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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Tre brought the parents into the arguement first. Tre was also very specific by stating her Father was there for Kathy's damily when Kathy's DEAD father wasnt, hence why Rosdie reacted, and its not the first time Tre has said this on screen. At keast Kathy apologize, did I miss Tre apologizing for disrespecting her DEAD Uncle?

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Oh and Jac did state she didnt want to go into Juicy Joe and his "affair" business a few times when Andy asked her and then dumbarse Tre open her mouth and tried to throw Chris under the bus and Jac let it all out PERFECTION.


I thought Luann looked stupid going against popular Carole over the who;e dress thing but didnt want to talk about the Ramona "blackmail" incident!

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Teresa told Jacq to go ahead and speak if she wanted and then Jacq alluded to the blog and started putting Teresa's business out. And I remember the blog and Teresa only did it in response to Jacqueline going around spreading rumors about Joe Guidice, so note to Jacqueline: don't throw stones from glass houses.

And I loved how all of the other ladies were so quiet while they were talking about whether or not Joe Guidice was cheating. laugh.png

Edited by Eric83
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Teresa said her mother told her Kathy almost got a divorce, and then Kathy called Teresa's parents out of their names. Teresa said her mother told her, Kathy was the first one "trashing" anyone's parent.

Melissa didnt say anything about Teresa's parenting, she said Teresa's daughter will gang up on Antonia. If this worries Melissa so much, then why the hell did she join a show promising to bring Teresa down. rolleyes.gif I hate the Gorgas, they come on the show to sh_t stir and then act so hurt that they aren't a family anymore. And Tre's parenting aside, the whole reason was a big fat lie.

Teresa sure is flawed and lies ALOT but she also isnt the one attacking people over trivial things like a cookbook, blogs, or tabloids. It seems all these ladies do, is study up on what Teresa is doing so they could have ammunition at the reunion, and Teresa could care less about them. Keep doing your thing Tre!

Edited by Eric83
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I finally saw the Anderson interview with Teresa and he was disrespectful and a bit unprofessional to her.Thank god an audience member called him out on his rudeness and he brought her back. Im surprised she went on a second time but good for her as he acknowledged his behavior and apologized for it

Caroline....she is all about keeping it real and not being fake yet she NEVER let the comments in the cookbook go even after Teresa apologized. She let Teresa in her house and continued to do family functions with her when if she was true to her word, she would have just been upfront with "I dont like you, I will never forgive you for your comments. Lets cut the bullsh-t and go our seperate ways now". No insead she had Teresa thinking she was moving past it all the while, she was hating her behind her back and letting thnigs boil up. I really dindt like that about her this season

This is perfection! I know Eric will love it


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That pic is hilarious! However, I'm over RHONJ. Andy needs to SERIOUSLY clean house with this show. Only way I'd be interested with these women if they were to bring back Danielle so she can sit back and laugh at these broad. Plus, I miss her form of crazy.

Onto RHOM...

I am SO over Karent. That woman is the epitome of faking it to make it. Her and Rodolpho are so extra. I'm also growing annoyed with Joanna & Lisa. I see now why Bravo picked them b/c they stir s*it up. Plus, I found their snide, slick side comments about Mama Elsa just to be rude, especially from Lisa, who is one surgery away herself from like a train-wreck. I am enjoying Ana, Adriana, and Marysol. Lea, on the other hand, can exit to the left.


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I get the impression at times that a lot of the media personalities assume viewers hate Teresa, and then they have to go, "Oops, never mind," and justify or backtrack (Andy Cohen, Anderson Cooper, etc.) Maybe if they had a more balanced story on the show people would agree with them more. Everyone being against her just makes some viewers feel sorry for her.

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Just finished Part 3. This is going to be a long one, and this is all I will say about Season 4. I just want to forget it happened laugh.png

Andy: He is starting to annoy me. He made sure to put all of the Guidices business on blast, but let others slide on some questions. Then Kim D comes out, and says Caroline, Jacq and Tre knew something was going to go down. Then Andy says "So, Teresa knew something was going to happen. Moving on....." WTF blink.png

Teresa: Teresa isn't perfect and yes she does lie, but all of the screaming, yelling, and finger pointing and I am still on her side. I have never seen a RH Reunion, so focused on one person. Every question asked came right back to Teresa and Joe Guidice's trial. Joe Gorga screaming that his kids dont have grandchildren bc of Teresa. PUH-LEASE. They are adults and can make their own decisions, them not liking Melissa is NOT Teresa's fault. Teresa is a strong individual. With all of the personal drama she has and then having to deal with her so called family and friends of 10+ years turning on her, for the most petty reasons, I don't know how she deals with it. Love her and can't wait to see her next season.

Jacqueline: Needs a psychiatrist, and needs to leave this show. She is not healthy.

