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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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They couldn't do a two-hour Reunion this week and another two-hour Reunion next week? I want to see Phrick & Phrack get their beatdown NOW!


I can't believe the hubris we are seeing with those two -- the smug triumphalism, the high-fiving. They must feel mighty secure on the show if these liars are blatantly accusing Kenya of all the nasty-ass things they get away with. I was lowkey mad when Phaedra told Kenya that she, the fragrant, delicate southern belle and responsible attorney that she is, would NEVER get fucked in the back of a truck. Kenya should have fired back "Yeah, you like to screw felons with ankle bracelets on a dirty mattress in the projects!" Watching Kandi's face, I can see she is biding her time, waiting for the right moment to expose these two. Kenya seems to be in the know and playing along.


So now we should 'celebrate' Porsha for getting off her back and being dragged to anger management by Bravo? How about she take some accountability for beating up her assistant/trying to smack Kenya with her own megaphone/forcing her knee into Cynthia's chest?? Porsha is in no way sorry about violently attacking people, and this AM story is a crock. She clearly has switched from physical abuse to verbal, and was blaming Kenya for 'provoking' her, like every wife-beater on earth. She is an awful person.


Couldn't care less about Chateau SheBroke vs Moore Manor. We've had two seasons of this! Enough.


I will say that everybody is looking stunning. I **LOVE** Kenya's hair with a passion, and Porsha's short hair looks good on her. Cynthia is living proof that this woman can wear ANYTHING. Even that hair. 

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friend: "I bet you're cuter than her."
Monique: "Im cuter than ALL of them" YES Monique, you are

Robyn: Its not like I went on national tv to talk about her" Yet she did it while filming a reality show that is internationally syndicated

BTW, she needs to keep doing her makeup like this

"My husband comes before the kids" Oh Monique, you were doing so good. I didnt like that line. Her mother in law is doing too much. Trifling old bitty

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Speaking of Robyn, I need her to:


1. Get those unruly children in check. I cringed watching those children run amok in the dentist office. I would've given them both a swift kick in the ass. 


2. Get over Juan. It is obvious that this man does not want you, but knows that you'll be there to take care of him. The second that Robyn stops being a doormat is the second that Juan will get a rude awakening. 

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Robyn is one of those housewives who's excellent as a supporting role, but would bomb as the leading lady. I like her, but there's no *wow* factor. 


That said, her non-marital status is the strangest I've ever encountered. It's cool that they've made it work for them, but it all feels like a temporary fix that's gone on too long. Are they waiting for their kids to turn 18 and move out? Plus, on WWHL, she said she doesn't date and doesn't think Juan dates either. And she said that if Juan were to start dating, she doesn't think it would work out... for the other woman. The other woman would have a problem with the whole living situation. Which makes sense. 


If they're staying together for the sake of the kids and/or for financial reasons, that's understandable. But the fact that neither one dates and would be jealous if they did... 

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I kind of like Robyn and Juans situation. Its unconventional but it works and if neither has a problem and the kids are happy, then more power to them. They're stable and all the cards are on the table with both knowing where things stand.


There is something charming about Giselle yet very unlikeable at the same time. She has Nene Leakes syndrome. She is such a hater and I dont like how she is trying it with Monique. I think she is jealous and Ashley explained it perfeectly in that Mo has many things that Gizelle wishes she had going for her life

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Robin's nuclear family doesn't work for me because Robin still pines for him knowing he only uses her for quick lays and ironed shirts.  He does not want her and needs to move out of that house before his sons pick on this and believe this is the way to treat women.  If Robin goes out on dates with other men, then I"m totally for Jaun and Robin living in the same space for the kids.  


Monique"s MIL is the worst!  

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I have the same sentiments. 


Juan is practically using Robyn b/c he knows she isn't going anywhere. He'll dibble and dabble on the side but with never commit to Robyn again b/c he knows she'll always be there. 


She needs to set an example and give him an ultimatum--either fix their marriage or break ties. 

