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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Anyone remember this OC daughter? Looks like she's doing meth.. so sad. She used to be so pretty and I thought she had a good head on her shoulders!


Also, Adrienne is 'begging producers' to let her out next season. HAHA!


Edited by alwaysAMC
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Kordell likes to dress Porsha bc she's his Barbie doll. How you doin? The guy is a bit too controlling. Doesn't even like her working on her charity too much bc it takes her out of the home

Storm? Who the F she think she is? An Xman?

Oh boy that show was a ghetto hot mess

IA on the comments on Cynthia. She has been the best returning cast member this season. Nene doesn't bring it bc she isn't here for the most part. Phaedra's gone downhill. Kandi....is there. Wig....out. Cynthia is bringing it and her storyline has been pretty interesting

Kandi...yes I am judging her. Don't know one want to listen to you sing about putting a dildo up your ass at night and get up to you singing about going to church the next morning

LMAO! Them bitches were crazy. Its close to midnight and they expected Nene to entertain them for dinner at that time? Good for her, telling them to f--k off. That is RUDE and takes black people time to a whole new level

Oh and did anyone catch Porsha rubbing it in that Walter had a great time at her party? She is passive aggressively trying to start up some bullsh-t with Kenya

Bye! I knew she wouldn't want to do another season and for her own sake, she shouldnt Edited by Cheap21
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It's only the second show and the season is taking time to build (as it should). However, I am already done with Amanda's inability to get over herself. She sounds like a little girl trying to be a big girl "confronting" Robin. Robin smoothly nipped that one in the bud by killing her with kindness.

Warming to Ioulia and to Robin in a big way. Still hate the Wicked Witch of the West.

Nice scenes between Ronnie and Remy.

Edited by Cat
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I know, I can't believe she is 26 either. Her voice and dress sense make her look like very "woman." At 26 I was still shaking the kid out from me! I'm not sure whether Ioulia is lying Wig-styles or whether she IS really 26 but an early life of Russian toughness could make her seem more mature than her peers. Her husky voice also makes her seem older.

I'm going to throw 34 out there.

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Porsha is an idiot, but she allows Kordell to treat her like that because he has $$$. She's so desperate to maintain her wealth that she is willing to be talked to like an invalid rather than form her own opinion. That's why I was all for Cynthia giving her a** the business last week, and looking back, glad that Kenya took her a** through the ringer.

And Adrienne, bye boo! You won't be missed. But cannot wait for the reunion to arrive so she can get slayed (a la Sheree) on her way out. However, I get this weird feeling that Adrienne, who doesn't need the money, might pull a Jacqueline and not show up at the reunion because she knows that she is gonna catch h*ll from Brandi, Lisa, Yolanda, possibly Marisa, and now Taylor. And add Andy, who is gonna drill her with constant questions. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Adrienne tries to break her contract and not show up at the reunion.

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It would not shock me. This Brandi thing didn't do Adrienne in. Coming after Lisa did, and A has not recovered from that. To accuse The Queen of selling stories for $25k and recruit the others to help ambush Lisa? That was seriously a bad move. Adrienne was adored prior to that, and she lost many fans - myself included. She wanted the top spot, and it turned out to be her undoing!

Before last season's reunion, I loved Adrienne and couldn't wait to see what she was doing next. Now, if she is not on, I'm happy. Let that post-op go!

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+1 to everyone, if Adrienne wants out, please Bravo, let the door hit her on the way out, I can't stomach the show when she's on.

And I agree with ChitHappens, it wasn't the Brandi thing that did Adrienne in, I didn't want to watch the sleazy cow the moment she went after Empress Lisa. She was never going to recover from that particular attack. And it's proven to be true.

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