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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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For sure. I think it's interesting that Andy chose to believe Heather over Tamra. He knows Tamra has been doing this podcast for a while and seemed to have no issue with it until now.

As for your tea about Nicole -- 100% agree that the Dubrows made Nicole disappear after two episodes -- just as her story was taking off! Production obviously acquiesced quickly to their demands, but what is notable is that production did not leak to the press at the time about the escándalo. That would have put Heather & Terry under pressure throughout filming with rumors flying around, but instead Evolution let it all go. That's not how production has handled other offscreen dust-ups (LVP  & LucyLucyAppleJuice, for example). Production likes to leak when it suits them to build momentum regarding the show. So maybe producers really are afraid of the Dubrows.

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@Chris B not famous enough? lol. But yeah. The fact that my supervisor went to the concert and had video and you would have never known how they were earlier in the day. smh.


And THANK YOU (and @Cat and @Soaplovers) for all the Linda tea. It was not registeriing that you all were talking about Brody Jenner (le sigh HILLS)'s mom. Wow. Small world and she did soooooo much I see. I'm intrigued. 


And that OC TEA??? I'm still working my way through the current OC season (I'm on the Heather/Gina in NY episode) and NJ, but I cannot believe it. I was happy to see Heather back, but she has to see that she needs an enemy to be relevant right now and Noella appears to be giving just that. I guess it is telling that Nicole and Noella are still friends though. And it makes the clips of Noella mentioning Nicole has a tale and she would not say what it was even more interesting. 



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Stanbury is a FLOP. Unless she turns it around, I see her maybe lasting another 1-2 years on this show tops. All the other girls are providing enough content that they didn't even need her. I get she was the selling point but jeez. At least she provided some content as she is now starting to beef with Lesa (aka Milan) as she is NOT afraid of conflict. If you don't know, go watch BET's College Hill South Beach. 


Thirty-three million for a single digit license plat is CRAZY. Nina's fine a** hubby (because he is definitely a zaddy) needs to direct that money elsewhere. But he said it so casually, I am beginning to think that it was nothing for him. 



Diana can go. I find her cold, whiny, and racist trash. I cannot wait for Garcelle to dig into her next week. 


Erika continues to be a trash heap. When she said she didn't feel responsible in the lawsuit, I wanted to vomit. Lady, you pocketed 20 million of those people's money yourself in an LLC. How can you not feel bad? I hope they use that clip (along with countless others) against her in the upcoming lawsuit. Lock her a** up. 


Rinna grieving about Lois does nothing for me. I still refer back to how she led the calvary against LVP when her brother, Giggy, and mom died back to back. Hell, she still harasses the woman years later. It is sickening. Bravo can miss me with the pity edit. Not working at all. 


Speaking of LVP, Dorit saying on WWHL (last night) that she saw LVP at a party months after the incident (and proven text msgs) that she should've approached them is ludicrous. If I sent you a text and you didn't response, I am not approaching you at a party. I'd register that as you didn't want to be bothered and keep it moving. Dorit is a dumbass and I waffle between whether this robbery was real or staged. 

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I must say, the funniest part of Girls Trip was when Vicki revealed she was an anti-vaxxer and you immediately see the concern from Phaedra, who was laid back thinking everybody was vaccinated. Then all the flashbacks of Vicki coughing around her had me SCREAMING! That was pure comedy! 

I really enjoyed the first two episodes. It’s an odd cast, but they have good chemistry. I thought Taylor and Eva would be weak links but they were both standouts. It’s nice to see Kennedy as a teen and to see Taylor happy! I’ll always have a soft spot for Taylor and Kim because without them, BH wouldn’t be what it was, but they didn’t get to benefit as much as the others because it’s the early seasons. 

Tamra was surprisingly laid back in the first two episodes, but she’s good as Vicki’s sidekick. Vicki is still great tv (and insane) and Brandi is still an absolute trash bag. Eva fit in so much better than Monique would’ve. 

It was also nice to see Dorinda again and Jill. You could feel the tension between the two. I wonder if they’ll bring up Dorinda blocking Jill from being a Friend Of in season 11.

