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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The tea and shade was flowing tonight!

Kenya: "What is this? Buckhead 33126?

Marlo: "She had 2 seconds on Glee here and there"

Kordell: "Her mother was in my master bedroom on my cream couch eating a LARGE pepperoni pizza."

Phakedra: "I'd rather have Porsha take my black history final."

Porsha: "Where's Kenya's invisible African prince? Or is he here and we just can't see him?"


Peter was out of line tonight.

Cynthia is a punk. Nene straight berated her in that first scene.

LOL at how when Marlo name comes up it now says "Kenya's friend"

I beleive Kordell btw

Edited by Eric83
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Marlo: "Im a grown ass woman. I can be friends with whomever I want. Im one of your friends, not one of your fans (Mr. Vixen)" LMAO. Sorry but i thought of you when Marlo said that

Ayden: "Respond, Respond." That kid is so adorable and the only thing intereting about Phakedra. This bitch is still calling Kenya a whore. I wish she'd stop it already. And she didnt know you needed a passport for Mexico? Fake ass bitch.

LMAO at Kordell calling Porsha a knucklehead. Peter is so messy though filming with him and then confronting Porsha about that. Why is this any of his business? Gregg too. Porsha said in her talking head that she doesnt sling mud but thats all she's been doing with Kordell all seasonn

Kenya is so messy trying to put a fitness picture of her every girl's room...lol. Let Phaekdra see that stallion booty

Kandi shocked that everyone showed up Kenya's trip....why is that a shock? More like everyone showed up as per Bravo's contract. Im glad she finally got rid of that red mess in her hair.

Kenya: "Mirror mirror on the wall...I'm the shadiest one of them all". "I love to kill a girl with kindness and right now, this bitch is dead!" LOL, such great lines. She stay trying to make up with Nene. Giving her a (vice) President suite with that picture of them as friends with a personal note was a nice touch. Good for her. Glad Nene isnt being stank and shady

all those men, not to mention Paul from BH. Peter is really no different than them. Miami and DC were probably the only two franchises that didn't have a man like that


I peeped that too! Oh and I also believe Kordell

Edited by Cheap21
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I'm starting to see though why Nene is utterly annoyed and fed up with Kenya's antics....that lady was straight up clowning and acting throughout the entire episode and she knows it. Props to her for figuring out how to get under Nene's skin but the whole "killing her with kindness" part gave the game away for me. She doesn't want to do it and she doesn't truly want to be friends with Nene but she'll do it just to keep the drama going....

Phaedra and her son are too hilarious for words but at the same time given all that's being reported on her and Apollo I can't help but feel a little sad about what's gonna happen to that family. That being said Apollo is looking sexier than ever....oh my....

Peter is such weak man and his need to be in front of the cameras is just too hilarious for words.

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Peter needs to put the peach down. What went down between Porsha and Kordell is none of his nor anyone else's business but their own.

Shadera killed me when she said she'd rather let Porsha take her black history exam rather than go on a couples trip with Kenya!

Speaking of, Kenya was stirring that pot like no other! No offense girl, but I would never gloat about being the shaddiest of them all.

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In past weeks, I wanted to slap Nene really hard for making me agree with Peter multiple times among other things. Last night, I wanted to slap Kenya for making me forget that I wanted to slap Nene. Dang you, Kenya. Kenya has potential to be so good but she's both contrived and messy at the same time and that never takes long to shine through. Nene just sitting there like Queen Bobble-head wasn't exactly endearing either. I understood why she did it though. She finally caught a grip and had she opened her mouth there might have been trouble.

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After tonight's finale of RHOBH, i'll be sitting out watching the reunion.. too messy imho. I wish the reunions were more like they used to be.. with the housewives sitting around laughing and having a good time without much fighting.

Then I'll tune back in for the lost scene episode because most of the time, I'd wish they were included in the show.

Edited by Soaplovers
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Haha at Ana being #61. Only beat out for dead last by that terrible Kimberly

I call bullsh-t on Carlton ranking as high as she does though. Over Theresa? Get the F out of here. Ditto on Kathy. The list lost ALL credibility with that f--kery


LOL at this gif

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So no one (besides me and most likely JP) finds it odd that Lisa didn't bring up "the lie" during the private conversation with Brandi - not only didn't she bring it up but she still seemed eager to fix things with Brandi? Not odd? I'll hold my tongue on it because I guess it could have been oddly edited out.

Yolanda almost tossed Ken into the pool. Those two are going to have a real cat fight next season ... or at the reunion.

Brandi f--ked up her face. Hopefully she stops doing whatever she's doing and it can go back to a more natural state.

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Lisa is tired of talking about it? But she hasn't talked about it with anyone but ken...

Yolanda is right. When friends have an issue it should be able to be discussed and you shouldn't minimize or dismiss your friends thoughts. That is some fake ass [!@#$%^&*].

Kyles line Bout not being nervous to see Lisa but Lisa being so and how it getting ugly was in Lisa's hands? Perfection.

Now Lisa wants to being up her leaving but once again doesn't wanna talk about it.

Oh and here is Lisa's bitch, ken. Causing a scene, putting his hands on people, being totally inappropriate and encouraged by his owner. How pathetic.

I still don't like Joyce but it's nice she spoke up for Kim against the bitches pathetic further attacks on her. Kim apologized and he couldn't? She's right, there we have it.

Oh carlton, I love you girl but your attempt at a return by siding with Lisa because she's against everyone else is amusing. She is mad for Lisa. Brandi "did she remind you of what you remember?" DEAD. Brandi telling truths again about Lisa running to carlton in need if an ally.

Now Lisa is saying Brandi and Yolanda are liars, well they were your best friends so what does that mean about you Hun? Oh right, poor innocent victim. Lisa trying to make herself into a victim again and trying to avoid the issue by walking away. Her act is tired and predictable now.

This party is where the daytime Emmy after party is FYI. Great location.

Oh, hi drew.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Here's my rest if thoughts on the episode. Sorry it's kinda scattered and all over. I had to rewatch the end again.

Ken is seriously worse than Simon. Oh Lisa is so [!@#$%^&*] pathetic. She wants to invade on Mauricio and Ken talking then be annoyed when others do? Why can't either one of them discuss issues with people one on one?

Well Brandi is being over the top, the core issue here for Lisa using Brandi to generate story for her show by using Scheena is legit. Lisa said she knows. That just show she doesn't care. Lisa says she's not her friend then defends her?

Go Yolanda! Finally someone tells ken to get out. One day her husband might come? Sorry he has a job. How dare he put her hands on a woman. Finally Lisa is actually appalled by something he does if even for a second.

Once again when things are actually being discussed ken makes a huge issue and ruins it.

Carlton, I enjoyed her a lot. Bye.

Kim girl bye bye bye. Please be gone!

I hope Jouce doesn't return but I'm pretty sure she will.

It would be great is Lisa didn't return cuz then no ken! His thirsty ass will be all over the reunion ruining it.

Brandi's line at the end was great about there being so much love and that's why everyone is hurt.

Loved the Segway into the reunion.

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