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People try to say Cynthia is boring but she knows how to read and she snatched Kim's wig. I was here for it




Lil Buckey is a bit annoying. I dont dislike her but Im gonna need to see more before I form a concrete opionion.


Ashley's mother is on some f--k sh-t. I can understand her wanting to care for her but she needs to cut her off. Momma is using her daughter

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I was reminded of that very scene while watching this latest episode, particularly when Luann was shopping for the nutri-bullet! As ridiculous as some of Sonja's demands where -- and most of the other women would have flat-out refused -- Luann seems to want to support Sonja's efforts to detox and get (somewhat) healthy. She also wanted Sonja to feel at home in Lu's house, just as Sonja once welcomed her into her townhouse. 


Luann has been accused (mostly by Carole) of being a narcissist, fake, inauthentic, selfish, evil, etc, etc, but when it comes to Sonja, Luann is gentle and empathetic without being an enabler. She understands it's hard to get over a longtime husband leaving you and downsizing your life. (I maintain that while Luann did fall for Tom, the Count was the love of her life, and I wonder if her outsized reaction to her divorce with Tom wasn't in part latent feelings of rejection she felt from her first divorce). When Mario and Ramona broke up, for example, Luann did not bear grudges with regards to the things Ramona had said about her marriage.


I don't think she's boring! Cynthia is one of my favourites on ATL. And definitely, she can and does read people. She may not do it every episode, but when she does, it is always perfectly judged and spot on. 

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It's cool, I didn't take it personal towards me.


She's come a long way since S3, though I liked her back then too. She was in a vulnerable place and she never hid it from the cameras or pretended to be like the other women. 

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Kim got a verbal lashing, and it was long overdue.  However, all the women on Atlanta are just a step better then Kim.  I find there is no one to root for on this show except maybe Cynthia (she's beautiful and actually seems like a nice person outside of the group).


With that said, I'll never understand how Phaedra got fired.. but not Porsha?  Porsha was the one to blurt out the Kandi rumor on camera.. so she should have been sacked as well.  I just don't get what Porsha has on Bravo/Andy that she is allowed to keep being employed.  She is vacant, unmarried, no kids, and really has nothing to bring to the table except for the inability to fight with words.




I'll say this again and I'll be preparing to duck.... I don't get the Dorinda love.  She has issues with alcohol, an abusive streak that comes out when drunk, and is harsh in her manner of speaking.  Also, I think she could darken the hair because the almost white/platinum hair makes her look older and washed out.  A darker color of blonde would warm her and soften her hard edge looks.


Again.. why is Tinsley on the show?



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What a disgraceful exit for Big Poppa’s jump off. It was even worse than Phaedra’s.


Nene, Kenya, and Kandi had me shaking with all the tea and shade they were giving. Even Cynthia got in that cigarette smelling hoe’s ass a couple times.


September/Spring/Summer.... bye girl

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That's how I feel. Kim got what was coming to her, but all of the women on Atlanta, with the exception of Cynthia, aren't women I can root for. Cynthia is a decent person who isn't full of herself, which the rest of them cannot claim. I don't find her boring - I find her balanced!

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I like that Potomac is solidly middle-class with its SLs revolving around the financial precariousness of being middle-class (Robyn, Karen, Candiace), especially if you divorce (Gizelle, Charrisse, Robyn, Ashley). The anxiety that you may slip 'under' is always there. (I'm kind of over the bling-over-substance stuff like Erika/BH).


Robyn is so grumpy about being called out on her sh*t. Monique hit the nail on the head when she said that Robyn keeps saying "stay out of my business like I stay out of yours" but she's as sly behind your back as Gizelle everybody else. Gizelle and Robyn are two sides of the same coin. Gizelle just wraps her mean-girl up in a smile and soothing voice. I always feel like Gizelle is trying to shmooze the audience like she shmoozed churchgoers back in the day in order for them to donate to her and Pastor Cheatalot's lifestyle. 


Word on the street (well, in Reality Tea's comments section) is that Gizelle's college disbanded her sorority which was hazing potential recruits by getting them to do sexual things. The head of the sorority at the time? You guessed it!


Karen shutting down Charrisse at Gizelle's garden party was a thing of beauty! Charisse all condescending and nasally: "The thiiiing iiiiisss, we were all wonderinnnnn--" Karen: "I KNOW you're not still talking." 


Ashley helping her mother financially is keeping the leach tied to her mother's side. I totally understand why she and Michael want to cut off support. Her discussion with her therapist about trying to win her mother AND Michael's love through doing things for them was revelatory.

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Yikes, Melissa. So I'm assuming she was selling the counterfeits at Chanel prices??


RHONJ is filming right now so I expect this will be included in the new season. I really cannot wait to hear Kim D's take on this! So far she's been quiet but you know the Cryptkeeper is merely biding her time.

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Call of death for Kim Zolciak Biermann:  Sunday, April 22nd 2018 at 8:59 ET / 7:59 CT. 


That was one of the most satisfying reunions I have ever had the pleasure of watching. Every single person (except Sheree, who's next on the chopping block) came for Kim, which was loooooooooong overdue. I was so proud of Cynthia throwing out those zingers as sloth continued her side digs about Cynthia being irrelevant or coming to others' defenses. You could totally tell Cynthia was through being nice to sloth and came right out with the rest of 'em, reading her for filth and making zero apologies about doing so. 


NeNe, Kenya, Kandi, Cynthia hell even Porsha. They all came for Kim and had the receipts (and Bravo had the clips!) to back it up. It was delicious. Reality TV trash at its finest. 


And I gotta give props to Porsha (whom I've never been a fan of) for calling out Sheree for trying to dodge being in the hot seat when they called her out for not being loyal, failing at her "bone collector" job, etc. Porsha's quips and cheeky smirk at the end was brilliant. 


Wow, those stupid racist comments at the end, when all of Wig's chips were down... that'll be her undoing. God-willing. "She has to get back to Tardy for the Party!" lol  I hope it's the last season that dies a slow painful ratings death on a Friday night. 

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