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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Jaq was messy. I cant beleive Im saying this but I was on Melissa's side with this. She came at Jaq reasonable


Teresa saying hopefully Milania wont remember the birhdays without her dad....she is being delusional. Milania is  10 years old, not 10 weeks


BTW, Way TOO many housewives series yet again. Im about to fall behind yet again. NJ, OC, AUK, NYC....yea, I cant keep up

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RHOAKL (click here for episode 02):


OMG. @Cat@DaytimeFan, & @Cheap21 we have to discuss tonight's epic, messy ass episode. 


Tonight exemplified why I didn't care for Angela. I knew deep down she was a desperate, deluded, nasty woman. She did too much tonight and tried to play it off like she was the victim. No, Angela. You are not. She went to that dinner with the intentions of aiming her gun at Gilda when Gilda paid her no mind. I thought it was tacky how she basked in getting Louise to discuss what she had heard about Gilda in the past. She then proceeded to say that she's heard the rumors about Gilda before when it was lie. She had just said upstairs with Louise and Julia that she never heard things about Gilda. Angela was just all over the place and a total train wreck. She is a snake but not the only one in the group.... 


Julia is the other snake. I had a gut feeling that my opinion of her would go south. Who knew it'd be this soon? She deliberately lied on Anne when she was the one that said Gilda was a gold-digger in the first episode. She practically had to pull it out of Anne. She then proceeded to warn Gilda about Anne, and I thought that was so foul. I was so glad that Anne challenged Julia's lies and production played the receipts to back her up. Anne also got Julia's ass when she implied that Julia is most likely projecting her own truth onto Gilda about being a gold-digger.


Anne won me over a bit tonight. I like that she took time out to build a bond with Michelle and Gilda and realized she might actually like them. 


Michelle is my girl; however, she sucks as a hostess. I (personally) hate when people say take your shoes off when the whole damn house is hardwood and marble tiled floor. Carpet, OK. I would understand. Honestly, I would've given Michelle the business and kept my shoes on. This was a classy dinner party. Furthermore, I agreed with Julia (though I can't stand her ass) when she made the comment that they should've just had dinner plates instead of self-serving. Other things that nagged me about Michelle tonight was how she spoke to her husband. I don't like it. He seems like a nice man, who'll give her the world but she addresses him so nastily. Like ease up. Also, Michelle needs to ease up on the body/model talk. Critiquing people's body is a thin line--a sensitive topic that she needs to leave alone. Good for her being slim; however, everyone does not have her body type. She needs to wake the f-ck up and realize that size 0 models is a thing of the past. Models with curves is becoming the it thing as most women have curves. She needs to cut that sh-t out and proceed with caution. She's walking a fine line that'll get her ass dragged. 


Poor Louise. I hated that Angela tried toss her under the bus but to no avail. 


Gilda was the star tonight. She handled Angela with ease and shut her down when she told Angela she hasn't heard a damn thing about her. In other words, Angela is a NOBODY and that kills her. I am here for Gilda trampling on Angela for as long as she wants too. Angela asked for it tonight. Plus, the women need to get over Gilda once being with an older man. Who cares? Who's to say she was with him for money? Maybe she was drawn to him b/c he was a great protector? Maybe she saw a father figure in him? Whatever the case, that's Gilda's business and her ex doesn't seem to have minded. Some wealthy men like gold-diggers. 

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The olympics and it being dull have caused be to now fall two episodes behind on New Jersey. I ain't bothered. OC was unwatchable this week. I'm Team Kelly/Vicki, so I can only enjoy it as much as they're featured. I still hate fans haven't taken to Kelly and she's viewed so much as a villain. If she was on any other series that wouldn't be the case. And I'm sorry, but Tamra has been a lot worse and more vulgar that Kelly could dream of, yet they wanna act like Kelly is satan. Bye with that mess.

Anyway, the important thing about this week was Auckland's two night premiere! It was EVERYTHING! Production values were great, the homes were fabulous and it was very well cast. I wasn't impressed with pictures or promos, but the series definitely impressed me.

Michelle - I LOVED her! I find it hard to believe she modeled though because she is awkward on camera. Her shots in the opening are just so bad, but otherwise I love her. I LOVE her home and her family seems fun. I also love the friendship with Gilda. The "plus sized" comment was definitely shade, but I lived for it. That was just effortless and made the episode for me. I loved her dinner party in episode two and fashion show with her daughter. She's a keeper for me.

