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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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IA with @alwaysAMC -- the trailer does seem more relaxed without 'the Locken' (c) and maybe a reset is what's needed. And yes, Tiffany is going to be a know-it-all and bossy, maybe annoyingly so. She is super Type A, and both Tiger Mom/Tiger Daughter. That's a fascinating phenomenon to me. Also, sometimes, what a viewer wants isn't always what a viewer needs. Tiffany looks like she will be messy and doing the most and I'm ok with that for now.


A few moments that stood out for me:

-Stephanie and Travis's chemistry must be one of the strongest of any married couple on Bravo!


-D'Andra's New Face saying "You think I'm an opportunistic person that does things for personal gain." Momma Dee: "You're darned right I do!"

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-D'Andra's New Face and Brandi deluding themselves into thinking they are the heroines of this show. In actual fact, the audience is probably rooting for their downfall, and Kary's, too.


-Karen Brandi trotting out the 'suicide' card after getting called out for racism. 

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Dallas looks solid! I had to roll my eyes when Brandi said she contemplated suicide. That’s a damn lie. She knew when she racked Leaanne over the coals that she had done that. People called her out online for it. She’s just trying to avoid responsibility by making herself the victim in this situation. If she were truly sorry she’d apologize fully and we’d see footage of her growing, not making excuses. I’m glad Tiffany will be around to let her have it. 

One good thing is that they didn’t show Jen in the trailer and rumor has it she’s a part of major drama. I love when they don’t show everything in the trailer. They showed just enough to make me want to watch!

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While I agree with @Cat that a reset was needed after last season, my issue is with bringing back Kary (transparent ho...and that's me being nice given how she and she THE PERSON ALONE triggers me), D'Andra (still looking like LeeAnne-Lite in more ways than one) and Brandi (who shouldn't be back just like LeeAnne shouldn't be back with a transparent redemptive arc with a topic-suicide-that also triggers me with its fakery...HELL NO. F#$% HER)? Yeeeeah NO.


And then...there's Tiffany...who I have already duped in my head, Asian Kenya!!! Just like Kenya in Season 5, she came in blazing and guess what? I don't mind. With the news of Asian Housewife over at BH who appears so far online as nice, mild, but straight forward, it is nice to see the other side of the spectrum...which makes sense since she's a doctor she would be straight forward. And I liked that she called Brandi out for that video. NOW I hope she goes in on the fact that Brandi DOUBLED DOWN JUST LIKE LEEANNE DID when people called her out online. 


But let me divide this up...because while overall I am meh to it, the season does have potential.




The one thing I noticed from the trailer was the fact that yes...without the Locken (hehe) there for them attack...I mean bounce off of...like the BH girls sans LVP the girls have to step up their game. And also with LVP gone, the girls did start last season trying to snatch the crown for Queen Bee. And there's hints of that for the Dallas girls as well. LeeAnne was the Queen and with her gone, they definitely are trying to establish a Queen Bee. D'Andra thinks it's her, but look at her already trying to throw Kary under the bus. Then you see Kary trying to do to Asian Kenya what she did with the Locken...and Asian Kenya...ain't biting. Asian Kenya is going for it. Meanwhile, we still have Jen (not in the trailer) waiting in the wings as well. Who will get the crown? Hmmm....MAMA DEE.

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I admit the energy is not bad in the trailer at all.


And like @Chris B said...Jen is nowhere in the trailer. I am curious what she did to make her go from new Housewife to Friend. And she is definitely in on the drama. I mean she got into it with everyone, too I think. Means that they are not showing everything in the trailer and I hope it stays that way in a GOOD way. After all, Season 4 did not have LeeAnne's comments in the first trailer either.




While on one hand they took a different approach with Co-Vid, I worry that given what I've seen out of Texas and what pictures I've seen, they are not taking it seriously. But again, I don't think anyone caught it during filming so perhaps they did.


Sorry. Step and Trav for me. Over. Which is sad. I was already over Stephanie since she was after all exposed as two faced though her personal experience made me still admire her, but Trav's online presence this year has made me turn off to the couple. And I sadly have found myself unable to unsee it.


Brandi using the suicide bait. I hope when that airs she is dragged within an inch of her life. I remember how that went down in real time during the Season Four reunion and I call BS on that. Sorry, not sorry. You messed up. You didn't own it. You ran. Then you went on tour, Step, and Leeanne-Lite and not only kept making light of it, but drag Cary into the drama as a deflect. No, Bitch. You are just trying to save your image. And it is disgusting that Bravo also did not *AdrienneMaloof*show you the door*AdrienneMaloof*.



So I guess...I'm here for Asian Kenya, Kameron, any Cary sightings, and the downfall of those Texan witches. I gladly own that. But I said that post-Season Four Reunion. So I guess hate-watching...?


OH and also @Cat... hahahahahaha at the LeeAnne...I mean D'Andra New Face shade. 

