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Kyle is calculating. This is same woman that unleashed Fayded Glory on us and used her to attack Camille, Lisa, and Brandi. Kyle knows what she's doing, and she knows that Brandi is do dumb and thirsty, she'll do anything to be top dog; however Brandi fails to realize that once Kyle uses her to bring Lisa down a peg, Kyle will quickly toss her aside.

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DEAD at Joyce saying "well I should say, Brandi is just a whore" in retaliation to her saying Joyce sounds like a pig's name. Again this bitch is a drunken hot mess. Her behavior at the table was rude and out of line. Team Joyce on this one. Brandi tried to get Yolanda's daughter into this mess by telling her that Joyce always hates on anyone younger and prettier, but when has that ever come into play? This drunken ho was just looking for reasons to justify her hate of Joyce. Im glad Joyce calls her out on her racists remarks and outlandish behavior next week

Kim's talking head about the singing reaching and grabbing your soul was annoying.

After not liking her the past two episodes, Yolanda came across so much better here. I really like her in homemaker mode. She was a great host and I loved seeing her plan her party. I was the guy inject the strawberries and I was like what the heck was that about. Her events are always wonderful. I do have to comment on the bit about the "dream team" and the hearts. It was a bit petty and childish of her. I wish Kyle had left it alone though instead of bringing it to attention but I cant hate on her for calling Yolanda out on it

I completely disagree. I dont see how Joyce is like Kyle. Joyce is harmless and innocent. Kyle is very calculating and has ulterior motives. Even if one were to say she's like Kyle, she would be more like Kyle Lite, then 10000 times like her.

Edited by Cheap21
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I said she is. I don't feel Brandi's thirsty for top dog position at all as much as she talks bs. Kyle is. Brandi is thirsty to keep her job.

Joyce is what Kyle would be if Kyle wasn't calculating. So, uhm, thank you for being calculating Kyle? LOL. Joyce is also comparable to Porscha (on her first Season) on RHOA except even less interesting.

So much truth. If you want her to disappear, stop handing her the little bit of relevancy she has on the show on a silver platter you friggin IDIOT. Joyce ain't even really fishing for it from Brandi, at least initially.

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Sh-t Stain will be here for the long haul. Hopefully she is downgraded to a friend.

Joyce put on her blog that when she gave her toast in Spanish Brandi told her shut the f-ck up this isn't Miami. I bet Bravo cut it because they knew the Hispanic viewing audience would have been up in arms and Brandi has alreadyv gotten flack for her black comments.

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I'm pretty sure I heard Brandi say something close to "speak in English, this isn't Miami" on last nights episode. Brandi is pretty much almost always shading Joyce's ethnicity. BRAVO has been practically showing every single time she's done it IMO.

You guys are haters wink.png Leave Kim and her dog and her squirrels alone.

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This was a great Atlanta episode. Kenya had some excellent one liners. She's finally growing on me when she's not alone with the camera hungry gay bff.

The mini clip with Nene singing was the best part of the episode. I love those moments where it feels like the ladies aren't putting on for the cameras and are just genuinely enjoying each other. Also growing up in the black Baptist church, she was SPOT on. I died laughing.

I actually watched this episode twice.

Edited by Antoyne
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RHOA is actually kind of fun this year although sometimes it's a little too loud, ex:Kenya vs. Kandi on the bus.

The new chick has to stay long enough for Kandi and Phaedra (AND KENYA the troublemaker) to be in the same room with her and her husband, lol.

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From Brandi's latest blog

"For the assh---s that write hateful tweets or said mean things to me because I am not perfect and clearly you are, please, please, please F--- OFF, F--- YOU, GO F--- YOURSELF, AND FINALLY SHUT THE F--- UP! 2014 is a new year and it's going to be good! I can't wait for this reunion. It's about to be f---ing on!!! Bring it bitches."

Joyce also said in a recent interview she is not nervous about her first reunion and would film it tomorrow if she could. I can't wait! :D

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I think Brandi thinks she's gonna dog Lisa & Joyce out at the reunion b/c she currently has numbers, but her plan is falling apart. I can see Kyle gradually defect from Brandi after this blog and the upcoming episode. Kyle wants to be loved by fans and she was banking that snagging Brandi would do so but it ain't happening. The opposite is happening. Watch Kyle jump ship and make up with Lisa at the reunion.

But Brandi is gonna get demolished at the reunion, especially if Lisa fights back dirty, which she better. And Joyce gives no f*cks now, so she's gonna grind Brandi to dust. Joyce is gonna demolish Yolanda too because Yo has been inconsistent and Joyce has been calling it out on blogs. Kim'll be irrelevant as anything she says will be taken with a grain of salt, and Lisa is so over her, she won't care what she says. And Carlton and Kyle will clash, but Kyle will have the up on her b/c she's been inconsistent too.

This is gonna be a good reunion. But I know Adrienne, Camille, and TayShana are grinning as they've all been on point about Brandi at one point or another. . . .

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I think Brandi is not prepared for what she's going to get. They 'gon go Sharkeisha on her ass. Nothing Lisa allegedly did, especially coming from Brandi, will matter. They can't be stupid enough to side with her drunk, crazy ass over Lisa. Especially with Brandi's irrational hate of Joyce. Joyce gonna get in that ass as well. I can't wait!

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