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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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@Chris B @NothinButAttitude OMG I would die of happiness if Nicolette Sheridan joined BH! I have loved her since Knots Landing! The fact that she is calling out Rinna makes me love her all the more! Nicollette is no pushover. Are we going to have a situation where Harry Hamlin is forced to issue another press release contradicting his wife?


WWHL better get on this asap.

You said it! Jim Edmonds was the true star of that household! Remember when he brought out his inner Sassy Sally at Tamra's 'sex' party and was all "ZIP IT... YES I CAN. YES I CAN. I CAN DO WHAT I WANT." 

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Rinna's argument is that LVP is unprofessional and checked out this season (and by implication should be fired for it) ... but last season wasn't she totally checked out and 'didn't engage' ? How is her shitty attitude that year much different? I mean, sheesh, HWs on other shows have been fired for not offering much and they gave more than Rinna did.


This is also what bothered me about Rinna screeching at the other HWs at Andy's baby shower to get up on the table and dance because "he gave you your careers!" Who is she to order them to perform like dancing monkeys when they bring so much more to Bravo than she does? 

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 I remember. He is one of my fave househusbands too. No [!@#$%^&*] to give and so grumpy, and I love all of it. I wish we didn't have to suffer through her raging lack of humor just to get a few minutes of him puncturing her ego.

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Here's my problem with what Rinna's now claiming is her position, as she's seeing that the tide is turning against her...she admitted that she was disengaged last season and just did the bare minimum because they didn't give her a raise and that if they wanted her to liven things up with conflict she'd need to be paid for it. That is called not doing your job. That is called phoning it in. And I don't begrudge Rinna doing that: it's a good negotiation technique. 


But it's the hypocrisy of saying LVP didn't do her job that I just can't abide by when Rinna admitted to doing the very same thing. 



Nicollette has always struck me as a very strong woman who doesn't let petty crap get in her way. I'm glad she's called Rinna out on this story because you've never heard a word out of either Michael Bolton or Harry Hamlin against Nicollette. It seems like Rinna just likes a story to be juicy, regardless of whether it's true or not.

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So I spent the weekend rewatching season 1 of Beverly Hills. What an awesome first season. Camille was an amazing villain. The show was so much more watchable before it became about taking down Vanderpump. I can’t wait to watch season 2 now.


I miss the original cast. The new ladies just don’t do it for me and the chemistry isn’t there.

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Tonight's episode ... tacky. 


Rinna: The clear manipulator this season. She is getting all these dumb tricks to do all her dirty work in hopes of bringing down LVP. Sadly, she is overtaking and overplaying. She's gonna get burned like Brandi real soon. 


Erika: An aggressive beast that needs to be put out to pasture. I can't with her always being on the defense about everything. Take a damn chill pill. F*ck! 


Kyle: I see now why Kathy deals with her with a long handled spoon. Kyle has loyalty to no one. How she brought up dog-gate after LVP spilled her entire heart out to her was disgusting. I was here for Ken cussing her out down the road, but I am REALLY here for it all now. 


Dorit: I didn't care for those coke tears at all. I was not moved. I stand firm in that she could've easily took that dog back to LVP. You're a 'rich b*tch,' right? $5000 should be nothing to PK. Hell, I am pretty sure LVP would've waived the fee had they simply called and returned the dog to her. 


Teddi: Simp. Such a simp. She will turn out to be the biggest idiot of them all. Especially, if LVP comes back next season and Kyle, battered and bruised by the audience, tries to slither back up to LVP. It is going to happen. It ALWAYS does. Teddi will be left out in the cold and will cast off like the others. 


Denise & Camille: The only women at the table with sense. I loved how they both stated why Dorit just didn't take the dog back to Lisa. It makes the most sense. 


Lisa: While her reaction to Erika threw me off, it does make sense. With a death of this magnitude hanging over her head, I can see why her emotions are scattered about. I just wish she didn't allow these women to see her weak. They immediately took advantage of that and pounced all over her. Just disgusting. 



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What a hit job of an episode. That was gross. 


Firstly, you've got LVP being devastated and basically sleep walking through the episode as she endures Dorit's false joie de vivre, asking bizarre questions like "Aren't you happy we're such close friends?"...who asks that? She was baiting LVP non-stop. 


LVP was heartbreaking when she spoke to Kyle about her fights with Kim and Kathy. She was full of compassion and wisdom, and yet there's Kyle yucking it up and not getting the point at all. She's as deep as a wading pool, that Kyle is. 


Then we have the single nice moment with LVP and Denise talking about their experiences with adoption.


Then LVP goes out to that beach lunch where Rinna does the most to stir up trouble. LVP gets honest with Erika and Erika instantly becomes an awful bitch, as usual. She is such a deeply bitter, angry woman. And she took a picture of that sympathy note. Of course she did. You know why she did? She knew that note wasn't sufficient. As LVP said, the other women sent flowers, Erika sent three lines in a note. And Bravo wonders why some of these franchises are faltering? There is nothing organic about these women interacting. 


And then the final hit job of the episode courtesy of Teddi and Kyle. They inexplicably bring up the dog situation, after LVP tells them that all is resolved with Dorit. And then Dorit cries and Rinna and Kyle have the balls to comfort Dorit as if this dog situation isn't 100% her fault. Thank god Camille was there to point out how stupid the whole thing is and how Dorit should have just returned the damn dog to Vanderpump Dogs, just as she did with the first dog she attempted to adopt. Yes, folks, that was the second dog she attempted to adopt. 


LVP is a mess and Rinna and Kyle pounced on that weakness. But the one thing they misjudged was how LVP would react to them. Her quiet silence at the dinner table wasn't what they were hoping for so naturally it was time for Dorit to unleash the tears. But the audience sees through this crap because it's fake and rings false. 

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