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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm sorry but I'm on Carmin's side. How Momma Joyce acted was just ratchet. Had I been in Carmin's shoes, I'm sorry but I would've came for that ass. Joyce acting out is because she's threatened. She sees Todd as an obstacle in preventing her from living the good life--the same way she felt about the late AJ. IMO, it's disgusting how she holds Kandi hostage and even worse that Kandi won't check her. Yes, that's her mom but it's better Kandi check her mom before someone else, with less restraint as Carmin & Todd, do.

Onto BH,

Kyle LOVES to play victim and it's getting old. She did it on Wendy and WWHL tonight too. Kyle seems to forget that seasons 1 & 2, she WAS the predator, coming for Camille & Brandi. Now she's the prey and she needs to suck it up. Good ole' karma.

Brandi . . . Ugh. Her comments were tacky. Though I felt she wasn't be malicious with her "black folks can't swim" comment (sadly, I'm one who really can't :P), she better learn to watch it because with the wrong group, she would've got f*cked up. And I'm over her drunken antics. She's becoming the alcoholic that she accused Kim of being two seasons ago.

Carlton, Lisa, and Yolanda--I live for these three. I'm glad they check Kyle every chance they get. However, Yo & Carlton better be on their "p's" & "q's" with Brandi. How she's gonna flip on Lisa will soon happen to them.

Kim and Joyce are irrelevant. The thirst Joyce has is real. IMO, she'll do anything to secure a second season, even butting in a rivalry she knows nothing about.

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I don't think Brandi was being mean with her "black folks can't swim" comment, just stupid. The last two seasons she was a refreshing presence, but this season she is trying WAY too hard to be controversial/in your face and it is too much.

I actually felt a little sorry for Boyce with the harassment about going into the pool (who cares? Leave her alone) and the name thing. Her name is Boyce, people! Get it right!

Why Lisa jumped in to defend Brandi for being a fucked-up drunkard, I will never know. I love Lisa but it was unnecessary to show her support in that way. A better way would have been to take Brandi aside, give her face a few short, sharp slaps and brought her back to the table. Because all that Brandi is doing is playing into the hands of Kyle and Kim who specialize in playing that victim card.

It's so funny how everybody thinks Brandi and Carlton have the hottest bodies. Both look like Eastern European gymnasts with bad boob jobs but IMO Duchess Yolanda in her simple, white bathing suit looked the most stunning. Speaking of aesthetics, Kyle should never wear bell bottom jeans because they make her legs look squat. And that lady at the store was really going heavy on the "gurrrrrl, you look so thin!" stuff. Is she an employee of Vyle's?

I see Kyle is back on the Let's Get Yolanda train. She is so desperate to turn Lisa against her. Of course Yolanda probably said something in passing and without really thinking about Lisa, and Kyle took it and blew it up into a bigger thing than it prob was. I don't doubt that Yolanda can bitch with the best of them, but to take Kyle, who she barely knew, aside to bitch about Lisa? Can't see it.

Edited by Cat
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This season I'm just so disgusted with Brandi. I'm not offended by anything she's said, but I'm just over her. She's far too crass. I'm no lady, but dayum. She is just so gutterbutt. At least try to be clever when being naughty. She's very juvenile and I'm over her. Carlton's hilarious with her hatred of Kyle, I'm still loving Yolanda and most importantly, I look at this season as a good comeback for the Richard's sisters. I'm not hating Lisa, but she's being a little too bitchy for my taste and is not doing anything of interest. Joyce is a basic bitch, but I'm still giving her a chance.

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Only now cant stand Brandi? Thats how Ive been since last season. She doesnt know when to STFU. That comment about black women and weaves shouldnt have come out of her mouth.

As far as her calling Joyce, Jacqueline, that was so rude and disrespectful. Joyce should have hit her back by calling her LeAnn.

Yolanda was a bitch. Why was it such a big deal if Joyce didnt want to get in the pool? She kept making it too much of an issue. I felt bad for Joyce. She was attacked, especially by LeAnn, Brandi. The ones i was proudest with were Kyle and Kim. I liked how they defended Joyce bc she needed that.

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Brandi sucks and I'm totally over her, but I laughed out loud when she said to Kyle: "It's hard because you seem so sweet and then you become this crazy a**hole"...the look of shock on Kyle's face was worth the whole episode, which was a waste of 45 minutes.

Lisa didn't factor much into this episode, but she looked gorgeous. That skin of hers is second to none.

Kim is a non-entity as always, I can't believe Andy Cohen is OK with signing a cheque for this woman who contributes nothing (except mistaking fence sitting for being everyone's friend) to the show.

Yolanda made mincemeat of Kyle, she is cool as a cucumber and so clear in her statements that I just can't help but be totally convinced that she is telling the truth. And then she shut up that idiotic, basic fool Joyce down like a pro.

Joyce is such a non-entity to this show. Incredibly boring and thirsty to be relevant on the show. Dull. Boring. Yawn.

Kyle: "Kim and I know that we did not just invent that story out of thin air"...that's right, the part she left out was 'instead, we planned ahead and put our child star brains together with something that we thought would get under Lisa's skin and undermine her relationship with Yolanda'...when Kyle said "Likewise!" repeatedly I just about reached the end of the road with any scene Kyle's in.

In fact, I'm finding RHOBH tiresome to watch. It's getting so stupid, immature and ugly, akin to RHONJ and RHOA, both of which I've dropped. This season my be my last for this franchise and perhaps the franchise as a whole.

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Wow 3.8! That's ridiculous! This gravy train ain't slowing down anytime soon! No wonder Bravo put Shahs back behind ATL. Wow 3.8! That's ridiculous! This gravy train ain't slowing down anytime soon! No wonder Bravo put Shahs back behind ATL.

BH: Rambles Richards put Lisa on blast on Bethenny's show. I'll just consider the kooky source.

Meanwhile, I'm sure when Bethenny's talk show is cancelled, she'll end up back on Bravo with another talk show.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I am right there with you. My dissatisfaction with the franchise happened suddenly, right around when RHoV self-imploded and RHONJ becoming impossible to watch. RHoA bores me now, although I know I am pretty much alone in feeling that way. Honestly, I am clinging on for BH and NY here (since Miami looks like it won't be returning) and the decline in BH's quality is probably the hardest for me to bear.

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with ratings like that I wonder if Bravo is going to give Kandi her own wedding spinoff bc everyone knows people were watching to see Joyce get turned up. If they did give her one and the ratings did better than Nene's show, Nene would be pissed and turn on Kandi in S7
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