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@DaytimeFan, I don't mind Tinsley. I like her. But everyone was non-existent this entire reunion b/c Bethenny's big a** mouth was running the entire time. I wish someone would tell her to shut the f-ck up and sit back. This is coming from someone who actually like her too. Bethenny has too much say so on this show. Andy needs to either rein her in or get rid of her. I can't with the show being centered around her. NYC works best as an ensemble. Part one was too centered around her even when it wasn't about her. 


I agree that Sonja needs to get rid of that raggedy a** townhouse. It's a burden. Enough is enough. 


I also agree with you that if Camille (one of my faves) is returning that I want her to set her fangs on either Kyle or Rinna. If she's back to pile up on LVP then she can stay gone. I do wish that the show would've brought back either Kathryn or Joyce (or both if you ask me) and given them fair shots. 

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And @Nothin'ButAttitude ! Who is a longtime BH watcher.


My thoughts? I am not sure Camille has it in her to be a total thoughtless bitch again. Or at the very least roll out Alison Dubois for another Dinner Party! So as usual, we will be relying on rumor-mongerer and proven liar Lisa Rinna to provide the fireworks.


I feel like the current cast may be past their sell-by date. Just like many NY fans are baying for Ramona and/or Sonja to be cut from the show, so I wonder if LVP and Kyle should sign off. I love LVP and Kyle's family drama is the stuff dirty Hollywood secrets are made of, but I think LVP has lost her lustre since season 6, and Kyle should stick to nurturing her family. But hey, I'll still be watching. These women always surprise me somehow!

This is random, but I would like to see Dorit and Erika to develop a friendship and both let their guards down.


Is Brandi Glanville ready for a comeback on BH? Hmmm.


Another random thought: Yolanda should have returned, if only to be exposed for her duplicity. She was a scheming piece of work. The more I think about her illness, the quickie divorce payout, the way she manages her two model girls (for what kind of life, I don't know)... something in the buttermilk ain't clean. David Foster brought her legitimacy, but she no longer has that to cover herself with.



I would LOVE Kathryn back! Truly lovely, open person with a legit OJ Hollywood background. Gone too soon, sigh. I wonder if Erika and Eileen ousted her, because LVP and Kyle seemed to like her.


Obviously I 100% agree with your words about Bethenny. This has been my bugbear with her the past two seasons. She has too much power, Andy abides by her every dictate, and this is no longer an ensemble. I crave the balance of seeing all these women equally and both their good and bad sides. Remember how we were allowed to make up our own minds about Jill? Silex? Ramona? Luann and the count? Instead, I feel like I'm being FORCED by production to love Bethenny (the so-called 'funny abrasive voice of reason b!tch') and hate Ramona (who has always been crazy, drunk, borderline Aspergers, and an affront to civilised behaviour -- why is this a shock only now?). This makes me stubbornly want to do the opposite actually.


Plus, if they do get rid of Ramonja, who will be left? Bethenny going after Luann like Cujo? Dorinda trying to drunkenly mediate? Tinsley and Carole doing f*ck all? Don't get me wrong, I love that Tinsley found a genuinely wonderful man, and that Carole set her up with him. Carole did something kind because she actually likes Tinsley. Sadly, neither are remotely interesting enough for 19 episodes. (P.S.: However, getting rid of that whey-faced, mumble-mouthed, hipster manbun was a good move by Carole. She only dated him because he was young and this made her feel validated. I can understand, but honestly he wasn't all that and a bag of gluten-free vegan chips). 

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@Cat, plz no! Don't speak that into existence. I can't with Brandi returning. Let her a** stay doing second rate reality shows on E! and in the UK to consume her time. Yes, she brought great drama, but I can't fathom to see her again. I'm already loathing her on Celebrity Big Brother as she's up to her old antics. 


I didn't need to see YoLemon return either. I feel like we all knew she was full of crap. No use of watching her come undone onscreen. I just wanna forget everything about her. 


I do wish that LVP would walk away from BH though; she just needs to focus on PumpRules and its spinoffs. I grow tired of everyone using her as a punching bag when all is wrong. 


Dare I say it but I think they might need to bring TayShanna back. She'd at least stir the pot the right way, and go in on Rinna. 


