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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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New Jersey: Teresa is one of the fakest, most unaware, and self absorbed person in the history of reality tv, and damn is that saying a lot. She just seems like a truly awful person to be around and have any kind of relationship with. While its nothing new really, it has gone to a new level. She used to seem just a little stupid and unaware. I LOLed at her all of the sudden trying to be friendly with her family only after she had nobody left. The fact that the family sees this and are still open to her is amazing, to be honest. She just keeps digging her hole deeper and deeper tho.And the issue isnt about a magazine. It is about Teresa being fake, not being a good friend. To have that friend who never tells you whats really going on and uses you is sucky, and im glad Jaqui finally realized this. NJ really is in need of a major overhaul but im not sure anything can be done. Its too focused on the families to really bring anyone else in. I wouldnt be sad to see them all go.

New York: LOVE the new girls. Carole is the best. Heather adds a lot. Aviva is entertaining. Hopefully Luann is gone next season as well as Romana.

OC: WHERE DO I BEGIN? HONESTLY?!! Like i dont even know what to say or anything. That was an epic finale full of all sorts of drama! wow!!

this was amazing. loved how she said to invite romana would be doing exactly what romana accsues her of too. perfect.

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To set the record straight that Melissa has already admitted and owned up to? Ok.

And that right there is the big difference. Melissa admitted she contact Danielle. She owned it. She explained it, but she didnt excuse it. In the same conversation Teresa admitted to never going to see her nephew, something she has always lied about doing. She didnt own it, she oinly admitted it by mistake and im sure is already acting like she didnt.

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But there is a difference between "owning it" and getting caught out.

That's what bothers me about Melissa -- I just wish she would be upfront. She is smart, she is ambitious, she wants fame and a great life and I don't blame her. I am not a fan of her singing but I am a fan of her excitement at talking to Ryan Seacrest. I am a fan of her joyous boogying to the remix. I am a fan of her dressing up and doing her hair for an over-the-phone radio interview. I am a fan of her being realistic about Seacrest and positive about her song despite lots of hate tweets.

Then she goes and spoils it all by pretending she's just humble ole melissa and her husband is the one who is pushing her forward. Girl please! You are fooling nobody with that "Aww, shucks. Who, me? Lil ole me?" act.

Not to mention that she and Joe Gorga (who I love) threw her sister-in-law under the bus in exchange for appearing on RHoNJ in the first place. They promised conflict with Teresa and they'd "unmask the real Teresa" if they could come on the show. It seems like such a little thing now given all that has happened, but if it were me and my brother and his wife did that, I would be majorly pissed for a while. Even Dina isn't pulling that [!@#$%^&*] with Caroline on the show.

However, Teresa is a dead-eyed, crazy psycho who has NEVER wanted to come out and confront Melissa (or anybody for that matter) on any of this. She was FORCED to confront her in the last episode because Melissa wanted to know what she and Jacq were arguing about. Both Mel and Tre were caught with the cameras there. Teresa doesn't want confrontation because ( a ) she'd be called out on her own crazy web of lies, ( b ) she lives for Keeping Up Appearances, and ( c ) she thrives on having an "enemy" that she can constantly attack from afar without doing anything to resolve the situation. Tre needs negativity and a scapegoat to deflect attention from the fact that her marriage is a sham, she is a sham, the money is sham and always was and that she is fundamentally alone, apart from her parents. Teresa is so intent on preserving the image of herself created in Season 1that I truly think the loon believes this fantasy she has created is 100% real.

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I think one can own what they did if being called out. Not in the "yeah i did it, deal with it" sort of way that first comes to mind, but in the way melissa did it. "Yes, i did do that. Im sorry I did it, it was wrong, this is why" to me is owning it. If she had tried to excuse it and shift blame tho, id feel different about it. (and yes, i think there is a difference between an explanation or reason and an excuse)

You are spot on about Tre tho, spot. on. i couldnt agree more.

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OK.. RHoOC time...

This was the greatest finale ever. Seriously. It was a very satisfying resolution to the season. It involved everyone. And it was glorious and dramatic. Creepy Jesus Jim was so over dramatic with his refusal to come only to show up mid way solo and act as if nothing was wrong but allude to this conversation that needed to be had with Terry. His pants wearing line was offensive on a human level to be honest, and alexis as his submissive jesus barbie wife.. i cant. Loved heathers line when he left about the one skin, lol. And Alexis' whole i leave when he leaves amused me because she came without him, and her running after his car was beyond pathetic. I also loved the way she kept trying to defend trashy ass sarah.. ugh. I loved the way when heather approached the jim.terry convo Jim was not pleased and she refused to leave and he couldnt deal with that because she was a woman who had the audacity to not bow to his demands of her and leave. It was further amazing when Tamra came up and he stormed off like a diva.

