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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It was cute!


I hope Tinsley comes out a little bit from her shell. She can tend to get drowned out by the big personalities of the others.


IMO she should dump the sausage king of Chicago or whatever he's the king of. He is never going to be that into her. 

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Sonja and Luann are the best. Ramona’s is usually always fun, but this was flat to me unless it’ll make more sense when we see the season. 


Unless bethenny is hawking some new skinny girl margarita, I have no idea why she picked a boring, random tagline like that. 


Cant wait for this season!  Funny how we got this weeks out from the premiere yet we didn’t get BH’s until day before their premiere. 

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That was the moment Carole definitively lost reunion imo. I am curious too about Tinsley without Carole. I feel like she is very much a blank canvas and not the smartest tool in the shed. However, the way she owned her hurt feelings at reunion regarding Carole's words made me appreciate her more. Hopefully this season she will have a little more oomph and confidence.




The finale was a business-as-usual episode. Lots of unanswered questions -- we never did see Jackie reunite with her sister. Or Melissa find the half-sister the 'medium' told her about. Or meet Jennifer's brother's mail-order bride. I was also surprised that the finale didn't reference the fact that Danielle and Marty are no more -- especially as they were at the centre of the drama. I guess this is the price we pay for another nice, short, compact season.


Still, it was an enjoyable episode, with the husbands taking centre-stage. I think I have enjoyed the hubbies more than the wives in some cases. All in all, this season has been a lot of fun and very watchable. 


After a strongish start, Jackie fizzled out. Maybe she was stopped dead in her tracks once that Teresa Superfan pic came out! I think she should be one and done. Jennifer OTOH grew on me and I wouldn't mind her getting a second season. Speaking of another season, Danielle REALLY needs to get her HW status back. She kept this season running on gas. Meanwhile, I feel like the crown has imperceptibly moved from Teresa's head to Margaret's.

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We met Jennifer’s future in law in Turkey at the engagement party.


I enjoyed this season but focusing so much on Danielle and not giving her talking heads was stupid and clearly slanted towards Margaret.


Jackie should def be a one and done and Jennifer definitely earned a second season for me.

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Jennifer is kind of dumb, and in some ways she reminds me of Lydia on Melbourne (the dumbest villain in the southern hemisphere and god i love her for it). Jennifer is somewhat less bitchy than Lydia tho, and she has an interesting cultural background while also being quite Jersey. Oh, and the way she growled like a drunken Rottweiler last week when people brought up affairs was

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100% agree and I didn't think I'd warm to Jennifer. Meanwhile, Jackie indeed became a non-factor. And with Teresa's blind loyalty to Danielle and Margaret's overall charm, humor, and ability to be friends with anyone (except Danielle), she was definitely this year's MVP. Plus, I love her family life and the openness she gives about their contentious backstory. 


And shoot, even Melissa endeared me this season (though I still will always give her and hubby the side-eye for the slimy way they joined the show...) . 




I agree, I like almost all of them and everyone looks great! Great makeup, hair and dresses. LuAnn's is my fave too. 

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@NothinButAttitude, I might not have said that correctly. Or anticipate is the wrong word. What I meant was this:


For months, LVP has been mourning. Meanwhile, the others have been picking and picking and picking at her on social media. Taking their shots. Meanwhile, the audience has been wondering what was the real story.


And on LVP she has had time to get ready for this season. Yes, she didn't like how things turned out, though she has an idea that the others would try to make her look bad. With that in mind, LVP simply has to do is be herself. The first way she was able to do it was that VP came back first. She has been crying quite a bit over there already. Audience immediately get on her side. As a result, some of the housewives (ie. Kyle) are already backpedaling.


Interesting that the first show back as well that interview you posted dropped (like Kenya having her baby on the day on the RHOA premiere ironically)...that takes care of a loose end from the past...proving that LVP didn't leak stories...it even 'aimed' at who did. So LVP can go into this current season without that monkey on her back. The audience see that she has never done a leak story before so this potential leak story for this season makes her seem less likely to do it. The other ladies on the other hand...*side-eye* 


Does that make sense?





Count me in for the Jennifer love. Love that @Cat made a Melbourne reference. 


That said...have you all seen the first look at the Reunion on Twitter? I don't know how it will be three parts, but it was FIRE!!! Jennifer was holding her own and I loved it. And Teresa snapping for the first time since the Andy push...and again Andy is involved was a big crazy moment. 





They looked awesome!!!! Love that Sonja has the reunion bob in the opening. And LuAnn just oozed glamourous confidence. And I think since I've been watching (not from the beginning) that is the first time Bethanny oozed sexiness in that red dress with the long hair...but I love dark long hair so go figure. 


LuAnn's was my favorite.  


Opening was on point and flowed so well.


That said...I see in one of the promos for the new season it looks like Bethanny is going to be moderating between Dorinda and LuAnn (and there are some Jovani mentions) and Dorinda might have Bethanny in her crosshairs at some point. 


And I love the other promo with that song from THE GREATEST SHOWMAN. 

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I don't think Andy is going to touch this cast at all. He'd be stupid to mess up this dynamic. Only thing I've heard is that they may toss Caroline and possibly Jacqueline back into the mix next season. 


Could you all imagine Jacqueline, Danielle, Caroline, and Tre back together on this show?! The drama...


Filming is supposed to begin in 2-3 according to rumors.

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Kyle is already trying to slither back up next to LVP...




Didn't we all call this? Kyle is already trying to jump ship. She knows this 'plan' is a flop. 


Girl, that ship has sailed. Try as you might, you and LVP will NEVER be friends again. I think Lisa is done with Kyle for good. 



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