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HBO: Game of Thrones


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Good episode, but they could have added a bit more drama to Renly's death. It happened so quickly.

Thank goodness for Peter Dinklage. Tyrion is the best. I loved him tormenting Lancel and his snarky commentary on the street politicians' complaints, only to realize that he was the "demon monkey." Hilarious.

Dany and Theon's stories is starting to bore me, but the previews suggest that it is heating up.

They also need to move Jon Snow's story along. This show needs some serious violence and action.

Edited by Ann_SS
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That was great!

I think my favorite moment was that chilling look that Tywin and Aria exchanged during their scene. It was lethal. I am very intrigued to see what happens with Jaqen... who else will she ask to be killed? And, YES at Gendry without a shirt. More, please.

I did NOT expect Renly to be killed, especially not by that shadow-demon thingy. The alliance that it brought between Cat and Soldier Woman is great.

Tyrion continues to fascinate. He is all types of WIN.

I agree... It's time that they move the stories along, especially with only 10 episodes in a season.

But this marriage for Dany seems promising.

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That must be my favorite episode of the season. Great action, horrifying violence.

My heart was pounding throughout. The scene were Theon kills Rodrick; Littlefinger, Tywin and Arya (I'm sure Littlefinger must at least suspect); the riot and, especially the threat of Sansa's rape (I was SURE it would happen!); the great ending.

I love the twist that Jon's story took. It will be interesting to see how it develops now that he's lost with a wildling.

I was surprised that Osha was planning to help the Starks all along.

Is it only me or does it seem like Robb's romcom Lady Whatever was bluffing and that she IS actually a spy?

Loving everything with Tywin and Arya. The fact that that little girl can more than hold her own against an actor of Charles Dance's caliber is just shocking.

Dany seemed a bit nutso the way she was going on and on and on at the Spice King but I guess she's right.

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I really liked this episode except for Theon who proves to be even more of an ass.

Tyrion got to slap Joffrey again. Good times, good times. I can't believe how quick he was to abandon Sansa even knowing that it would cost Jamie his death. Jamie is lucky that Tyrion loves him so much or he would be lost.

Osha rocks! She got Rikon, Bran, Hodor, and the wolves out. Someone needs to give Theon a long painful death.

I have fallen in love with Jaqen who I think is sooo handsome. I love his eyes.

Where is Ghost? How can he just leave Jon to wander in the ice like that? Oh well. I am sure that Jon will be getting some from Ygritte soon.

Could Robb be more obvious that he was lusting after that woman?

I forgot about Dani: She is a piece of work. A little humility would go a long to helping her further her cause.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I love that the two wolves escaped with them. As far as the third wolf, Jon Snow is an idiot. And where is his wolf? That one needs to stick closer if he wants to keep his cred.

Has Littlefinger ever met Arya? He seemed to know something was up but I don't recall them ever being introduced. I think my favorite character of all is Mr Lannister the senior. There is just something very cool about him. You know he is cruel and mean, and he is the richest man in the kingdom who still likes to hack up dead deer as a hobby even though he could hire a butcher and cook, but he has more going on upstairs than his children do. His scenes with Arya are real standouts. I used to like Theon because he did seem to mean well last year, but his treachery just cannot be tolerated. Robb deserved better.

Perhaps someone who has read the books can say, was everyone's role reduced as Tyrion becomes the impish star in the books also? We have barely seen Cersei and Jaime this year. Jaime I think has been in one episode. Yet week after week there is Tyrion, first among equals.

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Not to hijack the thread, but you really only should watch the first generation (Series 1 and 2). I tried watching the 2nd generation for Effy, but it was absolutely wrteched.

Anyway, I wonder when Jon's sexuality plot will come to a head. I forget, do we know if he's a virgin or not? I think it was Julia who mentioned that there was another bisexual character that has yet to be revealed. Snow seems like the most obvious choice.

As for Theon, I do not hate him for his betrayal. His character's desperate yearning for respect leaves him sympathetic in my eyes.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Tyrion is the dominant character in book two, followed by Arya and then Jon Snow.

Game of Thrones does not have "sexuality plots." smile.png In Westeros, sex and romance are incidental to magic, political intrigue, and violence. And yes, Jon is a virgin, but not because he has doubts about his sexuality. The casting of the characters in the tv series is misleading if you have not read the books, although it is understandable why they aged the characters. In the books (and this is not a spoiler), Robb and Jon are only 14 years old when the story begins. Daenerys is 13 years old when she marries Drogo. Sansa (11 years old), Bran (10 years old), Arya (9 years old) and Rikon (3 years old) are the characters closer to their ages in the books. My point is that a 14 year old Jon Snow not having sex yet is not really a big deal or an indication of anything.

Edited by Ann_SS
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