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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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If the Manso's are out, thenm I doubt they will get rid of the Wahkilis, specially since next season will focus heaviliy on Tre's crminal charges, and then you have the Rosie factor as well.

I see the people who make Tre's hair care product with her daughters name have dropped Tre like a sack of shiot LOL!

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UGH! So viewers complained about everything I LOVED? Well who needs them anyway- they just needed more people like me watching!

Count me among those that still love Miami, but much preferred the style they used last season as opposed to this one. Andy Cohen seemed all over it too- he compared it to a telenovela and that's what it felt like! I miss it, not gonna lie.

Miami is still my fave and I'm actually excited that it's gonna be paired with RHOBH. Mondays are about to get cray-cray!

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Supertrailer for the second half of RHOM S3: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-miami/season-3/videos/the-i-dos-have-yet-to-be-said?CID=RHOM_VID


WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REST OF MY POST?! Basically I was gushing about how that trailer was giving me EVERYTHING. It looks like things are going to build to a satisfactory conclusion. I just hope Adriana and Lea do reconcile.

Edited by Chris B
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It feels like that's mainly stuff we've seen before already

I have to say one other big mistake this season was not focusing on the rivalry between Joanna and Adriana. IMO that's what help make Season 2 the success it was. That's where the drama is at and what the core of season 3 should have been, not Lea vs Adriana. Especially with the two weddings, it would have made more sense to emphasize that feud

I hate the idea of Joanna and Lisa breaking up. It always hurts when we see friends go through this on these shows and this one will bother me

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Now wouldn't you know it, the original family of RHONJ all hate each other too. Dina vs. Jacqueline too?

I like the trade-off. Dina for Caroline & Jacqueline.

If Dina becomes a full-fledged housewife with the opening hand-on-hip and everything, that'll be the first Housewife to leave and come back. I hope this happens.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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nah Alexia was the first to leave and come back. And if Lauri has her way, she'll be the second

They didn't seem to like each other all that much in season 1. It seemed Dina tolerated her bc she was Chris' wife but they had issues. Jaq turning on her in terms of siding with Danielle in regards to the book reveal didn't help things. When Jaq was doing her feuding with Teresa, I bet Dina sided with Teresa against her, further increasing that wedge between them. We don't know the exact issues between Dina and Caroline, but its obvious Jaq took Caroline's side so that's another reason for Dina to dislike her

Edited by Cheap21
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I don't know if anyone has posted this, but it's interesting. Critic Camille Paglia in praise of the "Real Housewives" franchise as the only thing worth watching on TV. I know she's pretty divisive, but some of her comments echo a lot of what you all have been saying:


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I think Miami season 2 was all parties and fighting without very much delving into each housewives individual lives. And I think Miami season 3 seems the complete opposite, as if it is trying to evoke the format of Real Housewives of Orange County's first 3 seasons. I think producers should look at season 4 of OC, season 3 of NY, and season 3 of Atlanta for all how to balance out the drama with the look at the lives of the individual housewives.

I do like that we are seeing Joanna's friends, that don't involve just the housewives. It reminds me that these women have lives outside of the housewife show and makes the show seem more reality then scripted.

I remember in OC's season 3, we saw Lauri hang out with non-housewives and I don't think we had any housewives as her bridesmaids. Plus, she didn't invite all of the housewives to her wedding (Poor Quinn.. not even considered a housewife by the housewives themselves... it's no wonder Andy Cohen never mentions her LOL).

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Crouching Hairline Hidden Forehead and her greasy roach of a husband hanging themselves with the rope that Andy gave to them was a wonderful wrap-up to this season.

Seeing both of those loathsome motherfvckers in orange will definitely be a Thank You for having to put up with their triflingness for 4+ seasons.

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