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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm confused as to why there wasnt any major retooling on the BH franchise before filming resumed?  From what I recall reading, viewers were bored with season 8, and that both Erika/Dorit really served no purpose on the show.  It seems as if Andy Cohen is afraid of doing a major overhaul after his attempt at doing so after season 4 of NY met with lukewarm response.  


It seems the only show not afraid to do any sort of retooling is the OC.  This always has had me curious because that show has never had the same cast for more than a season (which is one of the reasons I enjoy it).. while shows like NY and Atlanta keep their same cast formations for two season or more sometimes (I love change in general.. so that could be why)

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RHOBH's drama is too petty, IMO.


Of course, there's good rich people petty drama-- Rinna DID NOT invite LVP to her dinner party-- gasp! 


But in the past two seasons we've only had BS petty drama: This is not the right champagne glass! 


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Now that I got to see more of last week's episode and being able to pay attention versus after a long day of working...I like the girls' trip.  It was nice to see them having fun. 


I loved that LeeAnne did not raise up to the bait that Brandi was trying to do with 'hands.'


It seems like Ashley Abbott will be trying to walk that tightrope of the bitca edit aka the second season curse. She could go either way. I see she is still how she was her first season, but she is really getting into it. And I didn't like how she was at the table with LeeAnne. Still a fan for now, but...






#TeamGina on that fight. While I get why Kelly might be hunt, it just felt like she was looking for a fight for fight sake. And come on, Kelly has been around long enough to know not to come for the husband. 


It just seems like to me that now that she is back in Viki's good graces, Tamra is trying to subtly get Shannon out of the picture, not realizing that Shannon is currently enjoying a comeback with the audience. So that can only backfire if she continues. However, I do see that perhaps the stress of Eddie's medical crisis is making her a bit raw and stressed out.


Shannon as the Voice of Reason/Common Sense at the party. Who knew? Overall, I continue to find her so watchable this season even when she is overreacting like she was at the start of the episode.


I like Shane.

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I can't decide if there are finally cracks in the Eddie/Tamra marriage or if they are morphing into that old couple that have bickering back and forth, but love each other and that's their way.


Good episode.





Other than the fallout from last week's episode...yep...over it. We needed LuAnn for balance.


And the B/C fight finally exhausted me.


Highlight was Carole calling out Andy. 

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It was a v enjoyable episode! Mainly because there was a good mix of individual family scenes and drama with the ladies all together. It's taken them 8 episodes to get there but better late than never!


IA with you that Kelly was trying to start something. Kelly was looking for a fight with Vicki, didn't get one, with Steve Lodge, didn't get one, then with Shane and Emily. As the flashback showed, she knew full-well Shane was Emily's husband. Having said that, Shane gives me douchey Josh Taekman vibes. Also, I have to give it to Kelly for this incredible drunk Tweet:



Full Disclosure: I like Tamra. And this after hating her for YEARS. She is indispensable to this franchise. I dig seeing her zoom around on that scooter with a MAS TEQUILA sign on the front. I also hope she and Eddie get through this health scare and don't break up. BTW, Eddie's 90s headshots were full-on channeling David Charvet from Melrose Place!


Shannon is my favourite, and I am warming to Gina too with her self-contained marriage drama and having to raise her kids herself. I like Emily ok but there is something a bit fake/untrustworthy about her that I just can't put my finger on.

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Your first sentence made me LOL. 

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 Yeah, she does have a certain slickness. Those home convos with Shane are v contrived, and Shane, bless him, doesn't always play. I enjoyed Jimmy Edmonds (HATED his wife) for this very reason.


Gina is clearly overwhelmed raising her little kids on her own. Also, parents today don't really discipline in the same ways my parents did. Refusing to sit at the table? Hitting my mom on the head? Yeah, no. That sh*t would not fly, and you best believe my quiet butt would be on that chair.



Yikes! I refuse to watch that season of NJ, but that guy stood out as being skeeze of the highest order! I don't think Shane is in that league. In fact, I give him credit. The women have been after him for a few episodes, and he doesn't engage. He has the right to throw anybody out of his home that he chooses, first of all. Second, when Kelly called him all those names, he did not get nasty or physically confrontational. He laughed at her obvious drunkenness. He handled her well, all things considered. I don't understand the Kelly stans praising their KWEEN all over SM for going apeshit on him for no reason.



Sigh. I mean, this is better than fighting over panties, stemware or linen napkins. But c'mon. LVP is wrestling a pig here (yes, I called Dorit a pig). She's going to get dirty and what's more, the pig likes it ! Coked-out Dorit is always going to start something on this show -- even if it means abandoning some poor puppy at a rescue shelter. That $3.6mn Bellagio gambling debt isn't going to pay itself. (https://people.com/tv/dorit-kemsley-husband-pk-sued-casino/).


That news story needs to be what everybody on BH is talking about, not widdle fluffy animals (and yes, I blame LVP for starting this cute-animals-instead-of-actual-SL trend) !  And once again it is a non-story which doesn't truly address the resentment Dorit feels for LVP, or the jealousy LVP feels for Erika, or the hate Rinna feels for LVP -- ALL this stuff we know is happening under the surface, but which the women don't want to openly discuss, for a fourth year running!


I still say this franchise should be completely revamped, with Kathy Hilton putting the fear of Big Kaffay in Kyle, Faye Resnick as resident pot-stirrer, Linda Thomson (Bruce Jenner AND David Foster's ex-wife!), Camille, and TayShanna. Kris Jenner can be the well-connected FOH. Dana/Pam and her house-arrest anklet can also be FOH.


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Call me crazy, but that was the most restrained I’ve ever seen Kelly! Considering her convo with Shannon I expected her to go make a fool of herself with Steve, but I felt she was fair, calm and handled herself well. His reaction was so over the top that it made me think he isn’t the upstanding man he said he was. Why not just say, “Yes I did an interview but I didn’t mean anything bad by it and I’m sorry if it offended you.” Simple. He takes after Vicki with apologizes and then Emily’s husband?  He is up there with Skade and Jim as one of the worst. Kelly has EVERY RIGHT to tear his ass up and I’m sad that she’ll likely get the blame since nobody really witnessed what he did. 


One thing I will say: THANK YOU to Kelly and Shannon. They are carrying this show on their backs. I hope Shannon falls out completely with Tamra. I’m ready for Tamra to be on the outs again. They’ve been falling for her BS for too long. 

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Thiiis! All of this!


I didn’t think Kelly was out of line at all. The little dork jumped into their situation and with an extremely condescending tone considering he didn’t even know the situation. I do wish Kelly had pulled up the article so Steve couldn’t just slink off with that slothy vibe he has. He knew he had been talking [!@#$%^&*].


Emily defending her husband didn’t even ring true to me. There’s something so fake about her and her marriage. 


These new girls are complete duds. I don’t see any chemistry with them and the cast and I feel they’ll both be one and done ✅

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Of course we won’t 100% know until the release next week, but clearly Marlo ain’t no damn housewife! You mean to tell me they went with 7 wives, she filmed ALL season and is on every trip and they still can’t give my girl a peach?!

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