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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Dorit was always so pretty. Now she's looking like a bootleg Kardashian. I will never understand this trend in surgery/fillers to look both fake and basic at the same time. All these peeps in Hollywood walking around looking completely interchangeable and unable to flex their new plastic lips.

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Finally watched and Candiace's victim act just doesn't work at all. She's basically asking the audience to forget all of her past behavior because Monique pulled her hair. This whole pretending she's traumatized is just ridiculous.


Why the f.uck does Wendy care so much? You would think Monique did something to her personally with the way she's acting. She really has added jack [!@#$%^&*] to the show and the season would've been fine without her. Robyn and Gizelle are more than happy to be Candiace's supporters so she wouldn't have needed Wendy as her back up and the teams would've been even.


I absolutely loved how unbothered Ashley was at Candiace's outburst once she told her. She will never like Candiace and I'm okay with that.


What is amazing to me is that the cast just thought Monique would do nothing to defend herself against the charges. Like are they really that dumb?

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Oh Dorit... WHY? 


RHOP is on fire and continues to deliver. I echo everyone's statements on Sunday's episode and that beautiful bombshell Karen gave the audience, and Ashley unbothered by Candiace's response. Team Karen/Ashley/Monique all the way. Love the mutual respect & understanding between "lil miss Ashley" and the "Grande Dame of Potomac."  They're great at fighting each other but even better when they're on the same side.


Looking forward to next Sunday's show with the entrance of Monique back into the fold. The reunion is going to be EPIC! 

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Karen isn't all that.  She shouldn't shade Robyn on how she looks without looking in a mirror herself.


Candice and Monique should both be dropped, or downgraded.


Wendy can stay another season..she says so many stupid things that it's funny seeing others poke fun at her.




Shannon seems sad still, but man Brownie's son is a prick (just like his parents).  And is anyone surprised Sophie opted for Texas for college..anyone?


Emily is 2 faced...but this is the same woman that's friends with Gretchen, Lizzie and Tamra.  Didn't she not like anyone speculating on her relationship with Shane..yet now she's doing it to Elizabeth?


Elizabeth reminds me of Vicki..if she didn't scream  or woohoo all the time.  Her Indiana Jones style hat was interesting.

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Sounds like the reunion first look is dropping next week. 


Still sounds like Gizelle might be getting her well deserved comeuppance.


Candiace just bought her first house. Isn't that usually a sign of a HW leaving.

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So with RHOA and NY, now on showdown since a crew member got Co-Vid.





Any second now on that trailer....so tomorrow or next week as well.





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Hahaha!!! I see the producers must have lunched with the producers at POTOMAC and SLC at some point. Why? Because they were being fun shady and it dropping receipts on folks and I had to be sure at times if I was watching OC or some other HW show.


Last week, I thought it felt like the OC again. And this week was more of the same for me. It was pretty good and I laughed quite a lot. Sober. Wow. And I have to admit that Braunwyn's vow renewal was pretty good. Other than the lice. And seeing her with Sean next week being annoying which I think for me will be the first time I will be finding her annoying this year.


And I was pleasant surprised that the promo from last week where I thought the ladies were ganging up on Elizabeth for having Braunwyn's back was more about Elizabeth's relationship with her ex-husband and Jimmy. Oops...?


That said...I think I am going to echo what someone said on Twitter. And OC is really going to be the test run for it. Thanks to Co-Vid, how the HW shows film is going to be of course changed. Group gatherings which has been the bread and butter of the HW shows forever have to change. And I am sure we all have reports from NY, RHOA, and now BH of how it has been going. BH will definitely be interesting given how little those hoes show of their life. Now...THEY HAVE TO. So OC as it used to be is ahead of the curve by focusing on the personal stories again and their family lives again. Solo versus groups. And I think it's now working for them. It is making the group scenes hilarious and good. 


SHANNON. Now, Shannon, GUUUUURL!!! LOL!!! You know good and well you were getting Braunwyn back for 'Lemonade Boy' when she was slurring in front of Braunwyn's son. I didn't find him rude at all, just standing there and humoring Shannon. His reaction to his siblings...who wouldn't? That girl was DRUUUUUUUUUUUUK. It was hilarious. The only thing I've been Team Kelly all season with that 'bitca, get some water.' SAME, KELLY. SAME. And Shannon was the comic relief all through the renewal with her bout with Kelly over the water tenture, her bout with Kelly on the dance floor, her with Braunwyn's kids, her as her man was trying to get her to eat later on. Shannon stayed ridiculous. 


KELLY. Surprisingly unbothered by her unbotheredness. She was level-headed with Shannon after coming off last week as being messy. And she was funny for her pushing Elizabeth in the pool. 


EMILY. Meanwhile, still being messy. And I feel that is going to come back and bite her on the butt. If Gina is moving past her drama with Braunwyn, why are you STILL bring it up? Then I think she felt threatened at the possibility that Gina and Braunwyn might get close since Gina continued to go to meeting with Braunwyn. I cannot with her.


GINA. Good to see she is trying to mend that fence with Braunwyn. 


