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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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I can't with this. LOL Katie is such a moron. I'm tuning out til they pair up Lawrence St. Victor with a lady or without a shirt. Either one will do

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I hope they don't go there with Jenna Jameson. If you thought Brandi brought the class factor down, just wait til they add porn queens to the mix. No. 


Ooooooooh! OC is looking good! Feisty Lydia, fat Shannon, f'cking hot-mess Kelly. All the ladies are coming to play. 


So that's a new excuse for obesity... "I'm fat because I'm stressed. I'm stressed because of Vicki Gunvalson." You haven't filmed with her in six months. You just eat a lot and don't exercise. 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I think TamRat being in the center is b/c she is at the center of the drama. I hope her being at the center means she is in the hot seat, and not like Kandi was on RHOA where she was victim of heinous acts. I need TamRat to go down! Not be the victim (even though she'd never be a victim in my eyes).



And her blaming Vicki for her weight gain is stupid. 





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That OC trailer is giving me life!!  I can't wait for the new season.  Is that Peggy that Megan is calling a bitch towards the end?  Looks like Megan and Kelly go at it too.  You don't really see Vicki with many of the ladies in that trailer... 


Lizzie looks great.  I hope they return for more than just a scene.


Wikipedia has Peggy Tanous listed as a guest for Season 12 too - that would be interesting.  I wonder what ties she has to the ladies - she seemed to only be friends with Alexis, but then that fell apart.  

Edited by alwaysAMC
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