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@Taoboi @Soaplovers TT has a spate of blind items this weekend that all seem to point to Tiffany Moon -- or at least to her husband's family which owns the Sam Moon Group in Dallas. This may explain why Tiffany suggested a few months back that she might not return for a second season.


Lowkey devastated because I love Dr. Tiffany Moon. I have to imagine that this info came out at the RHOD Reunion and that is why TT is hearing about it now from her source. Why am I picturing Kary as the source?? She'd be all over that scandal like a fly on sh*t.


@Chris B Thanks, I wondered what it was. She does not seem to have had (much) work done on closer inspection, but it was so weird how I couldn't even recognise at first. Her face looks less round in the new wig, and contouring has helped.


Totally agree with you re; RHOA needing a new production team. The editing (specifically the editing out of key scenes they later are forced to show a snippet of in flashback) is a total embarrassment. RH editing is usually top notch -- RHONY being a prime example with its clear through-lines and quirky details. With ATL, I guess that's what you get when you replace Carlos King's team (they did RHONJ's first season, too) with producers whose claim to fame was the basic, cheapo, dully-scripted Tardy For the Party.

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The season started with a bad wig; it ended with a bad wig.


When even Porsha is tired of you, it is probably time to go. Or mellow out.

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And wow have the tables turned. After starting the season as a tryhard, Latoya did what I said would happen (even with bad editing) and mellowed out by the end of it a la Season 5 to Season 6 Kenya. And for the second episode in a row, she was unbothered by Drew trying to start mess. So different than how she was at the beginning of the season. Drew has completely lost the plot in her bid to be relevant, revealing how desperate she is. Shame since she was the shoe-in. However...I personally feel they should all be bad (with good editing and a better production) because I do feel the potential is there. Even with current tryhard Drew. Another season should reveal enough to make it all interesting. 


As far as finale goes...I liked it. Technically what main plots this season had (Cynthia and her wedding, Latoya v Drew, Kenya v Porsha) all had some conclusion...for now-ish to them. I have always felt this season was a transitional one so it would be nice to see where this potential would go...perhaps with the return of Sheree? 


KENYA. Knowing what I know now...I'm not sure how I feel about Marc and her. I do hope she has finally decided to divorce him for real. Bad person or good, no one deserves to be used one someone isn't interested. And that was how I felt Kenya was at right now. And it's time for her to get back to how she is...messy. I loved her staying on Drew's neck and look forward to her doing the same with Drew at the reunion. It...is what she deserves. Good or bad, Kenya kept it interesting. So...WINNER.


PORSHA. Honestly...other than reactions...she was a non-factor this time around. I think reading that VOICES OF BRAVO article had me side-eyeing her now the first half of the reason. .The second half, she had me hollering. And there was so many times she looked like she had already checked out of her friendship with Drew. A big uh oh. But...she is growing for sure. So...WINNER.


KANDI. Is that 'Imma drag a bitch' Kandi I saw for a second. LOL!!! Yeah, when even the mild mannered one getting over Drew, too and her messiness, that's not GOOD. So come through Kandi with that. Other than that, keeping it moving has been Kandi's theme all season. So...WINNER.


CYNTHIA. hahaha...was giving looks, shade, and a happy married life. So while we all questioned her for even doing her wedding when someone like Kelly Dodd can do it within Co-Vid protocols, she still came out of this season in a good place. So...WINNER.


DREW. Lint. Just wow at the turnaround. She started what appeared to be so transparent with her life. Now I see here as Phaedra 2.0. And Shady Phae Phae did her act better.  It all feels like an act. My bad. Not all because the scene with her son and her dad felt real. It was giving me memories back to when I first met my own father as a kid. And I was that kid. It took 30 years to build a relationship with him because he was a stranger to me when it was only my mother and my siblings. So I'll give her that. And even that, I question since her son was not ready. And then her bringing back that wig? Talk about sour grapes. Everyone else moved on. So should you. It was simply her looking for a moment. That thanks to the tag-team of Kenya and Latoya flopped. No wonder she had to choose violence. Nice try, heffa. LOSER.


LATOYA. Speaking of turnabouts...she should come back. I said. She has softened enough to me that I would want her to. And she triggers Drew so much. Let's see where that rivalry goes. WINNER.


A transitional season. Ready for NY and of course POTOMAC.

I saw @Cat re: Blind Items. I am hoping it is not true on one hand, but waiting on some real news to report it. On the OTHER hand, it's funny she went and found some blind items pointing to an Asian cast member given the drama she herself just had on Twitter over coming across as racist to Asians. So...we'll see. 

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I read this article about Latoya of RHOA and it got me thinking



1. From watching the show I would never know that she was a Youtuber

2. There was no mention of the extent of the abuse in her relationship (which would have effected the way we viewed the gossip about an affair with the profit)

3. There was hardly any mention of her children, I had no idea she had four kids so young, and when everyone was complaining about Kenya bringing her baby, what was Latoya's take on that situation?

4. She clearly has a complicated history with alcohol that went unexplored


Overall, I am much more interested in the Latoya from this article than I am about the one portrayed on the show.

