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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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If I'm reading the article on radar correctly, it seems as if the only reason Taylor was allowed back was because the show is having trouble finding suitable replacements.. makes me think that could be true with Rod Stewarts wife saying no, Lisa Rinna outright saying she wouldn't fit in, and I'm betting the duchess is not too keen either.

So I guess Beverly Hills will be slower to go through cast members.. as opposed to the OC.. and Atlanta/NY to a lesser extent.

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This is Andy we are talking about... he wouldn't know suitable if it bit him in the ass.. though I blame that partly on his vision issues.

If you think about it, he really should be a cast member on these shows since he is the biggest [!@#$%^&*] stirrer of them all.

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I wish Lisa Rinna would join -- I love her crazy ass and Andy loves her, too. I'm surprised the show hasn't asked Paris Hilton who is dying for a spot. I'm guessing those Vegas openings are drying up and her coke dealer won't return her calls until she promises to pay cash up front.

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So glad to hear The Duchess will be back to team up with Queen Lisa and Princess Brandi! This triumvirate is the best friendship of all the HW's.

I'm actually cool with Taylor returning. I agree with others who said she redeemed herself this season in terms of who she's alligned with. She's still a non-issue and just filling a seat, but she's good at stirring the pot when needed. Maybe she'll just be a "friend-of" like Camille was this past season.

I still like Camille, and obviously Andy loves her. Perhaps she will pop up again in season 4, with enough coaxing from Mr. Cohen.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Gray, if Andy loves Camille, why not just bring her back? She is a decent enough HW, even though her plastic ass wore on my nerves when she tried it with The Queen.

Perhaps Andy finds her boring and don't believe she has any story left. The divorce with Kelsey is final so what is there for Cam to do? It's not just money that gets you on this show. Just ask Tayloer and Brandi. Brandi lives in a glorified trailor and Taylor has lived in the wrong zip code for years now. She finally has to surrender the house she was RENTING!

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I think Taylor has value, as Cat perfectly said, because amid the wealth and glamour there is always a shady character or two and that's the role Taylor fills. If it was all glamorous women having petty fights it would be boring, Taylor stirring the pot in her rented house with her fake Birkin bags saddled with the hell a suicidal grifter abusive husband left behind is another facet to life Beverly Hills.

Taylor was dead right about Adrienne in her blogs. Really, her blogs were the best of the season and I wish she'd outright said what she wrote in them because they were so erudite. Even drunk off her ass, flipping her middle fingers high in the air at Lisa's tea party, Taylor had balls of steel and called out whoever she wanted.

If they're looking to get rid of dead weight, they need not look further than Kim Richards. She has the same conversations with Kyle every third episode and her trifling ass is just a waste of a Bravo salary that could be spread between the other 'Hos who work for their money.

I think Camille is pretty much done unless she's willing to be Season 1 Camille, the REAL Camille.

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Hell YES to this. Truthfully, I feel like Bravo is waiting for her to fall off the wagon for "entertainment" purposes. And this poor, haunted woman needs to be left in peace to work on her sobriety. However, I believe Kyle makes it a contractual assurance that her sister stays on the Bravo payroll, so trust that we will have lots more hand-tossing salads and Kyle crying over her sister. I also think that Kim is keen to stay on RHoBH. She was a big child star once and I don't think she ever quite got over not making the difficult transition to adult stardom. This makes up for that a little bit.

REAL Camille would be an awesome (re)addition!

Edited by Cat
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I wonder what goes on in that woman's mind. In season two, it seemed she wanted to be anywhere but on-camera, and was only sticking around for the paycheck. The woman is allegedly sober from alcohol now (but that doesn't rule out other substances), and if she truly wants this time to be the time where rehab works, she needs to get off TV and out of the public eye where people criticize and critique. But if she's hoping for a resurgence in fame and fortune, well, good luck with that....

Although I must admit that Kim's presence on TV is a helpful reminder to stay out of the sun or else you'll have unattractive sun damaged skin in your later years.

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Remember last year when it seemed Sheree was the only one who showed up to Ayden's first birthday party? Well apparently NeNe's sisters were there spilt tea saying Gregg had been running financial scams for years and that NeNe was divorcing Gregg because she found out about him being caught up in a mortgage scam behind her back (any other fellow ATL-iens will remember this being on the news a few years back). Anywho Cynthia and Marlo were also in attendance and told NeNe everything! NeNe was pissed and Andy told to the producers to edit out the scenes and make it look like NeNe's sisters as well as Cynthia and Marlo were not there.



Edited by Eric83
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