Wh#re to make an appearance? Thankfully after that lame attempt at a storyline, Gizelle went on to work the cracks between Mia and Jacqueline's friendship. And that wasn't including her trying to bring up her past with Patricia Bailey-Thomas. La Dame was smart enough to see what Gizelle was doing and trying to give a heads-up. So why can't Mia? Heck, Jacqueline even appeared to sense it. And of course, she took over from Robyn a bit to stir the drama between Cha Cha and La Dame.


ROBYN. I'm of two minds with her honestly. She's been bringing the mess this season and it sooo echoes for me S7 Cynthia on RHOA. And on first viewing of this past Sunday, that was the first time she held her own with La Dame a la the S7 RHOA reunion showdown with Cyn and Shady Phae Phae. She still lost on first viewing for me. But she was bringing it. That said...she has none of Cynthia's sass from that season. And I did not like that now that she was showing some backbone, she immediately flipflopped back to Gizelle's side rather than keep the truce he had with Wendy going. I was irked.


ASHLEY. One thing I can say for Ashley. I have always been surprised, but not surprised that she will ALWAYS find someone to film with even if Michael Darby does not want to film. How many relatives she have? That said, I can also count on Ashley to also be MESSY. And this plot with SSC was a case of that. Good, Candiace basically said

CANDIACE. The glowup is real!! lol. Or perhaps it's the fact that Candiace is playing the game VERY well. But she's been fun to watch. In Confessional. She has not really been engaging with the others outside of Wendy at this point. Oh, and that scene with Robyn to clear the air. And La Dame. But she's been focused on her career. As she should be. Using the HW platform to make better for her. Not hating on that. 


WENDY. is giving nothing but looks. She needed a break from carrying the last few episodes. She was just busy on surgery and her family. And great reaction shots. I stay living how her friendship with Candiace is bringing out the kind of sisterhood we want to see on these shows.


MIA. Smh. Second season curse? Because while she is still giving for me, she is coming across horrible as a person. I would hate her, but again...she owned who she is in her tagline. I am just sad she was fooled and continue to be fooled by Gizelle. Not that her friendship with Jacqueline isn't a weird one. And any scene with G...all I kept thinking was...she's broke. Since she appeared to have deactivated her account again online, I can only think they came for her at the reunion. 


As a calm before the storm that is LA DAME...a good set of episodes.


Next time...MEXICO...


Edited by Taoboi
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All the friends this season on SLC were crap from what I've seen of the clips.

Bravo really needs to either scrap this show, plead with Mary to return to save this drivel, or recast altogether. 

Honestly, just send Meredith (as she's the least annoying of the remaining four) to the NYC reboot as she lives in NYC most of the year anyway. Heather, Whitney, and Lisa can blow in the wind. 

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The one friendship I hoped would hold out. 

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(I imagine La Dame was hurt by what Candiace said to Ashley earlier this season. And we know Candiace was hurt by Karen defending Monique in S5. Candaice said she was keeping it light but superficial with Karen ever since then. That makes me sad).

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Not surprised if they fell out again. Candiace is a moron. For one, she can't be pissed that Karen remained with Monique. We all saw that Karen scolded Monique, BUT she also told her that she'd hold her hand throughout the process in getting help for her anger. That's what real friends do. 

Candiace is a fickle brat. I bet money she crawled back to Robyn as she yearns for her friendship for some reason. Plus, Candiace is under the grip of Charrisse too. 

Wendy, beware. She'll flip on you next. 

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Ashley is messy but smart overall when it comes the the Housewives game. She and the Grande Dame always have each other's backs nowadays. Plus, she's friends with the GEB's. She's in good with all the Season 1 vets, even the bump on a log. 

I was surprised Ashley made it out scot free with taking Karen's accusations about Juan and telling Robyn right away. Instead of Robyn blurting out that she heard it from Ashley, Karen went ahead and dropped the bomb all on her own at the table, and it was glorious, lol. 

And Bravo's sketch drawing of the other woman.... LOL MESS! 

I can't believe Wendy's finally growing on me. Her reactions to other people's bombshells are priceless. Plus, I think getting potentially iced out of the show humbled her (and thank GOD she dropped that Zen Wen bullcrap). Candiace has also redeemed herself in my eyes. 

Mia continues to be a trash person living a fake life with no redeeming qualities. [Side Note: Mia is exactly like my old friend "Diana" who found herself in a cult, mentioned in an Off Topic thread a couple years back. They are like twins in their appearance and overall fakery] 

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Hehe. Thank you. I've been taking forever to post around my work schedule(s) and I saw it being discussed over the last few months. It's why I'm just now talking about the filler episodes last night before the Mexico trip.  lol. And it's funny how Wendy does not seem to be jelling, but yet outside of Candiace, she is all everyone has talked about the first third of the season.


And Messy Mia...who is a horrible person...but IS owning it somewhat and still giving a lot so good TV at least. 


Now no one is touching that level for sure. At least not yet. 


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Salt Lake City... seems to have a lot of questionable characters in their cast of players it seems.

Jen Shah bilking the elderly

Jennie's Facebook posts

Angie K's questionable photo friends... Lisa's designer label choices.

Heather seems off her rocker so who knows what kind of dealings this girl has going on that hasn't come to the surface yet.

And former housewife Mary also possibly being a cult leader.. and let's not forget her ignorant/borderline racist remarks about Asians and Hispanics.


And here I thought the OC and Dallas wore the crown for questionable toxic behavior... who knew Salt Lake City was coming for that crown.



Karen (or La Dame as all of you refer to her) is over-rated... and her day of being exposed will come one day.

Ashley is messy.. and I pity any man that dates her post Michael... because she will be the stereotypical single mom that is more toxic than appealing.

@Taoboi Reason Candiace isn't engaging with the women outside of Wendy is because she actually has a life to live that doesn't revolve around the show.



I don't know if this had been discussed... but Ana from season 2 was on some podcast and she was really throwing shade against Marysol.  Which might actually make Marysol interesting/relevant enough to get that lead housewife role come next season maybe?

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@Soaplovers and I love Candiace for that. It's what I wanted for her...and the direction she was going in at the start of Season 5 before everything went left. She was recording music, lining up acting gigs, and had time to try to make amends with the ladies that season. She was showing growth AND using the show as a platform for better things. 


The fact that she has showed up for the most part from mid-Miami to now as a voice of reason is quite telling on her growth. Her? Or all people? It is almost shocking. Moreso because while she still has her fire and can still read, she has shown a level of restraint S3 and S4 Candiace never could do and S5 Candiace tried, but usually failed to do. 

That's nothing new. Ana's been exposing Marysol since Season 3. 


It hasn't been mentioned here yet. I saw it, but have not had time to listen to it. Yet. 

I hope someone gags her with this at the reunion...which films TOMORROW. 


Cuz ewww.

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