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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Tamra bailed from the table way too quickly. What a wuss. Take your tongue-lashing like a woman.

I loved those looks Tamra and Vicki were giving each other. Even before Tamra asked if something was wrong, she knew she was about to get it.

That whole "this is why nobody likes you" line that Tamra said to Danielle makes me kinda wish we could see what was cut.

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Miss Piggy at that dinner table was CLASSIC! I thought Vicki looked good early in the season and I love her clothes and hairstyle, but her face truly looked like it was melting. She will forever be the greatest housewife because she truly is authentic and lets it all hang out. No way she was acting and looking that tore down. I love me some Vicki! <3

I must say, I've never cared for Lizzie and this didn't do anything to change that for me. I think she's lying about the Eddie thing, especially since Heather is claiming to have heard it as well. I think her reasons for blowing up at Tamra are sketchy. I feel like Shannon is the main one who should've been coming for Tamra and honestly, probably Heather as well. The first half of this season Tamra tried to paint Heather as the villain, so I find it so shocking that Heather is her main ally now. It's weird.

In closing I'll also add that this season needs 3 more episodes and they should've edited Danielle into the season. If she made it to every dinner and the cast trip she was obviously intended to be a housewife and filmed just as much. It got a little boring after a while (we can't expect Shannon to carry the entire show) and I'm sure her stuff couldn't have been more boring than some of the stuff we saw. The bizarre editing out of Danielle has made this season feel incomplete and choppy. It's not like they filmed someone and she didn't do or say anything, she clearly is involved in these stories but we aren't seeing it. There had to be a reason Tamra was saying she would do anything to be on TV and how awful she was.

Can't wait to see a RHOC reunion sneak peek.

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Tamra overplayed her hand at the beginning. Heather tried to start sh-t by calling her out in private? Heather was right in saying that would only be the case if she did it in front of the newbies. Dang at Bravo showing her receipts and revealing her sh-t talking

LOL at Vicki's dumb and dumber comment about Lizzie and the Irrelevant One (dang why did it take me till the end to come up with that one?)


Poor Tamra! Damn heifers ambushing her. Thank god for Heather for being the only one noto to jump on Tamra and to reveal that Lizzie and Irrelevant One were LYING on Tamra. Bitches. Shannon was such a bitch to bring up Briana

Lizzie: "If you drink too much and cant remember the facts of the story, then don't say anything at all." Um like you last week lying about the texts? Or were you sipping too much and couldn't get the facts straight?

Agreed! I love how Heather was unimpressed


In other housewives news, this should wet your appetite for ATL

Nene Leakes READS RHoA Co-star Cynthia Bailey for Betraying her & Befriending Kenya Moore

(Article Source)

We recently reported that with season 7 of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” was currently filming, with rumors were swirling that Bravo decided to spice things up with two new cast members; Demetria McKinney and Claudia Jordan.

The two stars have been filming various scenes for the show and the talk of the town is that Claudia Jordan has hopped on Twirl since she’s friends with Kenya Moore. Not only has Claudia joined Kenya’s team but allegedly Cynthia Bailey has traded in her friendship with Nene to go join her nemesis as well.

Nene recently took to her Instagram account to fire shots at her former friend but later deleted the post:


Nene deleted the post but later took to her Twitter account to post the following comments:

Looks like the next season of RHOA should be a doozy! Do you think Cynthia has sold her soul to devil by joining Team Twirl and betraying Nene??

Edited by Cheap21
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It wasn't quite the spectacular fall for Tamra that I was awaiting so anxiously because she ran away like a coward the moment she sensed trouble. And then she sat in her bed as Heather came to her, like an idiot, desperate for confirmation that Tamra does, indeed, care for her. That was a weak moment of Heather's...she should have had Tamra sweat it out a bit to rattle her.

I loved Lizzie's bluntness: "You're crap Tamra. You're the most insecure woman I've ever met." She actually called her crap! That was hilarious and very real.

Shannon was so ready for a fight and she did a good job of flashing her receipts to Tamra. Tamra really had nothing to say in rebuttal. Shannon really threw her for a loop. That was interesting to see, the only person who did that before was Jeana...Jeana and Shannon as a team against Tamra? Amazing. Get on it Andy!

Vicki was quaking with hurt. She really does let it all hang out, sweating like a ham in that Balinese heat, unbelievably angry and sad and upset and destroyed about the Tamra/Brooks debacle. I like that Vicki remains natural on the show. She isn't always likeable, but she is who she is.

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I'm in the middle of season 2 of RHONY and I never realized in all my viewings that Bethenny really did start the feud with Kelly. Of course you forget that and overlook it because Kelly became unhinged, but she really did attempt to be nice to her. Bethenny is going on about minor things that happened two years prior when Kelly has never mentioned anything negative about her, nor did she mention that particular incident. Then when they ran into each other at a fashion show Kelly attempted to be nice and Bethenny was jumping out of her skin the entire time. She played her card wrong and it made her look petty and bitchy. Had Kelly not been insane this would've been a BAD season for her. Now I kinda wish Kelly wasn't crazy because we never really got to see Bethenny on the negative side of a feud.

