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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I definitely think Marlo will be at the reunion...there's absolutely no way she can't make a small appearance. Even though she's appearing in the latter half of the season its clear that she's gonna have a big blow up with Nene and I think Andy has cooled down after the whole incident with Sheree. She def deserves a shot at holding a peach if he's giving auditions to weak witches like that Natalie chick or Mynique (I cringe everytime I type out that name)....

Much as I love Nene her behavior at the pillow talk can't be justified and for her to try and put it all on Kenya and Brandon is just beyond pathetic. Her speech at the benefit was atrocious and not befitting of someone who calls herself a "queen". If she didn't want to speak then she shouldn't have even shown up to the damn event. It would have been one thing if it weren't for an authentic charity or if it was some stupid party or another but she knew it was supposedly for a good cause and wanted to show a bad attitude all night long.

That being said I did LOL at how she walked away from Kenya. I have had moments with people where I just simply refuse to acknowledge their existence....

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You know they want to call Marlo an opportunist, but who trotted her out for ratings on I Dream of Nene? She wasn't Nene's lead co-star by mistake. She wasn't the second name mentioned in the press releases for no reason. The way Nene and co. use the word opportunist is wrong as well. Nene has benefited from others and so has Marlo, that is life. Marlo, much like Nene has a big enough personality to push herself to the top. All she needs is an opportunity and she makes the most of it.

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While I get and agree with what you are saying re Kelly, it comes off as fun and entertaining to me. That may be encase instead of dealing with it for months I see it all in days and I know there's an end near. I feel the same way about how evil and awful Jill is honestly.

That s3 reunion tho. Man. When Kelly says producers made her go! When Andy checked her! When Bethany revealed she was kicked off the trio and escorted back home! When Ramona says she asked jil to meet her at the airport! I was like Jesus.

I do think Alex's reaction to hills arrival was a bit extreme and OTT and a move for sympathy. Could be wrong.

Omg Bethannys pregnancy talking heads. Killed me. I was worked somewhere early on she wasn't really prego and then it wasn't me tinned again for awhile but then I saw the fat cheeks and was like oh ok and later that episode someone mentioned her being prego.

Right now I'm mid s4 and Ramona still is the worst IMO. Cindy just checke her at this party where Ramona was of course trying to make a scene and Kelly has just iced her out. It's great.

This is also the turn for Sonja for me. Where she goes from a breath of fresh air and fun to just sad drunk who seems like she needs help.

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Wow, what a vile episode to watch.

The first thing that strikes me were the talking head interviews. They were ludicrous and show how angry Kyle, Brandi and Kim are. These are angry women. Angry, jealous women. This all comes back to Vanderpump Rules, make no mistake, they're angry Lisa got the spinoff, Lisa is the star and Lisa is the one whose making double the money. They're angry they haven't been paid for appearing on Vanderpump Rules thanks to the same production company using the same footage they do on BH. They're angry that she's richer, smarter and more popular than they are. They're angry they aren't Lisa Vanderpump.

Kyle is concerned with Lisa being genuine? This, coming from the woman who plainly said she isn't going to tell Lisa that Brandi and Yolanda have "valid points"...the woman who gave Carlton, a woman she plainly loathes and called an anti-semite, a ring that matches a necklace...the woman who has befriended people (and ditched them) for a house sale...the woman who threw her sister's alcoholism in her face on television in the back of a limo when she was clearly off her tree...Kyle's genuine, definitely. A genuine bitch.

Yolanda, as is becoming a habit, seemed to have a very short fuse concerning anything Lisa related. Unfortunately, I think this has something to do with Lisa's relationship with Mohammed. Much as Yolanda claims she and Mohammed are friendly ex's...I just don't buy it completely. It'd be hard for anyone to be firm friends with their ex-husband, especially one who cheated on her. Yolanda likely doesn't like the fact that, when push came to shove, Lisa and Ken were Mohammed's friends first and not hers.

Brandi and Kim, mending fences, is bizarre. I don't know how Kim can be around someone who said she was smoking crystal meth in Pam/Dana's bathroom. Nor can I understand how Brandi can hang around someone who called her a "slut pig"...but they have a common enemy, and that's where their friendship is based. Even a trip to the spray tan booth couldn't avoid bringing up Ken and Lisa. I really don't buy that Brandi gives a damn about Scheana. Brandi is making a heck of a living off her divorce from z-lister Eddie Cibrian, it's gone on longer than War and Peace.

Carlton and Joyce were non-entities. I liked that Carlton's badass husband was the first to pipe up that she shouldn't accept that stupid ring. That wreaked of a hit and run by Kyle and Brandi. The way that Brandi mischaracterized what Lisa, who repeatedly called it a peace offering, said regarding whether the ring and necklace matched and then immediately left her to Kyle, chicken cutlet fat spilling over her too tight top, whining away to Lisa.

