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Cheap!! I've been wanting to know what you thought of Tamra this season and specifically this episode. 


I'm sorry but there is was nothing queen like about her this episode. Or this season. 


OT but I found this from last NJ episode and it made me lololololol:






Jaq stopping for some Offended Camera Time, then driving off when she sees it's not Teresa chasing her down to beg for forgiveness.

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@Nothin'ButAttitude thank you for posting the OC and BH trailers in foreign friendly format! 




The end of this season was sad. Firstly, where was Jeana? Tammy? Quinn? Laurie? The usual pack of OC wives who can be counted on to show up for the end of season party. 


Tamra tried to go in for Vicki, as did Heather and Shannon...and they all failed. Vicki truly disengaged and walked and there wasn't a  damn thing they could do about it. Kelly kept herself calm and sober. Heather telling Vicki not to move was really awful - Heather must be in a state of real delusion to think she was going to be vindicated by this episode. It was the nadir for Heather. Tamra is just consistently hypocritical and nasty, season after season, time after time, so it's not like she can get lower - she already rolls in the mud, but like a pig, she enjoys it. 


Shannon has put on a lot of bloat this season and looks even worse at the reunion. Dr. Moon is failing her. It's just bizarre that Shannon tries to deny that David hit her when she reported him to the police and he plead guilty. Lord knows why Shannon, with the skeletons in her closet, would think reality television would be a good place to gloss over the truth.


All in all, once those guitar strings get strumming I am hooked and always satisfied I saw the season through. OC can be toxic, it can be mean, but for whatever reason, perhaps because it's the original, it's never a pain to watch and never a chore. I really am interested to see how the reunion plays out - I'm glad Vicki and Kelly are going in hard. Next season is going to need some rebalancing. Heather and Shannon both need to go.




Love the trailer. It's incoherent but it's glamorous and looks lush and LVP is sitting back and watching those hyenas devour each other. 




I'm hoping the season is winding down, it's dragged. They need to fire Stacey, Misse and Seema - they're all duds. 


I enjoy watching Dawn and Ampika because I like them both and think they're quite alike. I have always enjoyed Lauren and agree that Seema and Stacey have looked down on her unnecessarily - what the hell has Lauren done to any of them to deserve such scorn?

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I felt bad for Vicki. Shame on them for having her at the party only to ostracize her. That wasnt very Christian-like Tamra. I get her pain though as I wouldnt want to deal with Vicki either. Im ready for Vicki to take the gloves off though. She's been too passive this season. She throws rocks, then runs away and apologizes profusely. She got called out and simply "owning" that doesnt make it okay. I see why she and Kelly clicked so well.


Heather...Im sick of her pretentious attitude. Who died and made you god?


Meaghan saying she doesnt know if she wants to raise her child in the OC bc of all the negativity? You are free to leave....BYE!


Anyone else rolling their eyes when Shannon was spilling all her tea to her makeup artist? That scene seemed so stage so the producers could have her interact with someone and recap the drama

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Given that the arrest (to which David plead guilty) is in the public domain, Shannon could have easily stopped it in its tracks with a well-timed "David was drunk. It was an altercation that went wrong. It was the first and last time he laid a finger on me. It was years ago. We worked through it." BAM. DONE. Shannon famously said last year that she knew going on the show meant putting everything out there, the bad with the good. This could easily have been filed under "the bad," but instead Sham CHOSE to make it a thing. She chose to make it thing because she wanted to blame Vicki for something. She was desperate for Vicki to be the bad guy because Sham feels Vicki was not properly punished last season. She also wanted a Big Dramatic Confrontation with Vicki but it fell as flat as Meghan's ass because Vicki no longer gives AF about Sham.


I found it eminently watchable this season, better than last season actually. Mostly because it seemed shorter. And also because Kelly had no interest in kissing up to the Coven. When Heather told her "I really wanted to like you," it was meant to devastate Kelly but instead she just laughed in the face of the puppet who controls allllll the masters. Those witches are legends in their own minds. What a wake-up call the negative audience reaction is turning out to be.