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That was surprisingly easy and breezy. To be fair...other than one episode...that has been the theme for the whole season. It's been a great season. And now it feels like those old cartoons where there were two-, three-, five- parters where the action just builds. And looks like it will build right into the reunion where Gizelle just might get the drag she's been needing for SEASONS now. 


WWHL this week had the foreshadowing with THE BINDER...lol. Cannot wait.


As for this week...


ASHLEY. So...MESSY ASHLEY IS BACK!!!! And it used to bug me. And last night it did bug me. HOWEVER, at this point it is more like another layer with Ashley than it is all of her. I felt like she was always Messy Ashley. And as I've said this season, motherhood has slowed her. It has matured her. But it's good to know that part of her is still in there somewhere. I love that the Monique/Karen friendship is strong enough that it can withstand her messiness. Meanwhile, the scene with her family was ironic given that Michael supports MOST of them. So the angle there was probably in Ashley's contract with Michael for her to stay. And then Michael is going to be messy next week due to his lust for Juan. hehe.


KAREN. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley...you tried.

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 However, La Dame can always take a bad hand and play it well. That she lied so flawlessly while Ashley had Monique in front of her should have let you know one cannot come for a Queen. T   That said...it should be obvious that she was visibly nervous during that Monique/Candiace near-miss. Probably because she was forced to do it. Messy production? Love that her storyline with Ray is coming to a neat conclusion. She will always be some what goofy. She will also always be La Dame, having a party and leaving it when the girls wanted to start mess when they should be happy she kept them separate from Monique. We even got a Matt cameo!!! Viva La Dame!!!


GIZELLE. I usually pick on her. But as usual...when Kal appears so too does her humanity. And it was clear that she was actually hurt that Mr. Chocolate was a no-show. And I actually felt sorry for her. THAT felt real. And her daughters not liking their dad anyway, but still being strong for her was sweet. She needs to let this go because she can do so much better. Heck, even Kal's face revealed that.


ROBYN. SHUT UP, ROBYN. Good that La Dame got you together.




CANDIACE. Quit. We see you. And even if I didn't, the fact that she was online and viewers were re-tweeting her attacking people online last night. Not a good look. Why would she be worried when she just bought a new house unless she got some 'bad' news. A firing perhaps...or she knows the trouble coming her way next week.


MONIQUE. God, she is so beautiful. On the show and on WWHL. Her afrofuturism looks stay fierce. And it was great seeing her. And the binder on WWHL. Can't wait.


Now...I'm just worried. The reunion trailer is this week. And if Bravo was smart hehe, they will hold it until Friday so it does not overshadow DALLAS. But we will see...


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Another winner of an episode.


Gizelle: Face it. Your kids see Mr. Chocolate for what he is. They gave up on him a long time ago. You would be wise to do the same. That photoshoot was nearly tragic with how Gizelle was trying to spin it as being OK. Gizelle is such a hater against Karen's businesses, when her own Every Hue is liquidated...where did Karen's business come from, she ponders? From planning, quiet cultivation, and straightforward execution. 


Ashley: Messy! She tried it, but La Dame is slicker than she is. 


Wendy: Next.


Candiace: She is trash. The victim act is a joke! 


Monique: Looking gorgeous and very Dominique Deveraux in that gorgeous coat at the wig party. She is smart and knows she has to keep hustling and keep aligned with Karen otherwise she's going to be totally ostracized. 


Robyn: Dumbass. Stop trying to play with the big leagues. She always looks so shocked when La Dame nukes her without thinking twice. 


Karen: Adore her. Karen is fun, goofy, and can gather her enemies and destroy them before getting into her SUV and booking it for dinner. Her wigs look high quality. She got the name and the packaging highlighted. And when Robyn tried her, she left her speechless with a flawless blow. 

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Karen was caught twice and each time she wriggled free! At the end of the telephone call with Ashley, she said "You tried, Ashley" and I cackled! I understand her playing both sides -- she wanted to reassure Candiace that Monique would not be coming, while at the same time assure Monique that she was not being excluded per se. Which leads me to...


Candiace. Why are you boohooing again with the pointy napkin? Because Karen saw Monique earlier but then made her leave before you got there? And this is a bad thing because...? SHE PRIORITISED YOU. Also, I'm no Ashley fan, but Miss Traumatized Victim is vindictive and nasty calling her trash.


Oh, Ashley. Why are you doing Gizelle/Robyn/Wendy/Candiace's dirty work for them? Is this to deflect from the character statement you wrote for Monique? 


Me watching Tamra Karen in the bath with Eddie Ray.

idk, schitts creek, schittscreek, fine, poptv, pop tv, i dont know, maybe,  dan levy, david rose, i guess, ‎reazioni, why not, sometimes, acceptance,  ok then, okay then, accept, if you say so,


Robyn sneering about Karen's wig launch in a strip-mall hair salon? Girl, you are back-paying the IRS on an instalment plan! AS IF you are above strip malls! AS IF that $1.6mn house you toured was ever an option. 


