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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think Mia had a cancer scare/misdiagnosis and she spoke too soon. We've all seen that Mia interprets information wrong all the time. I'd imagine she really interpreted what the doctor said as she was possibly hysterical and scared at the time. I think Gizzy was tacky for questioning Mia they way she did. She could've done it with more tact like Karen did. 


I partially get why Ashley is getting a house with Michael but then I don't. That situation is confusing, but as long Ashley comes out victorious, that's all that matters. 


Next week is the start of cheating claims with Chris...


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Yeah when the cancer stuff was going down in real time that was what it sounded like. I want to say she cleared it up easily enough, too. If anything this will be a nice mini-arc. 


That said...jealous. As expected, my system went out before I could get to the premiere tonight so I will have to wait. 

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IA, Mia got a scare and spoke too soon. She posted as she attempted to process the news, and she's a millennial addicted to Twitter, so of course she lives on social media. Gizelle was looking for shady wrongdoing where there was none, because once Mia got a clear diagnosis, she posted about that, too. The thing that turned me off a little bit about Mia last year was how knowing she was (or thought she was) about the RH game. She really thought she did something at reunion, too, when she kind of didn't.

After a near-disastrous turn last year, I've been warming to Candiace during the off-season. This first episode though... the way she talks to Chris is too harsh and dismissive IMO. I know she wants their schedules to mirror, but when you marry a chef/caterer, it is going to be long hours and nights. Also: suddenly she's all about supporting Ashley? I had whiplash with that OOC U-turn.

Did you see Chris's grimace after Gizelle attempted to make fake small-talk? He does not like nor trust her (nor should he). Interesting that Gizelle is trying to build a case that Chris is hitting on her. 

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. New houses, LLCs and no lawyers? Why am I thinking this 'divorce' suddenly looks a little hinky? Those two have always had a marriage of convenience and secrets.  As Charrisse said: "I don't know. They tend to have... these stories."

Karen still rules the roost IMO, to the extent that Giz is anxious to stay pals with her. I see the Grande Dame label continues to live rent-free in both Robyn and Charrisse's heads. Karen's impression of Ray with Katie in the preview left me LOL.

Eddie is still adorable as hell. My question is, what will Wendy's evolution be this season? Primping or policing conversations? I see Gizelle isn't speaking to her for some reason. After what Gizelle tried to pull last year, she should be apologizing to Wendy.

Amazing opening episode. So glad Potomac is back!

Edited by Cat
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  • It is nice seeing the OG four ladies getting along... but we know this won't be lasting. But it's nice seeing it.
  • I still don't like Mia. At all. She needs to GO!
  • Wendy is serving 1990s hip-hop star in her confessional look.
  • I like Candiace. I like Chris. I don't like Candiace & Chris together. It's toxic.
  • Ashley is a f**king mess, and clearly does not want a damn divorce.
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Poor Cynthia. She seemed so into him too. 

Not for nothing, but it'd be nice if she and Porsha came back to RHOA.

Yeah, I'm not sure it suits her either. Cynthia seems like someone who prefers her own company and is naturally a bit of a loner.

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This is where Bravo should be kicking themselves in the a** b/c they could've captured Porsha's upcoming nuptials, Nene's issues with Brent, and Cynthia's divorce all on camera if they weren't so premature about everything. Personally, if I were a Bravo exec, I'd be pitching bringing all three women back on the show right now for the 15th season. 

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Maybe all but Nene. She burned those bridges and the door is CLOSED. Also I dont think Brent dealing with health issues is a storyline.  Its on the same level as Gregg's cancer and that was depressing, not exactly entertaining tv that put Nene at her best


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Yes, it's not entertaining but it's insightful for the most part. These shows can educated properly at times too. I think the audience would want to see Brent's journey to overcoming this ailment too. And I am not concerned about Nene having burned bridges as countless talents have sued the network and it became water under the bridge. Bravo can do the same. These shows are starting to wane and they need to pull out all stops to keep them running a wee bit longer. Nene does have a strong following. 

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