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Monique's mother in law is atrocious...as was her friend's comments about her caucasian member of household staff. 


Gizelle and Charrisse are both cut from the same bitter cloth. They're over and they know it and they can't stand it so they'll keep hating on anyone younger than them. That 'champagne room' of Charrisse's is a pathetically contrived bit of story. That will not increase the value of the home she likely can't afford. 


Speaking of homes, Karen's house getting sold is a head scratcher. It's weird that she doesn't just say exactly why it's being sold and where she plans to move to. Being ambiguous is going to add fuel to the fire that she's broke. 


Ashley's marriage is doomed. How she has such poor common sense and business skills is beyond me. She isn't treating this restaurant like a business. 


I agree about Juan and Robyn: he's going to ride that relationship till she kicks him out. He knows she won't do it. And they need to get some discipline and manners instilled in their kids. 

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Kim has me rolling right now. 

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 I love how she ate Rinna's ass up tonight. It was very much well deserved. She used Kim as a story for 3 years now, and I loved how Kim finally got to get the upper hand and unwind on her. When Rinna started the sob story... It didn't help matters even more that Eileen tried to scold people with her piss poor points. Rinna had to eat crow in that moment and answer for her wrongdoings. Eileen should've shut up and sat back.


PK is the MVP of the night. I enjoyed when he flat out told Erika he's not apologizing to Tom. Why should he? Erika should've worn panties. Her faux pas is her mistake. Stop wearing scantily clad sh*t around these people OR cross your legs better. 


I think that thanks to PK being on the reunion too, people finally got to see how vile Erika is. PK and Dorit apologized to her sufficiently and she still couldn't accept it. Glad that Andy called her ass out this reunion too even though I'm sure it pained him. 


Poor Eden. Just a pawn in Rinna's destructive game. I hate how Kim directed her venom at Eden when it all should've been on Rinna.


Also, Kyle is such a damn liar. One, she lied about the Dorit situation when she salivated over Dorit buying those panties and wanting to give them to Erika; she thought it was hilarious! LVP came to the rescue again by calling Kyle out, and of course, Kyle got aggressive and moaned instead of "owing it" (in my LVP voice). Kyle was nasty to Eden from the start. It was obvious that she didn't want Eden in the group/the show. 


Here's a sneak peek of next week with LVP discussing Max: 

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I am surprised at how good that LVP clip is. I thought she spoke meaningfully about Max looking for his birth-parents and how she supports him, and you could see the left couch struggling to remain hard-hearted towards LVP -- and failing. Even Eileen and Rinna looked grudgingly moved. I didn't find LVP's tears for show either.


The left couch is really winding me up with their smugness. Especially when Kyle and LVP were arguing. Erika's brain was ticking over how they can get Kyle over to their side next season.


I don't know if you've been keeping up with Tamara Tattles, NBA, but she has been pro-left couch for a long time (I enjoy her blog a lot regardless ). She really loves Erika and, indeed, has been watching DWTS for her. Interestingly, she talked about spending time with family at Easter and watching DWTS with them, and the almost universal opinion was that nobody liked Erika on DWTS. They found her arrogant. I'm not surprised. Erika believed the hype and forgot that DWTS viewers may not necessarily have watched her and fallen in love with her personality on RHoBH. She thought -- on both shows -- that she had it in the bag.


She certainly is making the most of pantygate. I cannot with her expecting an apology from PK to Tom. He should apologise for his gross jokes (which he did), but not for catching a glimpse in the first place. I also am having trouble delineating where Erika Girardi ends and Erika Jayne begins. When she's EG, the HWs must kowtow to her husband's wealth, but when she's EJ they can joke about c***s and ladyparts with her? It is all very arbitrary. This 'two people' persona is very contrived. Last year she was more relaxed about melding the two and laughing things off. This year she seems so uptight and uppity.