Gizelle. I wasn't sure before, but I am now. The Jamal fauxmance is as non-existent as Every Hue. I know it, you know it, the daughters know it. And they are DONE pretending. The thing that really sealed it, though, was Gizelle snapping at a producer in her VT. Way too defensive. Her inability to project any kind of emotion basically says 'This fake-ass SL was a flop. Not even the crew believes me.' I fully expect a "Sherman Jamal and I broke up" speech to her daughters next week.


Wendy's bat-signal went NUTS when she sensed Karen was leaving. And those piss-poor dramatics as she shouted at everybody at the party? Good lord, this self-important twit. Even her mom was like 'enough' when Four Degrees berated her for -- yes, you guessed it -- NOT ACKNOWLEDGING THAT SHE HAS FOUR [!@#$%^&*] DEGREES. 



Oh noes. I missed that. Let me guess: they are hardcore Drumpfers/anti-BLMers. 

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It's actually spooky how close D'Andra's New Face has gotten to its target goal!

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Dallas looks like a straight bore. That trailer did not entice me to want to watch at all. If anything it makes me wanna riot for Miami to return and take it's place. Hell, even bring back DC too. 


That trailer was abysmal. And I am NOT here for watching Brandi being made some victim when she did the same sh*t Leeanne did. She should be held to the fire and canned too. There is no measuring stick when it comes to racism. IMO, one bad act is bad enough. If Brandi was gonna be brought back to have her feet held to the fire, so should Leeanne. Bravo needs to get this sh*t together across they board. You can't fire Stassi/Kristen/Max/that other boy I can't remember but keep Jax and Kentucky Fried Tits on Pump Rules. You can't fire Ravenel but keep Catherine on Southern Charm. And all of the OC cast needs to go in this case. Just a mess. 


Moving on to my beloved Potomac, I am so ready for the reunion to see Monique whip that binder out and get b*tches in order. I am glad to hear (via WWHL) that Monique basically came out on top of eveything with Karen and for Gizelle to catch hell. 

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I will give Trav this much...with the pandemic here, he did make sure his workers were taken care of which deserve some respect, but yep. He was being like Candiace's Chris online this year and it was just...bad form...on top of his political views so...smh. I try not to hold such things against people...but this year has just...smh again.


I cannot wait to see her at the Hawaiian theme party. I believe you and I already discussed how scarily she looked like LeeAnne's Twin Sister in one of the pictures. How she moves in person.



You don't want to see them fight for LeeAnne's crown?


But THANK YOU!!!! Re: Brandi. It is really, really, really annoying me that people online are talking about Brandi like "but, but, people deserve a second chance/people make mistakes." Without knowing that she doubled down on her comments on the video at that. Not to mention 'really, bitca? And LeeAnne didn't deserve a second chance...cuz people make mistakes.' The hypocrisy is so irritating. Both should have been fired if we are going to play that game. And if we are going to give Brandi the victim edit, LeeAnne deserves to have a redemptive arc as well. Especially since toxic or not, she gave more to the show than that expired cheerleader. And since she pulled it off in Season 3, I know LeeAnne could do it again. 


Now don't get me started on Ravenel wiggling himself back onto the current season.  Meanwhile Southern Charm NOLA (the much better show) blows in the wind while people wait on a Season 3. 


Don't forget...Monique slept her best sleep after the reunion. Which means she gathered (as well as La Dame from what I hear) those girls ALL...THE...WAY...TOGETHER. I am definitely ready for the RHOA S9 Reunion Style Dragging of Gizelle. I hope the rumors are true and that villain is about to get her comeuppance. 

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Problem is Leeann should have been fired a long time ago.  She threatened to kill someone in season 1, shoved a camera person in season 1, broke a wine glass and threatened someone with it, spread rumors about someone being gay, and also did the racist thing.  I'm curious why that was the straw..and not the other things she pulled.


Brandi should have been downgraded to a friend...but I have a feeling Tiffany was hired to gather Brandi. 




Regarding Karen, she's vile and is no grand dame.  A true grand dame wouldn't deem to appear on a reality show.

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Now, now...true grande dames can do what they want.

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That said...probably because for her volatile attitude was an arc all of its own. Especially since she was the main person campaigning for the show's visibility. And at least with some of that she had enough self-awareness to see how she could be a problem and not only owned it, but tried to change that behavior...something I cannot say for Mrs. Chucky. 


And while I'm sure Asian Kenya will do some gathering no question, it does not take away from the fact that if LeeAnne got fired for racism...Brandi should as well. If they must keep her, a demotion I could agree with. But really what does she bring to the table? Versus LeeAnne who was the show to the point they all out to get her? Answer: Not much. I can do my own fart jokes thank you very much. As LVP would say...she does not need and should not have a platform when she still has not owned up to what she did. But doubled down. 

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