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I know. I bring it up with trepidation considering the source -- it was FOUR Blind Items this weekend all seemingly targeting the same cast member (Tiffany). The Dallas-based details made me wonder if another cast member had reached out to TT directly. And then that got me wondering if it was brought up at Reunion. That's why I mention it here as a head's up -- just in case.



ETA: RHONY Taglines!


Eboni's is great! Luann and, yes, Leah's are decent too.


Ramona's is a lie LOL


The cast feels small, sort of has me wishing an anchor like Heather had been part of the official line-up.



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Ooh love the taglines! The vets look amazing in their new shots! 


Yes, it feels short to only have 5 castmembers, especially since RHONY was the one U.S. Housewives series to have a whopping 8 castmembers at one point, giving us an opening nearly as long as Melrose Place's. 



I gave Drew leeway all season long, but boy did she show her ass at the finale. God that reeked of desperation. It was like she did a last-minute crash course study on how to stir up [!@#$%^&*] at a Dinner Party From Hell and EVERYTHING fell flat.  LOL, I loved how she tried so hard to explain her reasoning and everyone was just checked out. It's like, sis, read the room and stop; you lost. 


I can see them giving her another season unless they grow somes stones and do a hard reboot of Atlanta next season. Hubby and I were deciphering Drew's legacy. He equated her to a Kim Fields; I said a Claudia Jordan. We'll see if she's a one and done. I'll miss seeing Ralph though...

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And LuAnn with that shoulder turn. *swoons* Viva la Diva!!!


They were easily my favorites.


I love how Leah looked in her shots. 


I didn't love Ramona or Sonja, but they looked gorgeous. And LOVE Sonja's full body turn. I love twirling. Don't hate me.

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I thought the same thing yesterday. It would be one thing if it was one blind item that sounded like her...but FOUR. It came across like her slip was showing (c) Mariah Huq. And that was a BAD look for TT. 


That would be juicy (but sad) if it is all true and it came out at the reunion. Well some cast members have been known to reach out to her so that is possible. But you make me realize that other than the covid reveal, we have heard NOTHING about the reunion. And I think we have 2 or 3 episodes left. Hmmmm


Thank you for the heads up.  


ETA: You know I love you @Gray Bunny but I agree with your hubby on this one. It's been years and people STILL  mention Claudia Jordan (who did her cameo at Cynthia's wedding this year) due to her reading Nene for filth and STILL post that clip of it...as early as a few days ago on Twitter as a matter of fact (thank you, Peach Report) which has aged reeeeal well. Meanwhile, Kim Fields...uh I love her...but they is very rare that anyone post about her or her arguments from when she was on RHOA. I see Drew...unless she does something to stand out next season...going the way of a Kim rather than a Claudia. 

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Tamara Tattles hasn’t been 100% with he tea lately, but her new post is juicy. Link: https://tamaratattles.com/2021/04/19/exclusive-rhoa-tea-2/


According to Tamara Tattles, Bravo is as disappointed as us in the latest season of RHOA and they’re in a sort of RHOC situation where they don’t have any good talent on deck and they don’t know what to do. They’re rushing Potomac out sooner to save their Sunday night lineup. 

As of now LaToya isn’t expected to be back. Kenya is on the bubble because of the issue with Marc not letting Brooklyn film. Sheree, Phaedra and Eva are the only pass housewives they’d consider returning, but it’s not set in stone any would actually come back. Her source also said the reunion is “trash.”


Hopefully they can put their thinking caps in. They still have plenty of time before filming. It’s amazing that Atlanta has so much big talent on various reality shows, but the show that out Atlanta on the map can’t get anybody. To me that speaks to casting and their overall production team. 

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Agree about TT which is why I am waiting for more news to put up about the Moons before I take any of those BIs to be 1)true and 2) about the moons. 


But I just got out of the shower and was just thinking that yes, RHOA is in the SAME situation of OC...good reality shows that could be counted on that now look highly problematic.


And yes, that is done to production at this point. 


ETA: Darrrrrn I don't think I've ever since her so over it all.


And 'I OOPS' at her response re: Tanya.



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Problem with Drew was that she tried too hard.  First seasons should be about being yourself, being authentic, and observing the crazy around them.  


Also, Drew just lacks charisma or the wow factor in photos..and in her talking heads.


With Nene gone, the show needed to find someone interesting to help with the transition (i.e. Porsha and Kenya in season 5) and they failed.


I can't recall any successful new additions since season 5 on Atlanta. 




I'm ready to hide...but I don't like Karen.  



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YOU are ready to hide? I actually like *Gizelle* so imagine what it's like for me. lol
But the good thing about Potomac is that I am interested in all of them, even the ones that get on my nerves.  I think Karen gets an easy ride from the fandom (her move out of Potomac *was* shady and she *was* lying) but she is a great TV character even though I would not want to have anything to do with her in real life.

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I like Gizelle too! But I also love Karen. Their banter is A+. I pretty much can find something to enjoy with everyone on Potomac (yes, even Candiace). One thing: the RHOP women are ALL skilled fighters. There’s not a shrinking violet in the bunch.

Beverly Hills is (almost) the opposite for me, which is why I won’t be watching. I just don’t find these women likable. At all. It’s unpleasant as a viewer. Those first 2-3 seasons (and select later moments like Amsterdam) were brilliant, though.

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