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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Like others have said it makes her stick out but it seems like something you see on the 50/60 year old grandma at Target who's just out and about looking for some groceries....and it does age her a little.

I guess my surprise at her clothing choice has to do with the event itself. For a Bravo event I think the other four chose styles that fit the moment. She just looks out of place.

Thanks Eric! Carole and Heather confused me so much during the previous season of New York. Even at the reunion I was still trying to figure out who was who! Tamra and Gretchen on OC are the exact same problem for me....I'm such a blonde sometimes....:(

I thought all the ATL housewives look alright. Kandi looks her normal self again but other than that I didn't see much wrong with them.

Sigh....despite Kim's attacks on Yolanda I still nearly teared up when Andy was talking to her about Kyle's lack of support and how she reacted to hearing Brandi say that Kyle hoped she'd fail....

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Mary is STILL lying about her excuse for ducking out of Amanda's party. I wish she would just let it go and own it

Ronnie claiming that Robin drugged her at her party...:rolleyes:

I was LOL at Ioulia when she took the sip of booze and was like 'Im Russian, I cant even taste alchohol' :lol:


I kinda feel bad for Mary bc Jody is flatout bullying her. In all the series, I don't think anyone has hated another hw as much as Jody seems to hate Mary and for no apparent reason either. Jody actively tries to find ways to keep hurting and bringing her down. Its very calculated. Like did Mary sleep with her man in the past or something?

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Cheap: Where are you watching V online? I cant find it for days after it airs!

last weeks RHoV:

Jody calls mary a terrorist because she said that jodys store is second hand. i am dying. Jody is truly obsessed with Mary. Loving Robin and Marys friendship.

My god Ronnies face is... it is hard to even look at her.

This psychic? Please. Its almost as funny as Ronnie saying shes on a deep level.

Also, Ronnie saying she and Mary had a one night thing years ago... while i actually do believe it what a shitty thing to do. she picked telling robin to plant doubts about mary being honest and robin being close to mary.

I love me some Amanda and her showing how stupid Ronnie is with foods lol.

It was sad when Amanda talked about being molested as a child. Its so sad how often this happens.

This show would be so, so much better without Jody. I enjoy fighting and drama but her obsession with mary a new level.

Ronnie is a disaster. She is so fucked up in nearly every scene.

Jody cant handle that she cant control Robin like she cant everyone else.

Ronnie or Jody have to go next season.

Amanda is the only one to come out of this episode looking sane, honestly.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Empress Lisa. I love her so damn much. I don't think I have ever enjoyed a franchise and a HW like BH and Lisa, ever. She is fabulous, and I am sad that RHoBH is over for the season. Truly. I'm not really a shipper of characters/people, but I ship the Brandi-Lisa-Yolanda friendship so hard. I also love how calmer and more affectionate Lisa gets with Giggy on her lap and Ken by her side. I felt she was tense and on guard during the Reunion, although she was upfront and expressed everything beautifully.

I liked the end where the women expressed kind words and hopes for future friendship to each other at the end. Even though I've had no use for Kim for many seasons, her final thoughts were the most moving. I liked TayShana too and hope she stays on the show. I am disappointed that Andy Cohen doesn't see the opportunities Faye Resnick brings to the franchise, though. Cutting any mention of her out of Reunion seems kind of... personal, no?

And when Lisa said she loved Kyle, despite everything... even though I hate Kyle's user ass, I still hold out hope that the L/K friendship goes some way to being repaired. There is nothing like seeing Kyle being jealous of Brandi, no?

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I think with the massively, overwhelming, total hatred he and bravo got in reaction to her sealed her fate. I actually think if it was even sort of mixed or people loved to hate her then she would have stood a chance, but seriously it was 99.99999% total, pure hatred.




Mary is 49? WOW!

I think Ilouia is being ridiculous expecting Mary to attend her party at Ronnies. She should have thanked Ronnie for the offer to host it but declined and had it at a restaurant.

LOVE Robin and Mary, They are so light and fun, such a contrast from the darkness and depressingness of ronnie and jody

Jody planning a party to try and stop the ladies from going to Marys birthday party speaks volumes about her complete and total obsession with Mary. Its a shame that Amanda is too weak to tell them that she is going to Marys party.

Did Ronnie really expect anyone would believe she was drugged? I am glad Amanda didnt really let that slide.

Ioulia picking The Coven over Mary and Robin? I hope she regrets this. They have turned on Robin and she will be next if she doesnt get in shape and line with them and bash mary.

This dinner party was a plot to turn Ioulia on Mary. They are all obsessed with her and are dedicated to their obsession. It must kill them that Mary has pulled back and doesnt care about them anymore.

I feel terrible for Amanda. I have a close friend who this happened to, at a resturant. He ordered a soda water with mint leaves and lime slices and the next waiter brought over a Mojito and didnt know and he took a drink. Its terrible.

AND here they go turning on Ioulia. GET UP AND WALK OUT!

Marys video is great. I love the song so much.

WOW! Next week looks great. Jody fully goes cray cray and lets her obession show while Ronnie gets put in her place by Robin.

Edited by JackPeyton
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YES! RHoV! Let's talk about this.

