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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Meghan is PSYCHO. She called Brooks' doctor and pretended to have cancer? Absolutely batshit crazy. She is absolutely obsessed and should be ashamed of herself. She is so damn desperate to be relevant. She's contacting an ex-girlfriend of his? Good for Jim to tell her never to do that again. "You're waving at no one!" - Jim Edmonds. BAHAHAHAHA. Way to go, Jim! What a desperate idiot. How the hell can she say a damn thing about Brooks' cancer and whatever his ongologists are saying. Jim knows his wife is a destructive bitch.


Tamra and Ryan...Ryan is such a LOSER. Boo hoo he got a woman knocked up and now doesn't like handling the load of responsibility. Of course, Tamra made an ass of herself about the 'consider the source' line...always grasping for camera time she is. 


Lizzie and Christian are a great looking couple and she looked beautiful at the Aries Party. 


Shannon - was it just me or did her pool strike anyone else as surprisingly small?


I love how Vicki answered "you are" to everything Meghan said Vicki called her - because she is all the things that Vicki's called her. And then I loved how she told Meghan to go and become an oncologist. I think Brooks handled Meghan as well as he possibly could. 


Re the Dubrow's skincare formulations: In my opinion, allegedly, etc: first of all, the line does not offer a sunscreen from what I can see online on Evine (the retailer), which is the most important thing everyone can use to protect their skin. So that already sets the line as substandard in my opinion given that the sun is the #1 cause of aging and skin damage. Then, the polish/scrub product has silica beads - which is rough on the skin and can cause micro tears and it isn't as good as using a chemical exfoliant like salicylic acid. Then, the moisturizer and serum have fragrance in them, which is an irritant for skin. The serum product they have has silicones and ceramides - and nothing more - which for $40 for an ounce is incredibly expensive and doesn't offer skin very much. They also have two nutritional products: a liquid and a vitamin pill, that loads up on the skin healthy vitamins and minerals. I'm always hesitant to do 250% of the Recommended Daily Intake of any nutrient - and that's what the nutrition products do - to each their own, most of those nutrients are water soluble anyway so the body only absorbs what it can and the rest is flushed out. Overall, in my opinion, there are far less expensive, better formulated products available. 

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Thanks for your take on the Dubrow skincare line. I would have thought sunscreen would be a standard in the anti-aging day products and it always stuns me when I see major brands like Chanel or YSL push anti-aging creams with no SPF attached. I know they're trying to fix the line at a (slightly) more affordable price point but sometimes it just seems better to get some natural product like coconut oil and smear it on your face for hydration purposes!


I have been watching Season 2 of Real Housewives of Melbourne, which I never caught up on! I've watched everything right up to the last episode (not including the Reunion episodes). My thoughts:


-This franchise is glitzy, tacky, gloriously OTT, contrived at times, bitchy, but so, so fun. And at the end of the day, a lot of these women are true blue Australian sheilas in the best sense.

I was all ready to love Pettifleur and dislike Gamble at the beginning of the show. What a switcheroo as the show progressed. Gamble is funny, self-deprecating and winningly upfront. Pettifleur is mean, a poseur and a big-ass fake. The only point I actually warmed to her was when she danced her birthday tango at her winter wonderland party. LMAO as she wrapped her leg around that poor dancer's shoulder.

- I still like Jackie but I worry that she will get too caught up in being what she thinks a Real Housewife should be and will lose the rock in her life -- her adorable husband.

- I know people hate Lydia here and think she is a bore... well, I love to hate her. She's like Kyle in a lot of ways -- pretentious, condescending, dumb as a box of rocks, thinks she is hysterically funny -- but the difference is that I can't stand Kyle most of the time. Lydia in a lot of ways is hideous, and talks horribly about Gina especially in her VTs. She obviously thinks she is the second coming of Samantha Jones sometimes. And yet... I can't stop watching her. Ugh, I have such ratchet taste in HWs lol. :wacko:

- Gina is... where to start? The eye of the hurricane. I love the fragile/strong woman she shows herself to be -- tough barrister but vulnerable when it comes to relationships. I liked her burgeoning friendship with Gamble. At the same time, she can just be so vicious in her put-downs. She is fundamentally insecure, as insecure as that vile Andrea in S1. I wish she wouldn't burn so many bridges on this show, or get caught talking out of turn about the few friends she has left. At the same time, the other women are so ready to pounce on her every word or action and twist it against her. 