I was happy Heather finally kicked Sarah out. Loved Gretchens "uh oh" when she was called over. Slade was hilarious. I really loved it when Ryan stood his ground with Vicki and refused to let place blame on him for her relationship with Bri. Vicki was cray during that. it was great when he said she could go ahead and grill him. I really love tamra/gretchen as friends even tho it started out uber fake. Vicki throwing a hissy fit over them was amusing.

Brooks is creepy and awful. He started that whole drama. Tamra rolled her eyes, as did i, when Vicki mentioned Alexis as if they were good friends. Tamra went there with him toe to tow and her drunkness didnt help the sitation, but he did start it. Vicki defends him too much and she needs to remember all the times she has attacked people and the husbands/boyfriends. Why shouldnt Tamra or Bri or anyone question Brooks motives? it isnt like he has a spotless record. and Vicki was worried about bri/tamra comparing notes and realizing they are totally in the right and that many people feel this way about Vicki.

such a wonderful, perfect finale.

I hope alexis is gone next season.

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I guess I can accept that. She wouldn't have owned up if she hadn't got caught in going to Danielle behind Tre's back but Melissa is a smart lady and knew the best way was to admit it and apologise for it clearly and concisely. Not try to rationalize it because that is what Tre would do. Tre had no choice but to accept the apology -- especially if she wants to start an alliance with her family and a Twitter crusade against Caroline and Jacqueline.

I don't want to say that Teresa has no feelings because I think she does -- you can see it in her eyes when Juicy Joe dismisses her. However, she has no empathy for others. She can't put herself in the shoes of somebody else and relate to the feelings they are experiencing. She has no clue how and why Jacqueline feels the way she does. She is just this cold machine, spitting out in VTs what she thinks the audience wants to hear from her. Her random "psycho bitch!" about Jacq was a case in point. WTF?

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Isnt that whenn you are supposed to own up, when you get caught quite a few times with her lies and excuses and she never owns up, she denies, deflects, lies or accidently lets the truth come out LOL! But as was pointed out Melissa is smart, whereas Tre, not so much!.

As for Melissa and Joe throwing Tre under the bus by doing RHONJ, I aint mad at them wanting there sjiot to shine and get paid for it LOL. I have no doubt that Tre would have no problem with them being on the show if she wasnt looking so bad and they wasnt looking so good LOL!

As for Jaq, who didnt think she wasnt going to approach Tre again, she is very semsitive. However I dont blame her for her issues with Tre. If you are claiming we are BFFs, why am I reading horrible things in the press about you and you aint saying squat to me about it when we are together, whether its true or not, whether she put the stuff out there or not. Tre was furious with Jaq for going to to "enemies" who are always harboring in the past with info about her, yet Jaq sees Tre consorting with their very known enemy about shiot from the past LOL, cmon now!

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I love Teresa. I can agree with some stuff but she is not the only one in the wrong. EVERYBODY on this show is dead ass wrong for some of the stuff they do. How is Jacqueline being used? If she wanted to know if Teresa was going to jail doesn't she have a mouth to ask? Magazines sensationalize stuff all the time. Please. Oh and tweeting Danielle about stuff that had nothing to do with her. Jacqueline needs to get a hobby. She sounds like a teenager on twitter and gets butt hurt over the littlest things

Melissa is a fake ass bitch. Yeah she owned it and that was nice of her but dont sit on here on episode after episode acting like Tre doesn't want to make up. Who in the hell promises to expose a family member to get on television? But she's perfect?

I'm not even going to start on Caroline

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Tre is using her (now former) friends to sell stories to the tabloids for a profit. She is a 100% fake ass bitch. And Jaqui did ask her about going to jail when she learned of it, and tre wanted to act like the tabloids lie and [!@#$%^&*] when its known that she has a contract and sells them stories. You really wouldnt be frustrated if one of your good friends of a long time wasnt communicating anything to you about their life but was opening up and telling lies to tabloids? I think anyone would be. The whole "Magazines sensationalize stuff all the time" argument doesnt work when your deal with a Dina Lohan type like Teresa.

Melissa is aware of reality and lives in it, so right there shes more real than Teresa is, by a few thousand miles. And Teresa wants to make up? No. Teresa claims she does than trashes Melissa and even Joe sometimes, she doesnt want to make up at all. Now she does, because she has nobody - but even that is fake and phony, just like her.

