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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lisa's a pro...she prob only made "peace" with Yolanda because she's still the flame of the moment for that famous piano writer or whatever he does. Once he dumps her I doubt Lisa will give two flips about her.

Brandi can go kick rocks for all I care. I didn't even give her money or moral support like Ken or Lisa did but I was ride or die for the chick from the moment she showed up on Season 2 and I'm so angry and how she's turned out. Would never in a million years have thought she'd reach this low level.

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The common denominator between Lisa and Yolanda is... Mohammed. And Mohammed seems like somebody who does not appreciate conflict. Since they were friends for a couple of years before the show, I can see Yolanda and Lisa being civil with each other, Yolanda especially recognising the backlash that came her way after last season. But Lisa was hurt at the way Yolanda tried to accuse Ken of grabbing her, physically abusing her. Ken is untouchable in Lisa's eyes, and everybody knows that.

There are lots of things I can appreciate about Yolanda, which is her direct, no-nonsense, Dutch way about her. She gets to the point. She has no problem confronting a situation. However, last season, I felt she was highly strategic in her decision to "confront" Lisa. It was like she sensed which way the winds were blowing and it was Take Down Lisa time, so she aligned herself with the wolves and even led the charge at the end of last season. In the same way, that's why I stopped liking Brandi. She genuinely seemed like somebody who said whatever came to her head, what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of person. But it seemed she was looking for arguments and, in that sense, it got strategic with her, too.

I have no time or patience with Kim who is favouring her untrained pitbull over the safety of her nieces, but whatever. She took an opportunity to make herself relevant in PR but it just made her look bitter and mean tbh.

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Lisa only puts up with Yolanda because she's the mother of Mohamed's kids. Yolanduh has issues with Lisa because her ex loves, adores AND respects Lisa way more than he ever did her. The main difference between then two is Lisa worked her way to where she is whereas Yoblanda slept her way. Yoyawnda will always act as tho she's superior to the other girls but she knows deep down in her lemon shaped heart that Lisa truly is her superior. Choke on it bitch!

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I wish Andy would have told Lisa not to be so to the point about spoilers. Lisa basically said she and Brandi were well on their way to working it out and then Brandi slapped her and she doesn't think they can come back from that. Lisa said she loves Kyle. She's clearly made peace with Yolanda until something airs on RHOBH to turn her off. So, yes, Lisa is fine with everybody but Brandi and, it goes without saying, Kim.

Are you using your imagination here? Support? Sure, Brandi also gave Lisa support. Money? Uh, show we anything that even closely resembles receipts.

If that's true IMO it hasn't happened on-screen yet. Yolanda has been "coming" for Lisa since the end of her first season. IMO, she's the one who turned Brandi off to Lisa.

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@ Angela

No need to be that way...unlike another poster I don't make up stuff out of thin air to attack certain Housewives. And I can fully admit when I'm mistaken or I've misspoke. No Lisa didn't write Brandi a direct check in any type of way. But I do think Lisa was there for Brandi when a lot of other people turned their back on her or never took her under their wings.

I think Lisa worked behind the scenes to try and open up several doors/avenues for Brandi to earn some more money (than she otherwise would have) and tried to help Brandi climb the economic ladder. I think that's the sign of a really great person and an amazing person. For Brandi to turn around and stick her knife in Lisa was just gross and frankly makes me sick to my stomach.

So again NO Lisa Vanderpump didn't write a check for $500,000 or whatever to Brandi. I apologize if that's how it sounded. But I do think Lisa did a lot for Brandi and that she didn't in any way deserve the backslap she received from that ungrateful trashbox.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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I didn't mean to be rude. I regretted typing it like that right after posting it. My sincere apology for being a bit jerky there.

I feel like you've used the money angle before without pointing out anything with any real standing or substance to back it up. I still feel you're doing that.

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I feel you. And yes upon a second reading it does seem a little shady and that I insinuated something that most likely isn't true. To me it's more just a feeling of frustration with the girl. Out of all of them it seemed like Lisa had been the most effort to try and be genuinely cool with Brandi. An authentic friend despite the vast difference between their worlds. Anyways we'll see where they go from here but if the trailer is any indication Brandi hasn't learned a single thing.

Kyle is REALLY feeling herself on this White Party...lol I just can't.

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That first season Brandi was on Lisa needed a friend as much as Brandi.

Out of all the falling outs Lisa has had, Brandi is the one falling out I actually feel didn't come out of pure jealousy. I think it came out of genuine hurt (and being a bit impressionable). I don't think Lisa was innocent in the falling out but I do think Brandi over reacted.

I'll judge Lisa and Brandi and their relationship this season on what plays out this season.

So far, good episode. I do wonder how the talking heads will play with this gang. They always seem to get more peeved after those, lol.

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Brandi clearly dead broke tho....

Love Rinna which I'm shocked by...her husband is from Mad Men! I knew I recognized him from somewhere! Love their family dynamic....

Yolanda is already dreading when Bella leaves...she knows it's pretty much game over at that point.

LMAO @ Ken giving Lemons the stank eye at the White Party. Priceless

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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What does being dead broke or not have to do with it? Also, do you have her financial records? I'd agree she had the least money in the RHOBH crew but again it had nothing really to do with anything. She was brought in as a friend (of Adrienne) on the show and both she and Lisa didn't have many friends that season and they ultimately took to each other.

This episode is a lot sharper than RHOA first episode. They'll get half the viewers of a RHOA but so far so good.

So good to see Camille. Loved the flashbacks.

Taylor, blah.

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