BH is a hard show to cast b/c the women have to provide us with glitz and glamor along with drama, but I do agree that the show is somewhat past its sell-date or in a slump. Hopefully, this season recaptures what the show had its first 3 seasons.


I also agree that production force feeds up Bethenny. Like they try forcing us to side with her and it isn't right. A lot of times, Bethenny's reaction is right; however, her delivery is just as sucky as Ramona's, thus making both of them wrong and unlikeable. 


I'm beginning to think that after s10 of NYC, Bethenny needs to go again. Let her focus on that upcoming spinoff with Fredrik (of Million Dollar Listing NY) of them flipping apartments instead. And when she goes, bring back Jill AND Aviva to fill the void. Those 2 alone with give us tons of drama. But when it comes to Aviva, Bravo needs to put a mandate on her where her dad cannot be filmed, and make her go on cast trips; she better go to a doctor and seek some therapy to get over the phobia of traveling. 



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Haha, Bethanny went all the way in on Andy adn good for her. He is shady and messy and probably didnt expect that from him.


Ramona responding to the issue about her being rude with "When you're abused..." Girl, bye!


Ramona looks amazing for 60. She is the best looking one on the show


Dang they went IN on LuAnn and her marriage and its hard to feel bad for her knowing what we now know

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I'd LOVE Adrienne back full time. She brings the money, the lavish events and the real estate porn.


She flipped out with the whole Brandi/Surrogate, but I don't blame her. Now that that's behind her as well as her divorce from Paul (they're friendly again!) it's a great time for her to return. 


I really miss the extravagant lifestyles. I think most people tune into BH for this reason than for the drama. 


IMO, the show hasn't been the same since the Carlton/Joyce season. 



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She does, and don't forget how competitive she gets with LVP! 

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One thing I will say for both Adrienne and Paul (I have a soft spot for Paul Massif!) -- when TayShana was dealing with abusive Russell and he was threatening to sue Camille, A&P took a stand at the white party. IMO it was the right stand, because it forced TayShana to finally seek a divorce, for her own and her daughter's safety.


IA that it hasn't been the same since Carlton/Joyce season. The production values took a real fall that season, and everything looked and felt cheap and tacky. When Yolanda tried to pretend that Ken laid hands on her, that was a real low. Brandi especially brought the season down throughout. I guess this answers my question about whether she should come back! lol 




lol sorry! I was just thinking out loud. I am avoiding CBB because I can't bear to hear her defensive gutter mouth so I guess that speaks volumes.


After s10?? I wouldn't mind if Bethenny doesn't come back after this season! It might bring Jill and Aviva back sooner! And I say this after having watched the first part of reunion. Bethenny seemed much better, calmer, more compassionate. I liked the overall feeling of the reunion thus far: it was non-toxic (the LuTom carnage apart) and I like the way these women enjoy and relate to each other. 


I read some comments on Reality Tea calling for Ramona to be fired. However, I really liked her this episode. I thought she was true to herself but also owned up to her faults (though I side-eyed the abuse excuse). Ramona and Bethenny are different sides of the same coin, which is why it seems so off for Skeletor to be attacking Ramona for the very things she does herself (says awful things to people, uses her bad childhood to deflect criticism, etc).


The outfits were all over the place this reunion, but I do think Ramona and Skeletor have had fabulous facelifts, and Luann's face also looks sensational. Best hair has to go to Bethenny and Carole. Tinsley's look is awful, and Sonja looks a sloppy mess. I am so ready to FFed this 'insincere party' accusation from Sonja next week.

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Aviva was so shrill and insane she was unwatchable. Might as well bring back Kelly Bensimon if they bring her back. I also think the show has moved past Jill Zarin. That last season she was clearly acting her way through scenes, and she's not that good of an actress. I'd like to see someone like Heather on RHONY. Level-headed, straight-shooting, tough, speaks truth to crazy, but can bring the drama when necessary. 

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Random HW thoughts:


- It was so funny watching Dallas Leeanne act like Brandi was her best friend, what a psycho. The praying, the way she talked to Stephanie, returning to the event in order to fight with the hostess, pretending to be normal during therapy.

