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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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ATL’s trailer was quiet, but I can’t be upset considering they were in dire need of a reboot. Kenya, Porsha and Kim Fields are the only new housewives they’ve had! Compared to others that is insane. I’m going to give them a chance since they finally seem to be making an effort. I also think the premiere will have another trailer because they didn’t include Marlo or Tanya and we know they’re a heavy presence throughout the season. 




Tamara Tattles has more details: http://tamaratattles.com/2018/10/01/tanya-sam-will-not-be-a-full-time-housewife-after-all/


From that it looks like Tanya was always meant as a friend, but something happens in Tokyo that made them want to promote her but they didn’t have enough footage to do it. Now I’m curious what happens because I can’t get a read from her pics what type of personality she will have. I’m most excited to see her mostly because she seems so mysterious to us lol. 

Edited by Chris B
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I agree with everything you said. While my first reaction was meh, I also think that the midseason trailer is going to be what makes or breaks everything.


LOL!!! IKR re: Tanya. I haven't heard any leaks of anything about what happened in Tokyo that would make the producers want to promote Tanya either so I must admit that the mystery of it does intrigue me enough that even if I'm dead bored with the first episodes in November and choose not to watch, I will tune in to the Tokyo episodes to see what the secret is. That and...IT'S TOKYO. LOL.

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I liked OC too @DaytimeFan . Shannon was sweetly terrified at QVC, but it was great that this story anchored the episode. We saw them prepare the QVC segment from start to finish (that stuff is fascinating to me). The best part? All the ladies were so supportive of Shannon's gig, either going with her for moral support or hosting a viewing party back in California. Kelly looked especially happy for Shannon. She really came across well this episode. Vicki and Kelly prank-calling QVC and getting hung up on -- twice -- was funny too. 


Budget Jeana and Stevie Nicks still not doing much for me, but I can live with it. The relationships of the core four are where it's at, and I think the trip will deliver.


Shannon's blue jacket was a gorgeous color on her. She needed a better blouse/top, though.  


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First and foremost - Hi babes!! I have missed you all terribly. For the longest time, I couldn't remember my password or seem to get logged in. But I have been creeping and keeping up with your RH posts! You guys alwayyyys keep me laughing!




The trailer wasn't OMG but I'm gonna give it a chance. I haven't been an "every episode" viewer the past couple of seasons as life has gotten more and more crazy, but I did keep up with Season 10 and I'm excited for the show to get the reboot it has long needed.


I know those of you who know me are going to be shocked, but...I'm kind of going to miss Kenya. I grew to like her a lot over the past couple of seasons.


I'm willing to give it a shot and see what these new ladies bring to the table...




This Ashley/Michael stuff isn't surprising, but her response is shocking to me. Seems she's a bit delusional, lol. I'm interested to see how/if this plays out on the show...

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Hey @Mr. Vixen ! Glad to have you back! Missed reading your posts tbh.


About Potomac, I don't think Ashley is delusional. She has always been very clear headed. I do think she is an opportunist and her reaction is pure Trumpian spin. She's basically putting fake news out there to confuse and diffuse the issue.


I hope Bravo put out every scrap of relevant footage out there! She's always claimed to put it all out there.

Edited by Cat
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They were already heading that way so I would have loved to see this. 


And I continue to love that even though it doesn't look like she will on this season that Kenya does seem to be genuine friends with just about everyone ex. Kandi. 

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Oh wow this is news to me. I thought Kenya and Kandi have been tight for years, especially when Kandi started to pull away from Phaedra.


But yeah I totally agree. More than any other season, Kenya needs to be there. Her story has come full circle and fits perfectly with Porsha, Eva and Shamea's pregnancies, too. I really like that Kenya has kept in contact with the other HWs, and I'm especially happily shocked by the pic with Porsha. I honestly never thought I would see that, not after all these years of animosity.

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My bad. I mean in example Kandi. As in, Kandi and her are tight from the pictures Kandi has been posting since Kenya been preggers. lol. 


I know re: the Porsha picture. I saw that last night on break at work and warmed my heart. I remember them at the reunion this past year and how they are actually joking with each other. And I just thought has hell froze over when those two are getting along. And BOOM!!! That picture.


In a funny twist...RHOA Next Generation are finally getting along...just in time for the Next Next Generation (Eva, Shamari, Tanya) to start. 

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