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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I am cracking up at this -- Kyle trying to say Faye was invited yet all of them were surprised as hell to see her walk through the door. These sneaky snakes and lying liars need to come correct.


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Exxxxxxxxxxactly. Hoping the footage is out there and how dare that MC b!tch step to Queen Lisa to demand an apology. She seems like one of those people that'd show up and be all, "My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail."

Edited by London
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RHoA has been a chore for me to watch for much of this season. And yes, I love Nene. There just isn't enough of her!

RHoBH captures my imagination because I absolutely love some of the women -- and some of the others totally drive me to anger. I am so ready for Adrienne and Kyle to be called out, publicly, on their [!@#$%^&*], it's not even funny. If TayShana can be called out in Season 2, so should these two hypocrites. It boggles my mind to think everytime Brandi is at an event, she gets raked over the coals and called "a really cruel person" (thanks, Faye!) for essentially saying the truth. Why is nobody calling Adrienne "a really cruel person" for suing a friend and calling her a liar when it is now clear she plainly is not? For trying to turn all the other women against her? Why is nobody calling her "a really cruel person" for accusing Lisa of selling stories to Radar? God knows Lisa was called out at Reunion on the Very Serious Charge of coining the phrase the Maloof hoof. Why is nobody calling Kyle out on the fact that she uses Faye as her own personal attack dog?

I just worry that Adrienne will not show up to Reunion or will put a gag order on Andy and Bravo in order not to get any "difficult" questions.

Yolanda's blog :wub: :wub: And she wants to do another season if they'll have her?! LOVE.

Yolanda's words to Brandi in Monday's episode:

Yolanda: You know, you've been great about it. You've been saying from the beginning 'Hey, I fucked up, I did something wrong, I apologize, now can we move on?' She's the one that doesn't want to move on so there's not much left for you to say.

Brandi: She wants me to move on if I sign something saying I will never speak my mind again or say the truth or have an opinion which... I can't censor myself and why would I want to do that? It's a free world...

Yolanda: It's ridiculous.

Brandi: ...it's, like, if I do that, I will... will... implode. (laughs)

Yolanda: It is ridiculous. But, I mean, you shouldn't worry, you know. Adrienne is... is, you know, a very insecure woman that is using her status to intimidate people.

Yolanda (VT): Based on Brandi's experience with Adrienne, I just feel that, you know, Adrienne is using her little rich girl's powers to intimidate people in this group and I just do not think that's cool.

Yolanda: If she had balls and felt strongly about her conviction, she would pick up the phone and talk to you and say 'Listen, woman, I don't like you did this, this and that.' But instead she calls a lawyer, you know why? Because she can and she has the money to do so. Brandi: Ugh.

Yolanda: Because $10,000, you know, maybe doesn't mean anything to her! And so when you go to that tea party, just keep telling yourself that, and you can step back and look at it and go 'Screw you, who are you?" Really, who is Adrienne Maloof in this world?

Brandi: Ugh.

Yolanda: You know what I mean? In the big picture, she's nobody.


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They may be shaking up the BH cast next season... and if Adrienne is still with Sean by that time, and the rumor that Rod Stewart's wife will be a housewife, then we may have some serious drama. Or, at least Adrienne will still be a shoe-in to be a housewife.


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I still say they need to drop Taylor, Adrienne and Kim and bump up Marissa and Faye. Season 4 should be







Camille can stay on as a friend. And I really want them to cast a black woman even if they have to test her out as a friend first

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