Next week looks even worse with even more hit and runs on Empress Lisa. Thankfully it appears Ken will be there, smoking away. Ken, smoke 'em while you got 'em!

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I actually agree, in general, with you. However I think Lisa gives as good as she gets, and I disagree about the Yolanda part. I think Yolanda's issue is exactly what she says it is, that she feels like she and Lisa were real friends but Lisa treats her like a Hollywood friend. And I totally disagree about ken who actually seems to be the one that starts the table wide fight and needs to shut up.

But Carlton's husband. He's. I love that you mentioned him. I love him. I want him. I need him. Lol.

Edited by JackPeyton
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You have a crush on David Gebbia? LOL Not going to hate because I used to have a crush on Italian American homeboys, too. I still think Chris Laurita of RHONJ is insanely hot.

Can't blame Ken for defending his wife and I have no clue if he is the one who starts it, though Ken Todd has never struck me as a shitstirrer or volatile starter of fights, ever. If anything, Kim is the one who comes off as a hectoring old bore determined to climb aboard the I Hate Lisa wagon with all the others.

DF, you know I agree with every last word of your post. Right down to the jealousy over VPR. VPR is at the root of a lot of this. As for Yolanda and Muhammed, Mo's steady defence of Lisa must be behind some of her resentment, too. As you say, I don't think their relationship is as perfect as it appears on TV, though for a divorced couple it is very, very good.

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Yes! He's hot, rich and seems like he'd be fun in bed. Plus he's older. That's my type right there. And yesssss to Chris!

Ken, from the sneak peek, seems to be the one who jumps into the conversation between Kyle and Lisa before anyone else. Of course there could be more, but that's how it looks so far to me. There's a way to defend someone without yelling and name calling. He handled himself very well with Kim about not going to the graduation. That's not what he does here. While he's acting like a child, Lisa is deflecting and not answering a direct question. I think that's telling.

VPR wasnt a big hit last season. I doubt that suddenly they are all beyond jealous and decided to hate Lisa over it. I think that Brandi and Yolanda have a legit friendship issue with her and it's very understandable and relatable. I think Kyle and Kim's issues with her go back to last season. I don't think it should all be dismissed as petty and jealousy. It's interesting the, because it's a real issue most of us have dealt with. Who hasn't had a complicated fall out with a friend? In my experience it's usually a ton of issues.

Not all friendships are met to last. And not all are real. It's complicated and messy and sucks but it's true. Then you add in a reality show and that's all even more than without.

I def don't think Yolanda and Mohammed are besties, but I don't think they pretend to be. They are friendly and co parents. She's spoken about how it hasn't been easy. No fake [!@#$%^&*] there.

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Minus Yolanda, ALL the ladies were pissed last season that Lisa got a spinoff, especially the Richards. Kyle and Mauricio shot a pilot, like Lisa, but their's was rejected because it was deemed boring. Brandi is pissed because she jumped off VPR but that was her own doing. No one strong-armed her into filming, as no one told her attend Lisa's event, knowing Bravo is going to make sure Scheana is going to be there. And Kim is gonna do whatever Kyle does because we all know minus Kim's settlement and HW check, Mauricio is still probably taking care of her. And I commend Ken for jumping in this situation because it's an apparent witch hunt because they wanna bring Lisa down but can't. We have no footage of Lisa doing anything uber devious, which the co-stars claim she's done. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Every HW is calculating, but Lisa is the smartest.

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Yes. Poor innocent kind hearted and perfect Lisa. She just gives gives gives and is nothing. It sweet and caring and never does anything shady or mean. They are all just jealous evil bitches who want to bring her down! Minus Yolanda. Who so,ehow has a valid issue but not, because it's Lisa. Lol.

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Did I say Lisa was innocent? I didn't think so....

You're the one implying Lisa is sweet and innocent. I didn't. As I said before ALL the women are calculating. They are just pressed because Lisa is smarter and they know it. That's why Kyle and Brandi are scrambling and trying to clean up their act (recant statements) b/c fans are siding with Lisa.

They're over Brandi's reckless mouth, Yolanda being self-righteous, Kim coming for people just to remain relevant, and Kyle being a perpetual victim when everyone knows she's the sneakiest bish of them all.

If Lisa did bad things then where are the receipts? Besides bringing up the rumor in front of Porsche, what else has Lisa done bad this season? Nothing. Kyle started a battle s2 she can't finish or win and now she's mad. Curses, foiled again, Vyle.

They're just pressed because they can't get sh*t on the Queen. Bow down, peasant bishes! Bow down! :P

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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