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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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You are reading my mind! I just watched. It was awful. THEY were awful. Tamra, Heather, Shannon were all trying to get Kelly naked wasted and go crazy on-camera. When a mic-ed up Shannon went behind the scenes to tell the water to "make them all doubles," that was the worst. These women bent over backwards trying to provoke Kelly. The look of triumph on their faces on the bus when she finally exploded was plain as day.


I'm pretty sure they will blame Production for this, but this mess has Tamra's fingerprints all over it. She is clearly the brains and instigator behind this plan.


I kind of want to reverse my criticism of Kelly last week now that we can pretty much guess that Tamra was laying the groundwork to bring her down pre-Ireland.


Shannon and Heather are puppets, hypocrites and looked absolutely ridiculous. Especially Heather with her 'flask.' Vicki is a coward who, according to the previews, gets the brunt of Tamra's rancid breath in her face. Lucky her.


This show is so toxic, it may arguably be the most toxic of all the HWs shows -- and that's saying something (Atlanta? BH? NJ?). Will Tamra, Shannon and Heather ever get called to the carpet for this? Especially Trampa? Andy adores all three trashboxes.

Edited by Cat
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Reports are claiming that Vicki and Kelly are going into the reunion real tight and ready to fight. They are also saying that Vicki is gonna go into the reunion trying to push for Gretchen to be brought back and for some of the other ladies to be booted. If Vicki doesn't act like a fair-weather friend and back Kelly up, they can demolish those 3. Heather is a lightweight. She can be dealt with easily. Kelly has the ammo now to decimate both Shannon and Tamra. Again, she just needs Vicki to back her. 


Also, some people in the comment section of RealityTea have said that Meghan confirmed (I think on Twitter) that she will NOT be back next season. She's returning to St. Louis to raise her daughter. Thank God (if true)! She was a flop. 



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The question is, will Vicki flake?? Kelly is at a disadvantage as a newbie: it will be her against the 3 witches. Vicki is weirdly paranoid and scared of Tamra, and might just throw Kelly under the bus at Reunion. OTOH, Vicki is really the only one who could ever bring down Tamra impactfully and make it GOOD. Throw in some Jeana, too; she knows where Tamra buried all the bodies.


Welp. Moving to St Louis is probably the best thing for Meagan's marriage and her baby's future -- far away from this destructive show. Lizzie should never have been demoted for Nancy Drew. Now there is someone who can stand up to Tamra and Shannon.

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I don't think Vicki is gonna flake. It's at the point of no return. Shannon & Tamra have no interest in Vicki, and Vicki is totally over Shannon. I think this reunion might be a bloodbath. I think Vicki knows at this point she has to stick with Kelly right, wrong, or indifferent. 


I think Jim is moving Meghan back to St. Louis b/c it's easier for him to do his dirt. He won't be under the watchful eye of reality bloggers and press. That's my opinion. 

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And what dirt would that be??


Image result for knowing look gif


I hope you are right but I think Kelly needs Vicki more than Vicki needs Kelly. Kelly may be loud and honking and neighing all over the place, but she's not very smart. Tamra unfortunately has more than one functioning braincell on her.


I am not Vicki's biggest fan but, like her, I am so over Shannon. That delulu needs to be brought back down to earth, and fast.


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I wonder what the seating arrangement will be for the OC.  I have to imagine Shannon, Tamra and Heather are on one side and Vicki, Kelly and Megan on the other (in that order).... you just know that Tamra/Shannon/Heather are all going to fight for the prime seat next to Andy, but who is relegated to the end of the couch.  Logical choice is Heather, but I could see her complaining heavily about that.

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In my opinion, I think Jim has a mistress. That's just how I feel. Nothing concrete but I wouldn't be surprised. It'd make more sense to ship Meghan to somewhere he won't be watched as much. 


I think Kelly is smart when she doesn't drink. I hope she does not booze or dope up before the reunion. This is reunion is crucial and is a deciding factor is Andy will bring her back next season. She needs to be levelheaded. If Vicki were smart, she'd ensure Kelly keeps a level head b/c Vicki needs Kelly a lot too. If Kelly does not return next season, Vicki is f-cked. 


That's the order I could imagine occurring. I do think though as you said, Heather will be wedged in the middle as she won't wanna sit in the middle. Regardless where they sit, they are all gonna catch hell from Kelly.


It is boring this season even though I am still gonna watch. This season is a perfect indicator as to why Magali needs to be brought back. 

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Sucks that there seems to be no reunion. 


That aside, Louise came off as a real snake tonight. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Julia and Angela nailed her brittle ass to the cross. Louise has a real habit of talking sh-t behind folks backs and she needs to stop. I like her but I call it how I see it.


Kind of weird and full circle how the first conflict of the season occurred at Julia's b-day (started by Michelle) and it ends at Michelle's b-day (started by Julia/Angela). 


When it comes to Michelle, if her husband ain't complaining about her spending then it is nobody's business. 


Gilda ... that's my girl. Her evil little ass knows how to undress you and read you with her mouth. 


This was a great ending to the first season. I foresee Louise being in the hot seat if there's a second season.


Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I saw that in the previews! And Tamara Tattles brought this up about a week ago. It's a matter of public record that v early in their marriage, David & Shannon had a fight and the police was called to the house. Having said that, I think this was the only time, and there is no evidence he is still acting this way. If anything, he seems docile and a little afraid of Shannon. 


Shannon can't really get mad at Kelly and Vicki. She said when she joined OC that she would put it all out there. And she did, when she dragged David on that Affair Apology Tour. I get that she doesn't want 'her girls' knowing about this, but that's the price you pay for fame and when you have stuff like this on public record.


But I'm sure Shannon will be glad of the opportunity to play her favourite role, that of Victim, (to quote you, NBA) with a quickness!


lol Meagan's face in the last shot :lol:

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Shannon really can't get mad b/c she shouldn't've given Vicki such damning intel about her life while scolding Vicki endlessly about Brooks the past 2 years. All is fair in love and war, and those 2 are at war now. 


Shannon can try and play victim but it'll be to no avail. This past episode did her no justice. People will just think Kelly spilling this tea was fair game as Shannon has been spilling alleged secrets about Kelly from the start along with her heinous behavior. 


I'm for one glad that Kelly is spilling Heather/Shannon/Tamra's dirt as they love doing it to others. Karma. 

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You guys...  Teresa Guidice just posted a photo on Instagram... she's with Danielle Staub doing yoga.  Caption reads "So good catching up with @Danielle_staub.  Leaving the past in the past and moving forward with only positive vibes.  Looking forward to the future."


I'm guessing Danielle is really coming back next season...maybe Teresa is finally seeing that NJ ratings have tanked and her Bravo money may come to an eventual end, sooner than later.  Suck it up girl, you've got several little daughters to raise and Joe is in jail... if you lose Bravo, which means losing any good endorsements going forward, are her cookbooks really going to get them through?

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I guess Andy reacted to the Danielle/Teresa photo. I hope this is where Season 8 is headed... It's do or die, Jersey! If NYC can do it, you've got a shot with the original bad girl! 


Wow, caught up on OC. How dirty and toxic this show has become. Kelly is no saint and sloppy as hell when drunk, but I hope she drags those three Salem witches at the reunion. 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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