ELIZABETH. OOoooo...Vicki 2.0 has layers. And great fashion sense (I too loved the Indiana Jones hat). And not to mention some hint of a story between her and her ex-husband and Jimmy. Seems like she still has feelings for him and she was sorry to see it end especially since she sacrificed a lot of who she was to make him happy. And then he got some other girl preggers? Oooo...childe. I now could see how confusing it was to the girls. It's confusing to me. I would pick on her for the Co-Vid comment, but it's not like she knew how bad it would get after 60 days.


BRAUNWYN. The episode was around her. And yet...she was not very present to me. The vow renewal. The AA meeting. Being with the girls. She was nicely background. I do hope she's able to work things out with her mother. It is just something Mom will have to get used to. And don't most parents do that?


Overall, a good episode.



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Let me get this out of the way first...


Whitney's Speakeasy Party was EVERYTHING!!! The drinks. The dress. Speakeasy always had some entertainment usually a band and/or singer so her centering it all around the stripper pole with dancers, strippers, and people body bending seems soooo Whitney. I loved all of it and found it fascinating. I loved all of it. But I think that is my history buff/SLIDERS fan/writer showing. lol.


And I am loving the setting setup scenes. It is making me want to travel. It is just fascinating to see these cities among the snowing mountains. It also makes me think of Denver...which has been on my mind lately. 


Great third episode. I feel like everyone is bringing something. For better...or for worse.


JEN. Baby, no. But FIRST...the good. I had heard about the Jen Squad for a while now. So to see them was cool. ERIKA JAYNE COULD NEVER!!!! I liked her group. And that Speakeasy dress (and professional train carrier) was EVERYTHING. Oh my God, it was so beautiful and detailed. And SHE WAS RESPECTFUL at Meredith's. Meredith's now-irrelevant son to me was just looking for a moment. NO, KEVIN...DON'T WITH THAT MESS. His jealousy of the awesomeness of Jen was showing. He can go have several seats. That of course leads to the bad. Team Mary. When your best friend (which from what I can tell is HEATHER, NOT MEREDITH) isn't having your side, you might want to look at yourself. Your best friend might not be wrong.

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 As for the Meredith drama, I just could not believe it. And then the cliffhanger (and PS next week's episode's first 5 minutes that is already out  ) she was doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. 


HEATHER. Honestly? After next week (if you see the clip for next week you will see why.  ), I think Heather is going to be my favorite. Part of it is her relatability. She has been nothing but that. But there is always a little some more going on with her when you watch her. And I like that. I think like what others have said...it's that struggle between how she was raised and her living in her truth at the same time. This week it was great to see her do something for her workers. It's great her cousin in on the show. 


MARY. The plot thickens. This episode showed a lot more of her family life. And I couldn't help but wonder 'where is her mom?' I feel that is the piece that is missing on her. And then we saw the church...and WHOA. It seem real to me. And if it isn't I do feel sorry for Whitney's Dad. But...he looked like he believed. And Mary seems real. 


WHITNEY. So more than meets the eye with her. Watching her set up the Speakeasy party. She did the research to know there is this secret room (that hopefully did not get in trouble for filming that). She got the entertainment. And she still supported her cousin AND her father. And her and Mary seem to be close friends like Heather and Jen seem to be close. Love her vibe at the Speakeasy party, she seem like a great host.


MEREDITH. I didn't like her son starting mess when there was no reason to do so other than he wanted to be 'important.' Yeeeeah whatever ho. I also liked she is not letting anyone tell her what to do. 


LISA. Pretty irrelvant this episode. Ooops. 


And seeing the preview clip of next week, it's going to be crazy... 




AWWW look at that Portal commerical with Kandi, Mama Joyce, and Ace.

She stays making that coin. 

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Jen remains incredibly thirsty. Like, get that woman a Gatorade. It's like she's playing a character of what she imagines a Real Housewife to be. 


That said...Brookes really overreacted. His statement that he felt uncomfortable was quizzical. What did Jen do that was so offensive? That made no sense. I do enjoy Meredith, however. She is gorgeous and reminds me of Elizabeth Hurley. 


I think Heather is well on her way to becoming an iconic housewife. Her discussion about whether she was ever in love and being perfect? So real.


Loved Whitney's prohibition party. I liked the scenes of her at Mary's church and for that matter...


I liked Mary's scenes with her grandpa/husband and their son. She is cooky. I wonder if there's something more sinister lurking.


Lisa remains really cold and unlikeable as far as I'm concerned. 

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I'll say this much (since I missed most of it)...it was recurring character night!!!


it's great to see Kai again and that was probably the most real Gizelle has ever been.


And even better...nice to see Matt. hehe.


And Monique on WWHL looking fierce.



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Dallas trailer dropped today and it was pretty.... boring? I get Leanne became incredibly toxic over the last few seasons and was rightfully dropped after the racist comments, but they now basically don't have a villain anymore? And why was Kary brought back, she gave us nothing last season. At least we still have Momma Dee.


And why are all the new housewives acting like they own the show from the start? Wendy on RHOP and it seems Tiffany on Dallas.

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I just saw the trailer - I think it looks pretty fun and interesting!  The ladies seem to be themselves without fearing the Locken.  Tiffany also seems to fit in really nicely and she seems funny.  It looks like Kary vs. Tiffany, but then also D'Andra and Brandi.  I'm ready for their return!



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