Caroline: Over her, thinking she knows every damn thing and always trying to speak on other people's business.

Woman in the Blue Dress: IRRELEVANT.

Melissa: She is so fake, and I can't stand her. All of the screaming and crying she did, and I still dont give a f-ck.

Richie: Disgusting pig. I loved how he said he never called Teresa out of her name, but he called her a bitch in Season 4, Episode 1. LOL

Joe Go: Said he would never let anyone call Teresa a bitch if he was around, but was laughing when Richie said "lets burn the bitch at the stake"

Chris: Only man with reason on this show. I LOVE him but hate his wife.

Joe Gui: He is so over all the foolishness, and I love that about him. (Why was everyone so hell bent on bringing up his trial? I am sure his lawyer wouldn't want him doing that)

Kim D: Man she looked a hot mess. Dont like her and cant stand her. I knew she helped set Teresa up.

Oh, and all of those ladies are so loyal but when Teresa asked them not to talk about Joe Gui going to jail, THEY DID IT ANYWAY. Some family they are.

Will not deal with another season of these ladies, if all 5 return I will have to find a way to watch Teresa only clips.

Oh yeah loved when Jacqueline said kiss my ass and then Teresa said kiss my titties. laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Kim DePaola@KimDPosche

For the last time!!! @Teresa_Giudice had NO clue about what I was doing. PERIOD!

Kim DePaola@KimDPosche

@melissagorga you're poor, you're a sleaze, your world goes around, so long as you're on your knees.

Kim DePaola@KimDPosche

QUESTION OF THE NIGHT: what # is bigger, the # of cupcakes you've made, eaten, or the # of $$ @melissagorga owes to the Gov't

Kim DePaola@KimDPosche

@KathyWakile u rolling your eyes or is that just how you look

Dina Manzo@dinamanzo

#bullshit #bullshit #bullshit

Kim DePaola@KimDPosche

If u want 2 know who is REALLY in debt read this #RHONJ @joegorga@melissagorga you r broke. Don't get it twisted


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Haters can hate, but Teresa is the star of this show and I do think thats a huge part of why the other ladies dislike her. Since season 1 she's the main reason viewers tune in. She's the one providing the action, especially with Danielle gone. Everything in seasons 3 and 4 is centered around Teresa. Say you keep the other four housewives and dump Teressa, you have no show. This is why I don't understand why they seem so Anti-Teresa, especially Andy Cohen. She's his star! She's the one housewife I truly feel, if she left she'd get her own show. There is no doubt vh1 would pick her up and she'd have a huge, highly rated show. The same can't be said about the others.

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Teresa really is a disgusting, vile, hateful, jealous bitch. Its really too bad she couldnt own anything or admit to anything because if she was I could maybe find her likeable. She lies so much. I truly do not understand how anyone can like let alone root for such a obvious pathological liar who encourages her abusive husband. I really feel bad for their poor kids. - and the fact that her fans can only try to trash everyone else to defend her speaks volumes. Shes an awful person on her own, not in comparison. Comparison is irrelevant, as there is always someone better or worse.

Kathy? Basic. boring. can leave.

Caroline was perfect. She was blunt, honest, owned her actions. This is why I like her.

Jaqui is an emotional disaster.

Melissa was fab. Truly. I absolutely loved the way she spoke the truth and used specifics to back it up when asked. She may be fake and put on a show, but she does it damn well.

Edited by JackPeyton
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While i am sure that is a part of it, i dont think its a huge part. I was so happy to see it pointed out that she speaks to tabloids about things she acts like nobody has a right to speak of. When you put it all out there in a magazine, it is fair game. Not to mention how she trashes them all for a magazine contract then denies getting paid.

Yup! But really, they should just return for a final season. They can not really redo it. They could try only keeping Tre & Mel, but i dont think it would work well.

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All of Teresa's cover stories are about her own life, not the other wives. The one mentioning the other wives was a story where she apologized to them. Compare that to the cover Melissa had, which she only got because it was to bash Teresa. I think Teresa has already proven she can stand up on her own without the other ladies. Celebrity Apprentice and her books have proven that. She doesn't need the other ladies to get press.

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Melissa: "Ive never done anything wrong to you (Teresa). Ive always respected you...." Did I see her nose growing on stage?

wub.png Chris. I loved his response when he was asked to talk about Teresa and he said eh wasnt here to talk or badmouth her so he would leave it alone

The stuff with the Gorga/Giudace was heartbreaking. Its a reality show but these people are real family. Its sad how awful things got

Jacqueline needed to STFU. I didnt like how she kept jumping into their business as thats a family affair and she needed to stop stickingher nose inn the middle of it. Caroline at least kept quiet during those segments

Teresa didnt set Melisssa up. Glad its out there. Too bad these people wont move on

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