I felt a bit sorry for Rinna when Kim was all forgiving and positive and then, at Andy's urging, whipped out the bunny. But lawd she milked that solitary tear and walk-off for all it was worth.


I love how Bravo had that weird little table with the flowers set up so that Rinna could drop the effing bunny there -- in order for Kim to pick it up again. Then the camera follows Kooky Kim down the halls of the studio carrying the bunny to 'explain.' What kind of staged ridiculousness....?  Rinna should be THANKING Kim for giving her an excuse to play the poor attacked victim. Because up until that point, the questioning was about why she was making up malicious stories about people!


I hope we never see Eden again. She is literally the human manifestation of wallpaint. And she's not all there.

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@Cat, I just could not pity Rinna at all. I was team Kim for once. And trust believe most online fans were on Kim's side too, so Rinna's victim act did not work. If anything, it made people laugh even more. It didn't help either that Eileen went backstage and gassed Rinna up even more. 


I don't think we'll see Eden again. She's one and done. IMO, I wish they would've did what they originally intended to do and gave the slot back to Camille! Fans beg and plead for Camille's glorious return! Can Bravo just listen to our wishes for once instead of bringing on these flops? I do have to commend them (well we can thank LVP for that) for finding Dorit, who is a jewel. I've grown to love Dorit, who came off so well last night. 


Oh and I heard about how DWTS fans dug into Erika's ass after she took being eliminated poorly. She did believe that she had it in the bag, but got a rude awakening. From what little I've seen of this season of DWTS, she came off as she does on housewives--cold, frigid, and aloof. She doesn't seem like the least bit warm at all. Also, did she honestly expect to get far in a competition with Simone [Biles], Normani [Kordei], and Heather [Morris]? All those women have huge followings and natural rhythm. The damn man from the Bachelor outlasted her and they typically go out the first 3 weeks. 


I know too that it has to be eating her alive that she barely outlasted LVP (by ONE week) despite having the same dance partner. 

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 And isn't Erika supposed to be an entertainer? Yeah. Right... She can take her stiff dancing, non singing ass back to entertaining her followers with those horrid songs she does. 


The reunion has been a blessing where Erika has finally been exposed for the twat I always knew she was. Now watch as her popularity falls over the next season, which it'll continue to do, Eileen & Rinna will try and jump ship and get back on LVP's ship. Sadly, LVP's ship has sailed and she doesn't allow peasant on it. Sorry, ladies! 



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Can I say that I thought both kim and Rinna were in the wrong.  Kim should have given the present back off camera....she just did it to stick it to rinna...which tells me she isn't truly recovering at all.  I did think her reasons were valid though..just think off camera would have been better.


Rinna needs to move on...I thought kim being demoted would cancel out a long running feud...but maybe Rinna needs to go.

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Eileen following Rinna out to blow smoke up her ass was  "Whine whine that was SO MEAN." As mean as Rinna telling Eden that Kim was on the brink of death and her family knows it?


IA that Dorit has been great. She knows she's a newbie and takes the lumps, but neither is she a pushover. She also doesn't resort to tears when people gang up on her. One of the best moments was everybody (including Left Couch) complimenting her on her swimwear line and urging her to get back into designing. Dorit's face lit up like a child. Also loved Andy name-dropping Erika Kane, and Susan Lucci getting a few seconds on the show lol.


I'm sure Erika is laying low and licking her wounds rn but whether she will take her experiences this year constructively is anybody's guess, especially as she is surrounded by servile Yes men (the Glam Squad, Eileen, Rinna).


I'm hoping Rinna gets dragged next week. Otherwise she is going to keep throwing out any old harmful allegation that putters into her pea-brain. The coke allegation is the meanest thus far, and the fact that Eileen still defends her for saying that...  She's gotten a free pass and, up until bunnygate, still hadn't bought a clue when it comes to Kim. There is absolutely no reason to mention Kim for two years straight -- she is OFF the show. Now Rinna has virtually guaranteed Kim's return to BH in 2018.

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