For her to lash out like that, Cynthia must not be giving her the reaction the wants. She probably wants drama from Cynthia or some sort of attention, but my guess is she isn't getting it from ANY of the ladies.

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Damn, look at that trio. NeNe's been iced out and rightfully so. Season 7 shall be interesting indeed.

Chris, I didn't look at the Kelly/Bethenny feud as one that Bethenny started. Granted, the details are cloudy, but the reason why Bethenny was guarded towards Kelly was valid and real. It wasn't a "this is a new cast member" set up, it was more like they had a real, authentic history. And Kelly was fake and phony long before the cameras rolled, only focusing on the pretty men in the room and totally dismissing the ladies (Bethenny wasn't the only one to make that observation).

And I'm sorry, but if someone wants to call me Madonna, I'd be flattered. Yes, I am Madonna. I have power, immense wealth, and I don't put my name on everything that comes my way.

NYC Present Day: that was a fun finale of the reunion. It's so funny watching Ramona try to have a nice, compassionate moment with the ladies. 'A' for effort, Miss Singer :) Sonja continued her delusions. Ramonja are such besties it's cute. They finally acknowledged LuAnn's "different role" this season. Carole & Heather reminded me of why I like them, and kinda hope they both return next season. Aviva continued being a joke, and they all knew she pre-planned the leg toss incident.

If they wanna do seven gals, I say do: Ramona, LuAnn, Carole, Heather, Sonja, and the return of Jill and Bethenny as a regular friend. If they wanna drop Sonja, that's fine cuz Ramona's ally can be Bethenny. Throw in a new gal or bring back Alex. I'd love to see the original gals battle it out, with the second era (Heather, Carole) to even things out. To this day, we know there's tension between Bethenny vs Jill, Jill vs Ramona, Jill vs Alex (as far as we know), Alex vs LuAnn (as far as we know).

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Actually, from what I read.. the gang up didn't end so quickly. The majority of the fighting happened between Danielle and Tamra. You could see the start of their argument when Tamra turns to face Danielle.. calling her a liar then stating she know knew why no one liked her and then you could tell what happened after that was cut.

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Cheap look at what Tamra had to say about Danielle and Lizzie :lol:

I totally agree with her. The way Lizzie and Danielle started spilling all this tea as if they hadn't held in for months showed their desperation. Why did they wait 3-4 months to tell Vicki, Shannon, and Heather that Tamra was talking sh-t? They ALL do it and they blowed it out of proportion for airtime. All 3 of them can be let go though.


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What Lizzie did was play smart. She played the 'lion's game,' and Trampra was the stupid zebra that kept taunting and doing stupid sh*t all season. I think that after the email is when Lizzie decided to do this. She played Trollop for a fiddle and that's why the Tramp is mad. Lizzie got all the intel and pounced when necessary. If you're gonna go out, go out in a bang. That's what Lizzie did. And regardless, 99% of what Danielle and Lizzie said, Trailer Park said it. They struck her before she struck them. Don't hate the game, Trashra.

Furthermore, I think Lizzie would've contributed a lot to this season had Danielle not opted for a 'friend' role. I think she did majority of her filming with Danielle, hence why a lot of her segments are shown. But I don't think that Lizzie has not contributed. IMO, she and Shannon made this season with the dinner party. Had Lizzie not peeped Tamra's card, Shannon would've continued to be played for a fool by Tamra, only to be ambushed at the reunion by Heather and Tamra for being deluded. Lizzie told these heifers day ONE she was smart. They didn't listen. That's on Tamra. An astute person is going to sit back, listen, take note, and strike when the iron is officially hot. She could've blown Tamra's spot numerous times but she chose to do so when Tamra was out her comfort zone, which was glorious. For once, we saw Tamra squirm and have adversaries that did not cower like Gretchen, Jeana, Lynne, and Alexis and Tamra can't handle, so now she's whining. Bitch, get a grip. If she wasn't so vile past seasons, she wouldn't be getting her karma this season. Kudos to Shannon/Lizzie/Danielle for giving Tamra the long awaited swift kick in the ass she needed.

And I read that interview because she said too that she thinks Lizzie was trying to take her 'crown.' :rolleyes: Trashra ain't no damn Queen or Princess. That bitch is a jester. Acting a fool for a few coins--coins that are nowhere near what the ladies of RHOA get paid. Tamra needs to go. That bitch is a succubus and she's been sucking the energy out of RHOC for the longest. Time for her to join Gretchen, who I like, in the unemployment line. Her time is up.

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