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I’m sorry, this latest episode of Atlanta made up for the entire season. Nene, Kandi and Marlo were my MVPs! Nene’s petty attitude about rooms killed me. Both she and Cynthia picked their rooms before Kandi so don’t try to play her! I loooove Kandi and how laid back she is this season. She always delivers for me! Marlo was also a hoot throughout ribbing Kandi. She killed me when Nene was screaming and she said “They have a community pool in my complex.”


Nene’s meltdown was also epic! She didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. If Kim is so rich and so blessed and has been through so much then why has she come back SO negative? Literally nobody has tried to start a fight with her and she has derailed every chance given to develop relationships that could build her profile and get her a peach. Nene can be a hater and a bully, but she isn’t in this case. I’m so sick of Kim!


In terms of the young ones, I do find myself enjoying Pinto this season. She ain’t perfect and she’s dumb but I do enjoy her. Shamea has always been a flop to me but she was harmless until this week. That shyt with Eva was so disgusting. She should’ve just shut up and ate her steak if she had nothing better to offer. Side Note: I didn’t miss Kenya and I actually like Kenya. 


Im also starting to wonder if Marlo might get her peach. Andy asked Cynthia on WWHL if she should get a peach and a few weeks ago he said she’s overdue for a WWHL appearance. They even posted the clip asking if she should get a peach on their social media. I hope it’s time for my queen so we can get a more nuanced portrayal of her. I think she’d benefit from showing her family and friends and what she actually does. From her social media it could elevate the show. She travels a lot and that could enable them to do more of the small trips RHOBH does with just two or three wives. 


Speaking of RHOBH, I just watched the past two episodes. I’ve just been bored and can’t get into them. Unless it’s organic I don’t want dark drama, but the cast as is has no chemistry. I don’t need Brandi back before anyone starts, but it needed a jolt. Eileen and Rinna gave them that because they came from a different world. Teddi is fine but doesn’t really offer anything as the sole new voice. It’s crazy that Eileen’s exit has caused such a shift. I loved last season but I just can’t with how slow and stale this season is. They need to start looking for new housewives now so they can get someone strong for next year. I’d get rid of Teddi, make Camille full-time and they need to find someone with a new perspective. It’s time for some diversity in Beverly Hills. 


The RHONY reports have me very interested. Initially I wasn’t excited because the cast is staying exactly the same and isn’t it their 10th season? I had hoped for something, but based on reports it looks good. I need this to hurry and air because I’m beyond bored with Beverly Hills. I’m ready for them to announce Potomac and NYC. 

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Kyle is a coward. She has no problem confronting Dorit by herself, but she can never go for LVP without someone else backing her up or doing her dirty work. And from what I understand, she was within her right to confront LVP directly about siding with that lying alley cat Dorit!


And can we stop with the Bethenny overkill? She is in every show on Bravo. Bethenny & Frederick, Bethenny is a Shark (not a Bravo show, I know), Bethenny Gives You Advice Whether You Like It Or Not... Even RHONY is now The Bethenny Show. She is the new Patti Stanger who thinks she knows everything about everybody. I am not looking forward to her in RHONY sneering at Luann's public embarrassment, i can tell you.

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No...that's next week per that Bethanny clip above...not helped by Lips 'maybe' jumping on the bandwagon...if you believe her talking head.


It haven't seen the scene in the context of the whole show but Kyle was upset by something Dorit said that involved LVP and was just losing it. LVP tried to smooth it over, but Dorit and Erika were not helping. I will say Teddi was being a good friend at least. But just them all on a bus yelling...*shivers*

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I don't know about that... these fights feel so contrived and ridiculous that I'm not sure what to think about any of these women. 

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 Kyle and LVP acting like a couple of 8th graders. Dorit showing her grifter ass. Erika trying painfully hard to be the coolest girl in school. I do like Teddi a lot though, especially after last week and her most recent blog. She is no bull but also quite human and not afraid to be vulnerable on camera.


Agree so much with this! I don't mind Tinsley but she's not that interesting. Her mother Dayyyyyle would be a better fit with this group imo. Tinsley lucked out because it was slim pickings last year after Bethenny and Carole got Jules fired.


Would love Heather back! She was awesome. She and Carole had the best, most real, friendship, too. Her return would drive Bethenny batsh*t! 

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