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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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This episode was so different from the last ones because all of the ladies got together and rallied behind Angela...of all people. This was Angela's redemption episode as it emerges she's gone through hell in her life, is wildly insecure and her boyfriend is a bastard. And not one of the women didn't feel for her. It's almost like the editors set us up to despise her delusional ass, only for Julia to reveal herself to be a racist villain, leaving Angela available for redemption. 


Ann and her nephew are beyond cute. She is Auntie Mame. I also really enjoyed Gilda and Ann going to painting class. 


Louise continues to be my favourite. 




This was a bit of a dull episode. I'm glad Tanya finally had the baby so she can stop being a whiner about it. Dawn and Leanne burying the hatchet was mature of them. Next week looks good as several marriages implode. 

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Made me like Stacey even less. She's a snake. She says she doesnt want to be the reason that leanne and Dawn fall out but I think she is secretly loving it. She keeps planting seeds and feeding into their growing wedge and doing her role in turning Leanne against Dawn



I still have the last 10 minutes to view but the show was a bit boring to me. I did feel bad when Angela's bf said he wants to spend more time with his friends. Wow. You are in a long distance relationship and barely see her as is and you tell her you want to see less? At least in her talking head she seems to have got the hint that this relationship isnt long for this world


Who the hell sets up 12/13 year olds on a blind date? Id be mortified if my mother did that to me and on tv.

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I'm finally catching up on my Housewives...


NJ - am I the only one that actually gets what Jacqueline is saying and thinks she's right?  :huh:  Hahaha...  I'm really over Teresa and Melissa.  I heard they filmed the reunion yesterday - no Kathy, Rosie, Robyn, etc - just the housewives... and it was Teresa/Melissa vs. Jacq.  Same sh!t, different day.


Melbourne - this season was literally everything and is probably top 3 housewives seasons of all time.  I'm very surprised they've decided to postpone Season 4 to give Sydney a chance.  Not smart when the momentum is so high...



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OK. I didn't much from this episode it was a major dud for me. 


I am not shocked that Misse and Anders are near the end. Misse stayed shitting on Ampika's situation and that's only b/c her only situation at home was a mess. She tried so hard last season to present her marriage as something it is not ... perfect. I don't know why she's getting marital advice from the deluded Dawn though. Dawn lucked up and landed a spineless sap in Ashley. He isn't going anywhere b/c they both feed off each other. 


Seema v. Lauren was boring. Seema made valid points that Lauren doesn't say [!@#$%^&*] to Dawn, who stays yelling. I don't know why Lauren is so traumatized by Seema's yelling at her. I remember Lauren tearing Dawn a new hole the first season of the show. Where is that Lauren? Seema would've been an easy read. 


I don't believe that Dawn/Leanne are repaired. That luncheon did nothing. They just glossed over their issues. Dawn will not be satisfied until Leanne becomes her full-fledged puppet again; however, now that Leanne is surrounded by a bunch of women that encourage her independence, she is not gonna go back. Dawn's slave has escaped from the plantation, tasted freedom, and isn't going back. Dawn better just learn to deal. Old Leanne is gone for now. 


Next week seems interesting as we see Misse's marriage crumble. I don't pity her as again, she came for Ampika last year for no damn reason and tried to demonize her situation.

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Yes you are. She's coming across crazy. Teresa and Melissa are family. Who cares if their newfound relationship is fake? Their kids were affected by their fighting so for the sake of everyone around them its best that they come to a place where they try to get along and to their credit, they've done that. Teresa going to jail put alot into perspective and she's trying to be on her best behavior with everyone. Jaqueline is stuck in 2012 and she already made up her mind about Teresa. Teresa isnt playing the role that she has for her in her head so its driving her nuts to the point where she keeps trying to instigate drama to validate her animosity


Wow there is going to be a RH in Sydney? Loving how all these series are popping up to cities Ive recently been to

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Pure karma exemplified tonight. Tamra stays bringing up other folks kids. The chickens came home to roost tonight. She spoke about Alexis' kid stroller falling in the pool, brought up Slade's child support AND tried to get the mother on the reunion, talking about Jeana's family and assaulting her, and brought up Lizzie's baby socking her in the face... See a pattern? Trailer Sue has no boundaries at all. Karma has came in the form of Kelly and I loved it. I love that Kelly is also bringing all of this up on Twitter too. I hope she reminds Tamra that she has NO room to talk at the reunion. 


Vicki is a fair-weather friend. I like her still but f-ck she is a sorry ass ally. She is someone not to depend on b/c she seeks validation too much. Vicki was so that girl in school that desperately wanted to be accepted by the cool kids crowd in school. 


Shannon is gross next week trying to get Kelly to drink. That won't bode well with the audience. 

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Wow that got real fast. These bitches! LOL. Kelly gets crazy when she's drunk. Its ironic that she started the show lecturing her husband about his drinking


Kelly was out of line with her comment about Tamra's child. Thats a line you dont cross. A person would be dead to me for that. Thats the cruelest most hurtful thing anyone could have said to her


I find it ironic how it was Shannon that told Tamra bc thats exactly what Tamra did to her  few weeks ago when she told her about what David's mother said


Totally not here for Meagan and her trip down her family tree

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We owe Ireland a huge-ass apology for imposing the real drunk housewives of drunkedness on that poor isle. We also owe them an apology for Shannon's Oirish 'accent.'


Who to blame for the clusterf*ck of f*ckery? Tamra for stirring the pot and trying to get Heather pissed at Kelly? Shannon the tattletale? Or the Kelly the nasty drunk?


I have no doubt Tamra hurts deeply about her daughter shutting her out of her life and choosing Simon over her. However, Tamra has violated the Child Code on this show before. What did she expect if she antagonised unstable lush Kelly?


Shannon thinks she hides the hand to throw the stone but this dumb idiot was mic-ed up when she ran to Tamra. What a mean-spirited dumbass.


Kelly is one of those people who thinks that being drunk (and 'Mexican,' apparently) is an excuse to say anything, including rambling Trump-style remarks about Jewish people. Sometimes I wonder how people who are so dumb end up so rich. The biggest problem I have with her is that she plays the victim card in every episode re: her marriage. However, there is nothing victim-like or vulnerable about her whatsoever. She is a honking, hectoring loudmouth who looks like she'd beat you up if you so much as looked at her the wrong way.


OT but has anybody seen this?? It is frankly amazing:


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"You got your hair cut like me / You got a married man like me / Hypocrite much? Hyyyyyyyypocrite muuuuuch / Beth-e-NEE" is literally stuck in my head now. :lol:


I also loved her "This is my latest statement necklace from The Countess Collection..."

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Boring. I have nothing to say. Dont even recall what happened




LOL...The SHADE that was hurled during delusional Angela's hot mess of a launch party. These ladies were not here for her. I loved it. Id have left 


Julia is a messy ass bitch. Why did she need to go tell Angela sh-t about Louise? She threw her under the bus and for what? I dont see how that would have even done Angela to try and rile her up during her special night


Julia: "If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all." Says the woman that used the N word.


With all that said, Louise was wrong for slagging her off. It was rude. Im glad Louise called her ass out




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