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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I loved when Lydia asked what Pettifluer thought of her And Pettifluer basically said she though she was an idiot. I love that she is open and honest and will truly speak her mind to your face. I also feel like Janet is enjoyable despite being so messy. I'm glad she's more open about her ways this season. She seems majorly pressed.

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This first look is really good. A lot of soap opera "acting" moments. SPOILERS BELOW.


Kim drags Lisa, Eileen and Kyle like she's picking her teeth. Dayum.

I don't blame Kim. Lisa is all up in her business and doing [Kim's] business like it's [Lisa's] business on national television. Eileen got a few digs thrown at her for interfering in the argument. Kyle "Why Me?" Kerrigan gets a Kathy-dig from Kim.

Lisa Rinna's reaction to Kim just bringing up the notion of talking chit about Harry was so OTT.

So lets talk hypocrisy. The fandom and these ladies will forever attack Brandi for throwing wine in Eileen's face in what added up to a fangurl/attention-whore moment. Lisa Rinna breaks glass over Kim and goes to choke Kim for even hinting at giving her a taste of her own medicine, and it will be no big deal. Kim had it coming. Eileen, and Lisa to a lesser extent, bitch about Brandi trying to come between sisters and Eileen is doing the same exact thing in this episode because she got told off for butting in by Kim. That'll be brushed under the rug. Kyle has a chance to defend Kim in these scenes. During the beginning Kim is just stating some facts. Instead of supporting Kim, Kyle is there acting embarrassed about her sister. She doesn't defend Kim to anybody, really, she acts put upon and stirs the other girls up on Kim as much as Kim may stir Brandi up on Kyle.

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Man Eileen really schooled Kim! And she called her a beast! Hee! Love how she called Kim out on not apologizing right after Kim lied and said she did. Then to respond with "I don't like you!" Why because she caught you in a lie and called you out? Kim is such a piece of [!@#$%^&*] and clearly she has some serious mental problems if this is the way she acts when the truth is brought to light. Poor desperate delusional has-been. :lol:

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Thank you. It warms my heart to see Kim drag these hoes. Lisa Rinna has been running her mouth about Kim, interfering where she has no business for WEEKS now, but when Kim dares to mention her husband, Lisa wants to attack her physically? This show has made me dislike Lips (not that I was ever a huge fan). Everything Kim said was spot on.

Also, MrPrez, it was Kim who called Eileen a beast, Eileen just repeated it.

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Eileen is better than me. When Kim would've reached her ET finger across the table, I would've dragged her ass across that table. And I don't see how anyone is capable to cutting for Kim. Her actions are disgusting and she been walking around acting like an addict. She seriously needs to go.

Kyle should be glad that Kim is no longer her problem. I would be. We'll see how long Brandi cares for her. She'll flip on her too like she did Adrienne, Lisa, and recently Kyle.

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Brandi throws wine as an (inappropriate) joke and she's the biggest, most vile [!@#$%^&*] on Earth. Lisa gets a bee in her bonnet when Kim does to her what she's been doing to Kim ALL SEASON, and tries to grab Kim's neck/face, throws wine on her, and smashes the glass on the table. But she's justified in doing so.


Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Did I say that Lisa tossing a glass was the right thing? I don't think I did. Am I excited to see it? Hell yes. Lisa has been telling Kim the truth about herself and she can't handle it. Kim always flips out when someone calls her out on her sh-t.

And I still don't think that anything Brandi does is appropriate. The b-tch is pure trash.

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Oh OK. Sorry about that. Thought it was directed at me.


Tonight was a decent episode. Not a lot of drama but I am over Dawn talking about freezing her eggs. It's like watching an American soap at this point. She is obsessed with having a baby.

I did enjoy seeing Mark, Ashley, and Paul. Ashley is gorgeous and in a weird way, I find Mark hot too. He is like the perfect ex that everyone would want. I don't know why Ampika let him slip through her fingers. I'd be trying to reconcile if I was here. It's obvious he still loves her.

Lauren's b-day party for her bunny was stupid. I skipped over that altogether.

I'm ready for next week when Ampika calls Leanne out for being Dawn's cleanup woman. Finally!

This is why I love Ampika! She is not afraid to call people out on their sh*t. Cynthia needs to study Ampika and take notes on how to throw something out on the table. Girlfriend is an expert and she keeps her foes [i.e. Dawn at the moment] flustered.

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Oh I thought she called her a bitch and Eileen responded with beast but the quality is kind of poor. It makes Eileen's reaction even better though. It's amazing how cool and icy she can be. She really got under Kim's skin. I can't fault Kim for having issues with Lisa. But Eileen really has done nothing to her and Kim has been very disrespectful towards her from the start. Poor Kim probably used to be the popular mean girl but now she's just a dried up old prune still retaining that mean spirit.

There's a difference between a completely unprovoked wine toss and a provoked wine toss. Granted shattering the glass goes beyond both but Kim was way overly aggressive. She's used to yes people and people that enable her but when she's confronted with cold hard facts and zero tolerance to let her skid by on all her bullsh|t she unleashes the beast. Typical addict behavior. This is Real Housewives not has-been Celebrity Rehab.

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The one thing I agree with is that Kim has a right to ask Lisa to quit running her mouth about her sobriety. She brought it up once as a "friend" or as a "concerned" individual. For most people that would be enough. Yet Lisa Rinna has kept on repeating it and having the same conversations with not just Eileen but Kyle, Lisa Vanderpump, and Brandi. So at this one I think once can understand Kims frustration.

And Angela is right...at the end of the day it's not Kim who throws that wine glass with such force that you hear it shattering everywhere. Kim def has some issues and they should be addressed but at the same time people should also not be surprised if she reacts bad and starts putting out some of their ish into the world.

One look at Lisa Rinna and you already know she's got some dark and effed up stories in her past. Wouldn't surprise me if Harry was one of em....

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*So* looking forward to this! Great trailer!

EIGHT women though? Eight official castmembers? Wow, that's a new record, yes? All the more reason why someone like Kristen should be downgraded. It's not like anyone would miss her. No one's gonna be up Andy's ass begging for her to return to help recapture the glory year of season 6. She was barely in the trailer (surprisingly, neither was Heather).

I'm excited to see a newly single Ramona, and seeing Bethenny dishing it to the ladies who have joined since she left. The Queen of quick wit has returned!!

Wow, I totally did not see the Cynthia Watros resemblance with the new girl when I watched the trailer! Looking back now, it's kinda like Cynthia Watros circa "Lost" DUI mugshot with those eyes.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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