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Showing your guests that it is acceptable to berate each other.

Asking questions to make people fight.

Attacking someone. Getting in their face.

Yes. That creates an environment in wich it is encouraged to do the same.

This not being unique to Kenya nor out or character for nene is kind of the point. This is just the first time it's gotten this out of hand and people have realized it.

Kenya's being Kate is the only thing irrelevant here. But you stay trying to shift blame to Kenya for this.

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I'm not shifting the blame to Kenya, I'm saying it isn't that black and white. Nene [!@#$%^&*] stirred tonight and came for EVERYONE there, for sure. But if Kenya hadn't gotten involved in someone else's marriage just to stir the pot, this whole thing wouldn't have ever happened. They are both in the wrong here but for some reason Kenya gets painted as some angel simply because she was more slick.

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Kenya is pretty blameless. She defended herself.

Yes. Quite frankly I don't see how it's so I fathomable that being the cause of a fight is the difference between stirring the pot for some reality tv drama being ok but instigating a fight that turns into a brawl is not.

Even if nene wasn't to blame, and she is, she'd def still be taking heat for attacking Kenya after. It came off as desperation to shift blame and it seems like many saw that.

Poor innocent Natalie. And her "husband". Your right. I feel so bad for them.

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Cynthia was shady too, but Kenya's [!@#$%^&*] stirring re: their marriage was not Cynthia's doing. Kenya jumped in because she loves to watch everyone fight while she sips tea and says things in her talking heads that she won't say in person. This week Nene did try to clown them all, and it backfired. That doesn't make Kenya any less to blame.

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Kenya absolutely isn't blameless and neither is Nene. I don't think you should feel for Natlie or or husband. But last week Kenya did to Natalie exactly what you're accusing Nene of doing to Kenya, yet because nobody got punched, Kenya is blameless. If Kenya had stayed out of their marriage" none of this would have happened.

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Mine too, and I do not think Nene should have followed Kenya or gotten in her face. If Nene had a problem with Kenya standing it should have been addressed later. In the heat of all that physical fighting Nene didn't need to add that fuel to the fire.

However, acting like Kenya played no role in how things played out is ludicrous. It all comes back to her running her mouth about someone else's marriage, simply to stir the pot. Her and Nene are very much alike in that manner, and while Nene may have gotten away with it in the past, Kenya is sliding off the hook undeservedly now because it's become the trend to label Nene as this big bad wolf. Kenya is very strategic and she knew exactly what she was doing. Just like Nene.

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Y'all see Cynthia on WWHL? She admitted she was wrong to tell the girls what Natalie said about Kandis man and she basically agreed that nene was the instigator and caused it.

I love WWHL. ESP on a night after this.

Why is Kenya the only one blogging on bravo? She's smart to do it. It will keep her fans and get her more.

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Well I hope NeNe decides to post a blog this week. I would really love to know what was going through her mind that night.

Cynthia.... I liked her in the past but she like NeNe are absolutely showing their ass! She sending her sister to confront her husband, sending her husband to confront Kandi, letting Nene question her parenting skills. Get a spine woman!

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WTF was Nene on? Pacing back and forth, huffing and puffing about business that doesn't concern her, slamming doors and causing even more of a scene when clearly there was no need for it. Heffa was acting like a moose on bath salts. She was messy and it ain't cute, much like her lingerie. Granted Kenya was late, oh well they all are moving on.

Apollo seriously needs to take a chill pill. There was no need for him to go banging his chest to Brandon like some Neanderthal, although I will admit to finding scrappy, shirtless Apollo very "foine!" But it ends there. Glad Phaedra took him to task, reminding him he has 2 sons and shouldn't be acting this way. Loved Kandi calling Peter out about lying about getting a lap dance. All that was needed was a simple "I go to the strip club." He didn't need to go make a story about how awesome he is that he doesn't get lap dances, since clearly that ain't the case.

Natalie can be gone along with Mynique and their poor excuses for husbands. It was obvious Cynthia and Nene brought them on to start drama with Phaedra and Kandi but clearly it backfired. What was it you were saying at the reunion Nene?


Exactly! laugh.png

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