Angela - At first I did kinda like her. She was ridiculously annoying during the first meeting with Gilda, but I was willing to give her a pass. Where she lost me is creating an issue with Gilda when she literally didn't say anything bad about her at that first meeting. She simply said she should tone it down because the entire time she was acting extremely awkward. Angela then took it to an extreme at the dinner party and made herself look so bad. First you're sitting there talking about the gossip you've heard about her and she she says she doesn't care you STILL keep pouncing on it. That is bizarre. 

Gilda - GORGEOUS, stylish and a sharp tongue! I LOVE LOVE LOVED her! She was silky smooth and her dinner put down was perfect, "Do you know what I've heard about you? Not a [!@#$%^&*] thing." I like how she kept her cool when I think any reasonable person couldn't be blamed if they jumped across the table at Angela. I wonder what Angela said about her if it was obviously bad enough to get bleeped out.

Ann - She's my least favorite and the one I'd most like see go for next season.

Louise - She seems a bit messy, but she owns her stuff so I am enjoying her. I don't have any issues with her so far.

Julia - She is cute and fun. I like her a lot more than I anticipated.

Overall, two episodes in and Auckland has won me over. What a stunning two episodes. I don't know why I expected this series to be so boring.

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Aukland - I love a two episode premiere. 


I am softening to Michelle because she tried to repair things before they became a problem and she knew she didn't handle the first lunch well. I do not, however, like her discussion of body shape. She's done it 2/2 episodes. I can't fault her for being realistic about the fashion industry but it isn't healthy for a 12 year old girl. She does have a sense of humour which helps. 


Angela blew it and I'll never like her or pity her. She is nuts. She's desperate and a loser and her thirst for Gilda is real. I HATED the way she was discussing the gossip about Gilda with Louise and Julia. That is a basic bitch if there ever was one. The victim act fools no one. How does she not understand that giving unsolicited style advice is offensive. That healing session was ludicrous and bizarre. Louise is right that Angela is always trying to build a good impression and never herself. Angela throwing Louise under the bus was a poor attempt. 


Gilda is very strong and very decisive and I respect that. She has probably lived through a lot with her childhood in Iran. A 47 year age gap is, of course, going to attract the age difference. However, her marriage lasting 15 years is nothing to sniff at. She annihilated Angela who had it coming, big time. All that said, I don't like Gilda. She is too cold, too icy and too controlled. No warmth or humour seems to exude from her. 


I love Louise. I get her. I'm part of her tribe. 


Julia is a traitorous bitch. 


Ann's skin is like a dried prune around her mouth. I wonder how old she is...I do give her credit for attempting to get to know Michelle and Gilda. She does seem to have a sense of humour. 



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I was about to report the same :) 

Haven't watched OC yet (hubby still prefers NJ first; why, I have no idea) but NJ's problem is that it can't evolve. Ever since its Season 3 premise (which successfully transitioned from being centered around Danielle as the resident evil one), they just can't transition from Teresa & Melissa "working on their relationship" and Teresa and Jaq's fractured friendship. It's old, it's tired, it's been done. Teresa hasn't given two effs about Jacqueline for the past 4 years. Siggy and Dolores are cute, but are basically time fillers and don't really serve a purpose. At least there's the friendship connection with Jacqueline (unlike The Twins and Amber... I can't even remember how they were introduced... did someone visit a Dunkin' Donuts?), and perhaps it'll all gel together when they have their group trip next week. Overall though, New Jersey just seems stuck in a story rut. 

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Haha!  All so true. So tired of same storyline. I think part of the problem is that Teresa is so popular so bravo revolves the show around her, but she is very controlling and will be tight lipped on certain things which gets frustrating for everyone. 


I remember Amber's intro - she was Melissa's old friend and I think bridesmaid for her wedding. I don't remember the twins and their intro and potential connection at all haha. 

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Why is Carole still on this show? What purpose does she serve? Aside from being butt buddies with Andy and Bethenny, she literally adds nothing. A perfectly good waste of couch space.


If ever there was a time I condone someone slapping the sh*t out of somebody it would be Bethenny. I don't care who does, just do it, make it hard and get it over with. I'm so sick of the skinny bitch.


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