Remember this? I am ready for it:



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We caught up on OC last night and they wrapped things up nicely, but boy was that an awkward party. The Coven looked so desperate for an ultimate showdown with Vicki and she didn't give in. Good for her. From Heather's "don't move" to Tamra's un-Christian gossiping all over her sad party (only junk food served? No thanks!) to Shannon's attempts at a last-ditch argument with Vicki, the three witches were so desperate to reign supreme and be the triumvirate rulers (this is some serious shades of Beverly Hills' season four, BTW). 


I think Meghan semi-redeemed herself as much as she possibly could by seeing the witches as the sneaky wicked beasts that they are. Points for standing up to Heather regarding Kelly, and making note of Heather's harsh comments on the bus. Best of luck in Missouri. 


The reunion should be really good and I hope Vicki comes roaring back and shuts them all down. I don't see Tamra ever leaving the series, but either Heather or Shannon needs to go. My guess is they'll keep Heather if they're smart enough to realize that the days of Shannon's popularity with the audience is looooong gone. 


I thought OC did a great job of cleaning house when they axed Gretchen, Alexis etc as the group as it was had gotten too toxic, but I'd welcome Gretchen back to see Vicki and her join forced against Tamra. And don't forget Lizzie! She gave no effs about Tamra and could stand her ground verbally with no problem (unlike current kid Kelly, who seems drunk even when she's sober). 




BH: I'm excited for this group of ladies to return! Beverly Hills is consistently one of the best, and I hope this season brings it, as it usually does. I like Erika, so I'm glad she's here another year. 


NJ: How funny that Jacqueline thinks she's the Vicki Gunvalson of New Jersey. She actually thought she could call the shots at that "last supper" event and it backfired. That was the first time I was actually rooting for Melissa (as Teresa's sidekick). Wacko Jacko is going to look like a buffoon at the reunion, going off like a petulant child once again. There is no growth with this woman. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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I find I always need a good reaction gif for any occasion! This is one of them par excellence.


Tamara Tattles mentioned this overnight but the same thing struck me when I read Heather's latest blog. YET AGAIN she is promising the viewing audience that next week will be the week we finally understand why she behaved like a giant douchebag ("Much comes up at the reunion that explains more of our contentious relationship this year...you will see next week").


Then we have this gem regarding Meghan: "I was upset watching her talk about me behind my back and take jabs at me in her interviews. I wish she had called me to discuss how she felt like I had done with her previously. I will be bringing this up at the reunion."


Image result for andy cohen duh gifs


You didn't like her talking behind your back? What about when she told you to your face what a giant bitch you were being and that she didn't condone that behaviour??


Also loving the veiled threat "I will be bringing this up at the reunion." Because nothing says winning over the audience like getting into attack-dog mode and going after a heavily-pregnant woman.

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See! This is why I never liked Pleather-face Dubrow. She's such a sanctimonious twat. 


Furthermore, our opinions won't change about her regardless of her 'apologizing.' She's only doing it b/c she's been exposed to the mass (not me as again, I always peeped her card). 


I hope Vicki/Meghan/Kelly devour her flat ass. I can't stand her. 

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omg OOOPS 

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I doubt Tamra's final intention was to have this pic land in the lap of an underage teenager, but she needs to STOP. STOP EVERYTHING. She is way too proactive in going after other HWs. Worse, she is now showing her hand. We have setting up Kelly Dodd on WWHL with the hate calls (Kelly has receipts). Then we have this photo which Tamra circulated to embarrass Vicki (not sure how successful that would be given that Vick already flashed her discomboobulations on national television). We have all manner of sneaky, shady ish instigated by Tamra coming to light. Obvs this has been her M.O. for years, but the sudden rush of recent proof is making her look especially bad. She needs to calm TF down otherwise Bravo may have no choice but to sideline her.

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I think this might be the thing to sideline her. She's already released Lizzie's info back 2 seasons ago, which caught her a lot of flack. I think this is strike 3. 


If she stays, Vicki and Kelly are gonna rightfully drag her from here to Hell and back. 


Honestly, I see only Shannon/Vicki/Kelly/Heather being asked back. It'll be a miracle if Tamra is asked back after this. She's becoming too extra and too much of a liability now.

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