Janet is a big gossip but she owns it and I love her for that. I was LMAO at her reaction to Gina's shoe-line. Chyka (who I also love) had a good point about not being asked to use their names for shoes, but the Janet had the truest reaction. "I don't care about that! All I care about is that I got the ugly nana shoe!"

Bring on Season 3!


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RH of Melbourne is amazing. If they can manage a great season 3 then it will be the best show among all the franchises, in my opinion. It is so compulsively watchable, fun, gold plated, glitzy and glamorous. It's the kind of tacky fun that only Australia could master in such a winning way. 


Totally agree about Janet. She's a big gossip, but she totally owns it and has some of the funniest reactions and I love her. 

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I really enjoyed the 100th episode special of NYC. Too bad they didn't air it on a Tuesday night, or after OC, but I'll take it.


Interesting how all the ladies of the original cast were introduced to Bravo through Jill Zarin (except Alex, which LuAnn humorously noted that was Bravo's fault doing), yet sadly she declined to be interviewed for what could've been another epic behind-the-scenes tale of secret records, stampeding the offices, and whatnot.


Sweet to see Bethenny break down (yet again) and thank Bravo/Andy for changing her life and making her career aspirations come true.

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Alex said that Bravo offered her a chance to appear on the special, but she would've had to fly herself in. Then they tried to get her to film from Australia, but couldn't get the logistics down. It's a shame. I wish the other series had proper 100 episode specials like OC got.

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Smart move. The only thing Cindy  could offer is a 10 second blip about her fight with Sonja over her their brunch get-together. 


Alex was always doing those video blog things. Too bad they couldn't work something out. Watching the old clips, poor Alex took four seasons to finally get her hair looking right. 

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Boring. I couldn't even watch it. I turned the TV halfway through. I'm over the cancer storyline. I did watch WWHL and Shannon was being a frigid twat towards Gretchen. I am glad that Gretchen told Shannon that she was drinking the Tamra 'koolaid' and that she'd learn just like Gretchen did. It was funny to hear how Gretchen ingeniously showed how Vicki's story now mirrors hers a few years back and how Vicki was a hypocrite. I am glad though that she wishes Vicki the best and told her that she should be with Brooks if he makes her happy. At the end of the day, Vicki should be concerned about herself. No one else. 




Tonight was so GOOD! Can Bravo just scrap the OC and replace it with Cheshire? I get more emotion out of them than I do OC. 


I loved seeing Magali step up as a boss and let these hoes know that you don't cross Magali! 


I enjoyed watching her wag her finger at Leanne and I wish she would've reached across the table and hit her ass too. 


Ampika and Lauren are so ride or die and I'm glad that they don't agree with the video and have sided with Magali. 


Leanne loves to say that she isn't a lap dog, but she stayed reporting to her master throughout this episode. She's such a sad sap. I seriously think that Dawn should be concerned about her. Magali isn't the one that wants to be Dawn. Leanne is. And that lesbian rumor was absurd. If it doesn't apply, let it fly. Them entertaining it and getting heated over it only gave the rumor legs to stand on. Plus, it is clear that Magali didn't start the rumor; she'd own it if she did. But I wouldn't be surprised if Leanne did have feeling for Dawn. 


Why is Tanya still on this show? I liked her last season but she is pointless and irrelevant. I am glad that Ampika digs into her ass along with Leanne and Dawn next week. 


Lauren is kooky and I get a laugh out of watching her try and find new methods to try and lose weight. Sorry, Lauren good old fashioned exercise is the best way! But you gotta love her for trying. 


The showdown between Magali and Dawn was epic. Magali approached Dawn like a boss, and Dawn of course cowered like the wimp she is. Magali ate her up and sent Dawn running out the polo match with her tail between her legs. I am enjoying Magali giving Dawn a dose of her own medicine. And the whole Magali 'wants to be Dawn' was ludicrous. Who the f-ck says that as a 40+ year old woman? I think Dawn is the one that isn't happy with herself. I'm glad that her husband, Ashley, is forcing her to mend fences with Magali. It has to be draining for him b/c it's obvious that he genuinely likes Magali and Dean. 

