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AMC: Friday 03/19/10

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Damon's growing on me but in their effort to show how much like Tad he is, he's coming across like a pissy little screw up. I like seeing Dr. Hardass. It's good to see a black woman act a little bitchy. Yeah, its a crumb but I'll take it. Especially since Jesse is wearing the same panties and push-up bra that destroyed Derek Frye.

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I know right? I just want her to grab him by the hair and say, "Listen you little punk, I flew a helicopter on my wedding day and looked like a million bucks doing it. I can make sure they never find your body. Now take out the earbuds and sack up or the next job I'll give you will be combing my wigs!"

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Because I live for your approval.


Oh, please. She's become the epitome of the cliched TV Black Bitch. What Chief of Staff tells an orderly "Now get to steppin'?"

Get to steppin'? Are you kidding me?! :rolleyes:

Yeah, I can totally see Joe Martin running the hospital this way. Tell me why she's better at running the hospital over David, again? If David was treating Damon this way, my GOD! Tad, Jake and Angie Angela would become exceedingly indignant and concoct another brilliant "plan" to frame David for whipping 70 year old medicare patients with a bed pan.

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Well, because, I did, lol.

I think I might have mentioned this before, but I had a very lonely childhood. My brother was almost a full decade older than I, so we had nothing in common. Nor did I have anything in common with the other kids at school, or in the neighborhood. Therefore, I spent much of my time at home, in front of the TV set, getting to know these adults on the soaps who, in a sense, became like family to me. I learned everything I could about them, both historically and psychologically, to the point where, at nine or ten years old, I began fanwanking (on notebook paper, this being before the Internet and all) story ideas for all of them.

At the same time, I remembered all those long, afternoon conversations between my mother and grandmother (conversations they probably didn't think I was paying any attention to - except, as a kid, I learned how to be very quiet and listen, lol) that taught me pretty much how soaps are supposed to work. Mind you, they weren't writers themselves, or network execs. Just two housewives who, like everyone else, knew a "good" story from a "bad" one; and knew whenever a particular character was either being under-utilized, or had been exhausted of every possibility. When I started remembering many of the things they've discussed and applying them to my own viewing experience (like knowing when a character's journey has been completed), I knew this was the business I wanted to be in forever.

In a way, it was better than attending any MFA Writing program out there.

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I think there is star quality all over Finn Wittrock (Damon). I thought he was great in Friday's show, especially his scenes with Tad. He went from being so happy and mischievous in the beginning, to sad and distraught all in one episode. I also like how he calls Angie "Dr. Hardass" LOL. I like how he's developing nicknames for people..I hope he goes back to calling Liza the "Dragon Lady". I can't believe he stole pills again in the end, and got CAUGHT! He just can't catch a break...

I am happy to see JR acting more like his father, and I was surprised that he already knew about Ryan buying Zach's casino, and being angry about it because Chandler could have tooken it over. This is the JR i like and want to see, now if only he would get over this obsession with getting rid off Annie and do something else!

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I don't find her cliched at all but black and bitchy works for me. I don't want to see ANGELA (Say it like you mean it!) fall victim to the same toxic nobility that destroyed Evangeline, Rachel and now Layla on OLTL. I see Angie in the same way that I see Erica, Brooke or Adam. "Get to steppin'" works for her. It's no different that Erica's tight little dresses and fluttering eyelids, Brooke's pursed lips and raised eyebrow or Adam's "What in blazes?"

If she wants to say "get to steppin'" then I suggest somebody GET. TO. STEPPIN'.

Joe Martin is gone. Deal with it.

That said, I can see Joe doing exactly what Angie did. He'd be more grandfatherly about it but I have no doubt he would've told Damon to shape up or find another gig. The Joe Martin I remember placed the welfare of the hospital and its patients FIRST. He had no problem throwing down, he simply did it with a beatific smile and courtly manner. I think Joe would be proud of Dr. Angela Hardass. The only thing that would be better. IMO, is if Damon had to split his community service between the hospital and working at the Miranda center where - in my imagination - Tom Cudahy counsels alcoholics and Livia Frye heads up the legal aid program..

Gillian, Dixie, Maria/Maureen, and Greenlee.

Here, we agree. I have no use for the sanctimony where David is concerned. He's a weasel but I would far prefer it if the anti-David squad didn't try to claim the moral high ground.

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Livia and the Fryes became irrelevant when they probably got the idea to bring the Hubbards back bc god forbid they feature 2 prominent black families. I can picture Angie and Livia being really great girlfriends, but 2 strong powerful black women on the show at the same time? Nah thats pure fan fiction material

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