RHoV is getting hard to watch from the POV of Mary getting ganged up on by that coven of witches. The bullying is awful and I just do not understand the obsessional hatred. They need to EXPLAIN to us, the viewer, what it is about Mary that they hate. Does Ronnie feel that Mary moved on without her? That she didn't come to see Remy at the hospital? That she didn't support her during rehab? What? Jody's jealousy is plain to see, but when Amanda says that Mary is a psychopath, I just want her to STFU. She doesn't know what she's talking about. She is coming across as just wanting to kiss up to Jody and Ronnie and will throw another woman under the bus to do that. She looks so silly.

As it stands, the witches' coven are coming across horribly. They look especially bad organizing their own party on the day of Mary's birthday 'do. And as Ioulia said "They are like hamsters -- they eat their young." With Mary now not willing to engage with them, they turn on each other. First Robin, now Ioulia. They are awful.

Ronnie... I don't know what to say. With her dead, glassy eyes and bloated face. Ronnie does not look well or all there. This is not the first time she has thrown Mary under the bus -- she did it in Season 1, but I loved her then. I can't look at her now. And accusing Robin of drugging her? :rolleyes: WTF? What is with all these women who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions?

Mary brings some of the hate on herself, especially when she invites Amanda to lunch. When somebody tells you to go !@#$%^&*] yourself, you wait for them to come crawling back to you with an apology. Instead, no apology, and it was like she was just asking Fakemanda to smack her in the face. Which she did (verbally).

I wish Mary had gone to Ioulia's birthday party and just ignored the Witches and shown them she has moved on from them. I would have loved to see her hang with Jhordan and Houston while their mother seethed into her vodka-and-prescription-pill cocktail.

I hope Ioulia understands now what kind of women she is dealing with. I wish Christina was back on the show telling them where they can all go. Jody and Ronnie were rather scared of Christina, I think.

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Yep, they are. It is awful and Ronnie better lawyer up because I hope Robin sues her ass for defamation.

Mary is 49 and clearly has had work done, but she looks much younger. Even though I hate her, Jody looks good for her age and has incredible skin.

The witches coven are depressing to watch. I can't believe that they (and Slice, possibly) think that they are this awesome clique who get to decide who is in with them and who is out. It's not even HS, it is sixth grade.

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JP, I was going to send you a PM, but Im glad you found the episode. Some stuff I forgot to mention

I like that Ioulia speaks her mind and does her own thing. Like her going to Mary and telling her to her face that she wasn't going to her party and thought it was BS of Jody to expect her to choose sides bc she cant be friends with both. Very childish

This was the first episode I didn't hate Amanda. I forgot the line but she said smethnig about Robin being ditzy, which was so true.

Cant stand Robin and my opinion of Marty hasn't changed. Everyone hating on her though and making her out to be this big evil bad is so bizarre. Now if she was a Kim Zolciak, or Danielle Staub type I could see it but Mary is harmless and doesn't even fight back. It makes them, especially Jody look bad to constantly try and bring her down bc its unprovoked

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I like Ioulia, too, for that very reason. She just wants the BS to stop and have fun with everybody. She is the most sane person on RHoV right now and isn't afraid to call people out on their silliness. I like that she does her own thing and doesn't try to ally herself to closely with anybody.

Robin was good this episode but this is a woman who seems to care way too much about what people think of her.

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I'm over how some of these chicks run over to Nene whenever there is a problem (as if they can't figure out the solution their damn selves), as if she is the wise and sage one that knows all. Just because Andy stans for her doesn't mean that I buy it for a minute.

I've missed Ultimate Diva Dwight for so long and have so unimpressed by the wannabes that have polluted the show that I never thought that I'd ever see another that would be a successor to his throne, but Kenya's friend, Brandon (?), may just be that guy. If she's back next year, I'd like to see him around, too, because he sure broke Kordell down to size in a few words.

Not sure what's so horrible about Kandi's looks, weight, or attitude, as I'd rather watch a woman that's always smart about her money than a woman that is fronting about what she has in her pocket.

I'm also here for Phaedra, as I can't get enough of her one-liners. Unlike Sherry (much as I miss her), she's very much in on the joke which is why her talking heads always make this show enjoyable for me.

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I love how overall, there is still a love between the Beverly Hills housewives (minus Adrienne, of course, who nearly ruined the whole thing). Despite their ups and downs, they all seem to support each other for the most part.

I'm SO glad to see Ramona, Heather, and Carole back for NYC! I was getting worried they were gonna ditch this series! I'm indifferent about LuAnn, Sonja, and Aviva. I think Aviva would provide alot of drama for the other 3, so I'd bring her back. I'd say bring Sonja too, just as backup for Ramona whenever she's being cornered by the other ladies. LuAnn? Well... I just don't know how relevant she'd be or what drama she'd bring to the table...

NJ's Jacqueline looks like she's holding in her gut in that cast photo. She looks uncomfortable. I hear she pissed off a bunch of people on Twitter the other day for some remarks about Autism?

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Kandi is not always smart about her money. Case in point with Wig playing her out of thousands if dollars and making Kandi out to look like a damn fool in the process

omg DEAD. I'm sure Chit will appreciate this post too...lol Edited by Cheap21
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