Edited by Chris B
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I actually think all these women are more entertaining than the OG Girl's Trip.  I think the pressure is off these women now and they can just let loose since they have already been fired.  I liked all of them though (including Brandi) so it might be more appealing to me alone

I definitely thought Eva was going to be the weak link but she's not at all.  Maybe RHOA was too many overpowering personalities for her in that setting?  She's reminding me now why I loved her on America's Next Top Model so much. 

I actually do think Tamra and Vicki were waiting to jump on Brandi.   I know Brandi sets herself up, but everyone being so up in arms about her saying b**ch and Shut the eff is not that big of a deal and the way she has always spoken.  I think it was clear when Brandi was sitting at the table at dinner wanting everyone to go around and ask questions about their seasons and was immediately shot down.  If anyone else ask that-it would have been fine.  Idk, I don't think Brandi is a victim exactly, but it's clear Tamra/Vicki did have an aim to try to turn everyone against her.

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Well tbf...have we not always said that you could put ANY of the RHOA Housewives in any of the cities, and they would come across as a strong personality...whether it was someone like Nene all the way to someone like...hmmm Deshawn? Especially versus something like take a HW from another city and putting them in RHOA (cuz they would eat Erika Payne alive on that show).

Kenya proved it with the first ALL STARS and it sounds like Shady Phae Phae and Eva the Diva are going to prove it with the second one. 

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This is very true. I think Eva was a decent housewife. Her problem is that she was always pregnant which would put a stop to how much she could participate. I mean look at her now, pregnant again so she isn’t doing any promo for the show. 

@CatI do agree Vicki and Tamra wanted a problem with Brandi, but she lost me with how she did my girl Shauna. She was wrong for that, but Shauna gathered her ass right up. 

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@NothinButAttitude Diana, aka Budget Alleged Ghislaine Maxwell, does nothing for me either. This bored random with her parched voice and licking lips. She says she doesn't like Garcelle? Does anybody in the cast truly like her, though? Apart from Erika I-need-a-job-and-a-sugar-daddy Girardi. Can we get Yolanda back instead?

BH is apparently going like gangbusters in the ratings, though. Kudos to the show!



I also agree that Caroline Stanbury is doing minimal work (except perhaps when her kids are on-screen). The rest of the cast is putting in effort and giving us their home-life, work, petty rivalries and personal back stories. Stanbury thinks she can coast this, but RHODubai would probably not miss a beat if she decided to check out.

I am really enjoying the show and the slice-of-life view of what is going on in each women's lives. Sara's viewpoint in particular (and wow, did Brooks reference Sara pre-plastic surgery? Shady!). The ratings are not high, however. A US TV audience may be largely uninterested in shows set in foreign locales, and it isn't highly dramatic. Ladies of London, too, struggled to find an audience outside of some core fans. I wonder if it would be better if RHUGHT were on Bravo, but RHODubai were on Peacock where a worldwide audience could access it immediately. I think RHOMiami reboot may have benefited from some foreign viewers streaming the show and getting included in its ratings.


Every time one of the BH women is on WWHL, LVP gets brought up. It's either Andy being obsessive, or she lives rent-free in the Coven's head. It's so weird!

With that text-message mess, LVP was damned if she did, damned if she didn't. Dorit initially tried to say that LVP didn't reach out and boohoo, isn't she cruel. Then LVP ponied up her text receipts. Then the narrative changed to, oh, it wasn't the right kind of text message and why didn't Lisa follow up with a phone call? Leave her be, already. You got her off the show, mission accomplished. Just hug your kids and be grateful that it was only your Fucci (Fake Gucci) collection those people stole.

Edited by Cat
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I was gonna say that I really like Eva on Girls Trip 2. Her positivity is a breath of fresh air, and she’s funny. And she even bared her claws for a moment against Vicki (“I am NOT the one!”), who immediately backed down.

Agreed that the pile-on towards Brandi is over the top, at least from what we’re being shown. Her self-absorption is annoying (no, Russell’s suicide wasn’t all about you), and I can see why Taylor would be pissed at her, but Tamra/Vicki were egging it on.

Edited by Faulkner
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