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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Damn. FOUR pages you guys? While I was asleep! :lol: 


Seriously tho I'm glad everybody is getting stoked for RHoA. I can't get over how phenomenal Phaedra looks. She'd been starting to look like a gremlin in recent years. I just want to point out that when Phelony first (phirst?) joined the show, she had a really beautiful face. I don't know whether it was because she was pregnant with Aiden at the time, but she was literally a blooming rose. I noticed that when Nene called her "plain jane" that first season, Phae got into the clown makeup and exaggerated styling, and it did nothing for her. It seems she's had a rethink and a makeover on that front.


And Mr. Vixen, you are not the only one who will miss Nene. As foul as she may be sometimes. I am catching up on the last few episodes of last season's Atlanta right now... woah. Nene's attitude was STANK. Getting Dr. Drew as a way to attack the women, only to find the attack turned on her. Honestly, I hope she realizes that RHoA pays her mortgage. I still think the show needs her, but she also needs the show as a platform. Hopefully the "I'm too good for y'all" attitude takes a backseat but, often with Nene, she doesn't like to learn from her mistakes. In her mind, she can never be wrong. And I say this as someone who enjoys watching her.


(Also Nene vs Sheree vs Marlo NEEDS to happen on my screen. BTW is Carlos King back on RHoA as EP?)



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Yes, he is.


ETA: Kandi and Kenya are giving me EVERYTHING in the peach cast shot.


Poorsha's tagline is so lame: "I'm about to give you life, so stay outta my way" Huh? I'm sure she came up with that all by herself. No doubt about that.


Edited by Eric83
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I can't remember if it was on Reality Tea or this very thread but the rumor was she has been demoted to a Friend Of. Which is a shame (because I love her) but at the same time she is probably avoiding a shitload of potential trouble if viewers were to turn against her.



TY! Now that Nene doesn't have as much of a say, I still don't understand why Training Wheels [(c) Cheap] remains a 'HW' on the show and not Marlo. 

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It's just a rumor at this point! Bravo has not confirmed it. And we won't know until they release the opening taglines. :(


I know right? Eileen became my fave last season. I have always loved her on Y&R and Days -- I think she is one of the most talented, naturalistic actors around tbh -- but on RHoBH she proved to me how sympathetic, self-deprecating and dorky she can be. And she never lost her class or authenticity either, not even once.


Please enjoy this classic RHoBH Eileen moment:


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And her reaction to Brandi








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If Eileen is just a friend that it was by choice bc I cant imagine Bravo demoting her. She was considered by most to be the second favorite housewife after Lisa. She was VERY well recieved and was the voice of reason while giving the producers material to work with and she wasnt a hassle like some other divas. She was the perfect housewife bc she wasnt afraid to let us into her home and family as well while not getting into TMI territory like Shannon (she's real bu ta bit too real this season and that helped ruin her). I love Eileen and if she is just a friend, I hope she appears just as much as LuAnn did

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:wub: Thank you, Cat.


And I agree, Cheap. I don't see why they would demote her and her ability to remember every last thing she said and being able to recall it word for word (ha, and they say soaps are bad for ya. ;)).

And how can we forget how she draggggggggggggggggggggggged Brandi at the reunion?

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