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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Cat, I'm right there with you on OC. This season has been absolutely fantastic. I know many loved the previous season, but I wasn't head over heels about it. I thought it was good, but it wasn't as memorable as this season has been for me. It started slow, but it picked up almost immediately and each lady has something interesting going on. It has the best of everything and most importantly, it isn't as dark as these shows are getting. I'm going to be so sad when this season ends. :(

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:o We still have the better part of the current season to go, right?! I feel like this season just got started!

I need a major Gretchen/Tamra falling out, a Gretch/Vicki fight, Vicki tearing Lauri a new one, Briana kicking Brooks out of the house or something, another ladies vacation (Woooo Hoooooooooooooooooooo!), a Jeana sighting and Heather commenting on the whole mess and giving Alexis the side-eye. Not to mention the hot tranny mess that MUST be Tamra Barney's wedding.

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Well Miami is taking over the timeslot, so we have until August 12th at least. I'm assuming that includes the reunion, so it's over in six weeks. I wonder if New York or Beverly Hills will take over the New Jersey timeslot. And we also have I Dream of Nene in September, but I don't think that will air in one of the housewives timeslots.

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Gretchen said there are 18 regular episodes so season finale will air August 5. They will probably air Finale and Reunion Pt 1 the same night like Beverly Hills.

I think Beverly Hills will return in November on Thursdays and NYC will replace Miami and ATL will return early 2014 at the earliest December because they just started taping less than a week ago which is later than usual.

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I think it was smart of them to push back filming of RHOA. If you think about it, they did technically film I Dream of Nene. With all the housewives featured, it is basically like an extention of RHOA. I also wonder if Bravo will use the filming of that show to determine new Housewives. That would be a smart idea IMO. Who knows? Maybe Lisa Wu will wow them in her return and they'll bring her back. Or it could be Marlo or Jennifer.

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Lord knows I want Princess Marlo Hampton back on RHOA. I love her and the ratchet she brings lol. As for new housewives I'm checkinv StraightfromthwA and Funky Dineva every day to see if they have tea on new women. Apparently they're looking at someone named Crystal who also claims Porsha has been trying to get at her husband. His name escapes me but he owns a NASCAR team.

Edited by Eric83
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Lol at the NYC drama....I hope I still love my girl Ramona after its all said and done.

The only thing I want to see of Luann is her being put in her place by Aviva, Ramona, Carole or any of the ladies and in public. Biotch has it coming and she's the absolute last person I'd ever go to for decorating advice....

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Finally caught this week's episode, I was so excited for it and wasn't disappointed.

-Loving Lydia at the moment and her up-front way of calling things as she sees them, and not in a super-bitchy way. Calling Slade a little girl and pointing out that he has to put down the HWs to make himself feel better. :lol: I also like how genuinely supportive she is of the other women, including Gretchen. When the other ladies went IN on Gretch at dinner, Lydia held off.

-Heather. And Terry. :wub: Love this couple. She is amazing.

-Gretchen wearing her engagement ring that Jim gave her WTF? Ok, I understand why she'd wear it from time to time. Jim was a big part of her life, why discard the gifts he gave her even though she's in a new relationship? OTOH, an engagement ring has added significance above and beyond a simple piece of jewellery; I wonder if she wore it to make herself appear to be a "traditional" HW at the bridal boutique.

-Tamra is literally a human Barbie doll in every single one of those dresses. I love how the HWs were telling her she looked like Barbie -- as a compliment -- and she was taking it as a compliment. Barbie, OC style icon.

-Gretchen's face looked like an orangutan's smacked bottom when she saw Alexis. What did it matter? Alexis was leaving her alone and not paying any attention to her.

-Not Jesus Jugs' biggest fan but she thanked Tamra in a classy way about defending her to Gretchen without completely tearing her down.

-Lauri is so thirsty to get back on RHoOC. You know what? I think she just might swing it. Loved Vicki finally being told about Brooks although her defending her human turd of an ex and denying he had done anything wrong was truly sad to watch. Vicki is like Teresa on NJ, she'd rather die than lose face or admit a mistake or defeat.

-Lauri not wanting to badmouth Gretchen when she wasn't there was rich considering she's been doing the same about Vicki with Gretchen and on her VTs.

-Gretchen exposed! It actually felt rather good because Gretchen has been fronting about a lot of things for a while, just like she accused Alexis of doing last year. Now, when is Tamra going to get some HW comeuppance? Nobody ever calls her out on her [!@#$%^&*] and hurtful words.

Next week: Another trip, hurrah! Vicki skies into a cameraman and goes full-rottweiler on Lauri!

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Gretchen did that fox job offer before alexis tho, and i actually believe her about this one - somewhat. I dont think they offered it to her and she dropped it to go w/ tamra, but i do think they came to her before heather, as the role did seem more her style than heathers and she and heather are now doing/did that other project together. But of course they wont tell Heather that. Or alexis for that matter before.

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Lauri, STFU! For someone trying to be a sh-t stirrer, she isn't even good at it. She was talking in circles with no certainties and she knows damn well she wasn't trying to help Vicki. She was throwing info out there to hurt her and make her think the worse. She is sooo messy and IA with you guys, desperate to get an orange back

Has the show taped the reunion yet? Anyone know if its been confirmed if Lauri attended? Im actually looking forward to Vicki confronting and raging on her for all the crap she's pulled and been saying about her

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The crazy thing about Lauri is that she DOES have info on Vicki, so I have no idea why she's coming up with such crazy stories. In the preview of their fight on Bravo's website, Vicki is NOT denying the new stuff Lauri brings up and also concedes that both she and Donn were unfaithful in the relationship. Unfortunately for Lauri, she said too much and got too detailed so she looks like a silly gossip, but she did have good info. She should've focused the feud on the fact that Vicki "betrayed" her by spreading the info about George. Be vague and work on it as you go.

I still love Lauri's messy ass though.

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Sounds great, can't wait! I think it would be interesting to see the Ramona & Sonja friendship sour, because I think Sonja is the delusional one.

I think it'll be fun to see the 'new' girls turn on each other (though I love that Heather & Carole are bff's) cuz an unhinged Aviva is an entertaining Aviva.

Oh LuAnn... Still in her own world. It's funny how both LuAnn and Sonja think they're the s.hit. There's a reason why Ramona thinks she's the Joan Collins of NYC and that's because she is. Bethenny is long gone, Jill is a thing of the past, and Ramona consistently brings the drama. She IS queen bee of this franchise. Take a sip o' Pinot and celebrate!

I think this write-up of the upcoming drama sounds juicy good. I hope they deliver this season :-)

Edited by Gray Bunny
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