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- Bethenny is ruining NY for me. And so is Carole. They are mean, jealous, do everything they accuse the others of doing and they are trying so hard to act like the coolest girls in school. Ramona is Ramona, she is gorgeous, but she is so sad after her divorce. I don't believe that she is dating. She is a real-life ATWT Lisa in my eyes for some reason and I believe that she is still a broken little girl inside. I love her. And team Countess Luann all the way, while the others where yelling to her she was living her life. Let's not pretend that her marriage to Tom was a worse idea than the Jason Hoppy mess.


- I think that BH would be a mess without LVP and Kyle. The Erika persona is a sad joke she takes way too seriously and Lisa Rinna is a toxic version of Brandi. Dorit is ok, but it is the other two who need to be replaced.



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I mean, what else can I add to a post which is pure PERFECTION ?  I agree with absolutely everything you said! Your Rinna comment "...a toxic version of Brandi" -- that is some TRUTH right there!


"Let's not pretend that her marriage to Tom was a worse idea than the Jason Hoppy mess." OMG THANK YOU. He always was a controlling, repressive jerk, and Skeletor was looking for a sperm-donor. As for LuTom, well, Luann has always had the most awful taste in men (perhaps with the exception of Jacques)!


NEVER FORGET le grand mistake de St Barths!




I love that you love Ramona so much. Because I do, too. IMO she is a staple of NY. A true character. S9 was her rock bottom, but I think she can rebound from here. I hope Dayyyyle can come back to NY (minus Tins) and befriend/counsel Ramona.


"Kelly, I love you, but sometimes I think you are the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz." 

Image result for RHONY Ramona Kelly scarecrow of the wizard of Oz gifs

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I do think New York needs a slight revamp...the question is how to tweak it without it turning into season 5(which turned out to be my favorite season of NY...some drama, some individual scenes...and loved the new girls reactions to Ramona...heather eith the grinning, carole trying to use logic and Aviva just losing it after toleratimg Ramona/Sonja for over half the season lol)


OC needs a revamp for season 13...no previous housewives coming back as full time (Bethenny, Dina and Lydia proving that sometimes you c Ant go back).  I think Kelly will need to go because anyone can cause drama...vicki is actually funny in her family scenes (sadly that was what made Vicki fun..her family scenes and her spastic talking heads)..and Shannon is oddly fascinating in her individual scenes (by herself or with her girls...not with her husband).  Meghan and Lydia seem to serve the same function...and Peggy..jury is out.  Tamra has enough material on her own or with family that she doesn't have to cause too much drama anymore. 


Still Gretchen got fired cause she made up stuff for a story and refused to say sorry (not that I like her..but at least she was honest that she wasn't sorry)...yet Vicki remains due to her dubious role in Brooks cancer scam because she said sorry even though she didn't mean it and hasn't changed the behavior.


I will say T amra has changed her behavior with Shannon to an extent.  I am also one of those people that believe she is trying to change...but she still has to pay the price for the years she was a troublemaker..karma and all

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BH...is R inna really more toxic then Brandi?!?!?  I liked Adrienne...she and LVP had a fun love/hate relationship...competetive yet could have fun together.  Still loved when LVP tried to teach adrienne how to cook..or when Adrienne couldn't even slice a sandwich correctly

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I, too, am with you all nearly all your points. Carole was okay this year, but The Real Housewives of New York has become The Big B of NYC. Too much of a viewpoint told through Bethenny's eyes, and it doesn't feel like an ensemble show, as these shows should be. This was probably Ramona's worst season, yet she has some nuggets of clarity and vulnerability (the naked pool confession w/ her and B was quite raw for Housewives), and knowing that vets Ramona and LuAnn now have to play second-fiddle to Miss Frankel makes them all the more endearing. 


I agree that Beverly Hills without LVP or Kyle would not be the same. Love 'em, hate 'em, or think they're old hat, but those two tentpoles make the show. I don't think Rinna is toxic, but she dug herself into such a huge hole and has zero credibility at this point, that she is best served in more of a supporting role this year and better not be the No. 1 instigator this season. I grew to really like Dorit and I still like Erika, so seeing them mix it up with veteran Camille full-time, with Adrienne as a "friend-of" will hopefully bring a lot of fun. 


It's funny, since Camille attended so many of the big functions last season, she has firsthand knowledge of all the buffoonery that went down. Now, we finally get to hear her viewpoint and get more camera time, at long last! 


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