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Agreed! Was the first episode of the season I enjoyed and wasnt completely bored

Heather....it all makes sense now. She was brought on to be the anti-Ramona and I love it! Both women talk alot and they use that as a weapon to overpower people and make themselves the dominant presence. They take different approaches though as Heather is alot more passive agressive whereas Ramona is direct and unfiltered. Its killing Ramona bc the games she pulled with other housewives doesnt fly with Heather. And why should it? She has money, power, status and more than Ramona. She doesnt Ramona's approval like Sonja and Alex in the past to maintain her social status and acceptance in high society. Ramona is an alpha female and she's seeing her position shaken. Its funny bc Heather really isnt donig much but Ramona is crumbling.


Which brings me t the point of the trip. Why is she so pressed about not being invited? Heather doesnt like you and you dont like her! I like when Heather said that she's accused of being insincere and ingenuous and thats exactly what she'd be proving if she invited Ramona at this point. Ramona is reminding me of Marlo with Sheree. Just keep it moving and stop getting so upset that someone you dont like doesnt want to spend a vacation with you. I didnt like her going off on Sonja for having an opinion which didnt jive with hers

I like Carole's Im too cool for school attitude. She seems like good fun. I also loved her pointing out LuAnn's name dropping. Countess looked pathetic going out of her way to show off

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Ramona is so worried about this trip because FOUR housewives were fired lol. Now we have the new housewives and her plan to be condesending and have them bow down to her has failed. Now they're going to London without her and typically these shows only have one international trip per season. Last season it was like 3-4 episodes, same with Scary Island and these episodes are always big ratings hits. She's worried about her screentime and future and status on the show. It's GREAT seeing all those layers play out. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ramona this season.

LuAnn is another one who is imploding because she's been a total disaster all season. Those forced scenes with her kids to prove she's a good mother don't work. The baby storyline doesn't work. The fued with Ramona makes HER look crazy and is also overshadowed by Heather/Ramona. LuAnn is on shaky ground. Don't be surprised if you see luAnn and Ramona teaming up just to stay on the show.

The three newbies are all doing great IMO. They all need to return with more new wives. It's a shame the ratings aren't higher.

Edited by Chris B
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Wow, GREAT insight to how the women are reacting to and might react to potential backstage stuff. Makes total sense the way you break it down. I wonder if Bravo will make Heather invite Ramona just for the drama. I cant see a trip of Carole, Heather, LuAnn and Sonja doing much for the ratings

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I meant they want to play the victim like Teresa doesn't want to make up and they do when in reality they want to keep the conflict going for their story. Its annoying and I'm tired of Teresa vs Everyone.

As much as Caroline talks about loyalty I bet she won't have one problem with Melissa telling family business to Danielle but had it been Teresa she would have been blasted to high heaven. It is all hypocritical bs and I do think they're mad (especially Caroline) that Teresa has become essentially the star of NJ.

I'm not saying Teresa is right but she isn't the only one doing sneaky [!@#$%^&*] or that has hidden agendas.

Edited by Eric83
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Bravo PLEASE get rid of Alexis and Jim. WORST married couple ever on this show. She had me cringing when she said she was so proud of Jim for standing by his decision to not show up at the party. Really bitch? Then he comes, disrespects her in front of everyone and then proceeds to drive off, almost leaving her at the party without saying goodbye. He is pretty sh-tty and she just defends him and accepts it like a Stepford wife. Its disgusting

I cant believe that Sarah chick was still causig trouble. Heather's a better person than me bc I would have thrown her out after the first confrontation. And Alexis trying to jump in and play moderator instead of getting her out? Shut Up! I dont like Slade but liked him trying to get her to pipe down




Vicki, Vicki Vicki. I think Ive finally lost repect for her. Brooks is creepy as hell in that he manipulates her and controls her without her realizing it. He totally was trying to poison her mind against Tamra and come between them and it worked. Everything Briana was saying was true and its sad that Vicki chose this loser over her own child.


And then she makes a speech at Heather's party and makes it about her and Brooks. Oh Vicki. Its sad watching such an indepedent, strong powerful woman get so weak over a man who isnt worth it

I love Tamra and Gretchen's friendship. Like them, I didnt think it would ever happen but it did and I but it as genuine. I saw them on Chelsea Lately a few weeks ago and they were having a good time and you could tell it was real. Vicki is so jealous of them and it brought out the ugly side of her this season but this friendship has done wonders for Tamra as she seems alot more relaxed and fun

LOVE Heather! She came across so pretentious and stiff at the start of the season and didnt quite fit in but she sure did by the end and loosened up and became more fun. I like the enrgy and sense of intelligence she brought to the series and thank god she wasnt another typical OC blonde. She's different and I appreciate that.

Ever wonder what would happen if you crossed Teresa with Big Ang from Mob Wives?


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