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IA. It was another episode of cancer talk. I appreciate that Heather came out and talked to Vicki woman to woman about the whole situation, but the whole SL is a depressing mess. Even Meghan could not refrain from bringing up her cancer 'expertise' (and throwing that poor mother Leanne under the bus AGAIN) in the segment when buying her stepdaughter a new prom dress. This is a terrible idea for a single story and Meghan needs to be fired after she is raked over the coals at Reunion. Regardless of whether Brooks is lying or not. The only good bit was Lisa Rinna showing up to talk about HSN with Heather. Thank goodness for that ray of sunshine. Even her hair looked fab.


I finally caught up on the NY 100th episode special which was a real treat. I truly love this show and the people currently involved. Even Kristen was funny and erudite. Ramona looks like she had a face lift and Aviva's hair is fabulous. You could tell Andy is emotionally invested in the women and this particular franchise. It struck me that as enjoyable as it was to see early clips of the show, I never want to see Jill Zarin, Kelly, Cindy and Alex on this show again. IMO the latest mix of women is a perfect balance and I love how NY has evolved as a franchise. I am sure I am alone in that view but after seeing the toxicity of OC, this was a welcome, fun, witty relief. 

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Heather lost me. Brook's cancer is none of her business. I get her wanting to be honest with Vicki and not be shady but she needs to leave it alone., He needs to show his medical records....WTF? He owes that to no one except Vicki. Im really disgusted by this storyline


I really hope Vicki isnt helping Brooks fake cancer to garner sympathy


I loved seeing Lisa Rinna on the show. She fit in like a glove. If she hadnt been placed on BH, I think she also could have worked on OC

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"I noticed that Tanya's shoes didn't get ruined, that's because they're plastic, not leather" - Lauren. ZING! SNAP! Well played, Lauren.


Drunk Ampika - perfect. She didn't make any sense at all with that HUGE hat. She really screwed up by not locking Mark back down. He's a solid man who could tolerate her flamboyance.


I love how Magali came gunning with all barrels blazing against that bitch Leanne and Dawn. Leanne is such a pathetic lapdog who can't take the heat that's been put on her when everyone around them said her behaviour has been terrible recording Magali and then passing it along like a viral video. 


I love Lauren. She is my favourite. She's very logical and fair. And that cryo lipo she had does actually work - she must have a good pain threshold because it hurts!


Dawn ran away like a scared cat when Magali came for her. Good! Goes to show she can't take confrontation at all. It will be interesting to see what Ashley's intervention has on Dawn. Ashley clearly wears the pants in that marriage, and I think if he tells Dawn to make amends with Magali, she bloody well will.

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Tamra's loser son, Ryan, irritates the hell out of me. He is such a damn loser - gets a woman knocked up who already has a litter of kids, can't afford a damn thing, has to have his mother pay his rent, which also means freeloading off his stepdad. He's just a flat out idiot. He doesn't have a single useful skill in life and he's set himself up to be a huge failure, as he always has been. Pathetic!


Heather lost me as well. I can't believe she insisted that Brooks furnish his records. And Jesus H. Christ...going on about the f--kin' house, again...she is such a prick. She has a fleet of contractors building her dream home at her beck and call. Sure, picking marble tiles can be a head scratcher, but dammit why does she act like it's a life or death decision? 


I'm sick of watching Meghan pretending to be Julia Roberts in Stepmom. She's a psycho. She is the worst housewife ever cast in the franchise history. An absolute dud who makes me want to never watch this show again.


Shannon was a real idiot dealing with Vicki. All of these women are badgering her and she thinks it's wise to join the dog pile? Idiot. Shannon can look like she's been dragged along 20 miles of bad road sometimes, it's odd how her mouth drops. Just a mean observation. It's been a long week and it's only Tuesday.


All of these women are disgusting. Even if Brooks is lying about the whole thing - why can't they just respect Vicki's space. Her mother is dead, her daughter is in Oklahoma, she has constant conflict with the Brooks relationship, she's paid out a hefty divorce (rightly) to Donn and Brooks has told her he has cancer. Let's say that Brooks is lying about cancer - how is that Vicki's fault and what good does it do to badger the poor woman? It's really disgusting and this storyline is so dark and has destroyed this season. 


The only good thing about this episode was Lisa Rinna's brief cameo. Lisa Rinna is so fabulous. She is so correct about selling on television. Joan Rivers mastered it and so has she. Lisa Rinna is very, very skilled at being herself. 

Edited by DaytimeFan
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