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Thank you for posting! It's very interesting that they think the third book may bring us more than just one season. That would bring the show up to at least 8 seasons!

Before I watch them, how spoilerish are the videos? I would like to remain as unspoiled as possible.

Meanwhile, I am enjoying Book 1 soooo much. What I find really great is that there have been very minimal changes. They have mainly changed the order and some of the seetting so they make more sense (and don't hurt the budget as much, I suspect). But, then again, the books lend themselves to scripts very easily.

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The videos are basically spoiler free (thanks Q, for posting). There are actually 5 parts, you'll find the other three by watching the first. At one point he does mention an event that happens in book 3, but he doesn't tell what happens. It would sort of be like someone saying "If we get to the filming of the Battle of the Bulge, we'll consider that an achievement", when the person they are speaking to has no idea what the Battle of the Bulge actually is.

I'm slightly distressed by the idea that book 3 might take up two seasons. I just don't see how that is practical and yet...I don't see how it could be done in less than two without serious cuts. The writers sound like they would be happy just to get to the end of book 3, but I won't be happy! :-) There are to be 7 books total. I want to see this story filmed to it's conclusion. It'll be interesting to see what happens. Maybe, by season two this show will be popular enough to warrant 13 season episodes. That would help.

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That panel was interesting in that Jason Mamoa is the only one who has any charisma or sense of celebrity or an ability to be entertaining. Without him it would have been more like a funeral, and I think that is why they kept coming back to him. I am shocked he wears eye shadow even in his normal life, but I guess when you are 6'4 and 300 lbs of muscle you can wear whatever the hell you want.

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I enjoyed it, even though it would have been nice if they had better questions. Most of them were just meh.

Jason Momoa is, in a way, magnetic, so that would excuse why they keep going back to him. You see he's still kind of a kid, doesn't think things through before he says them sometimes, but despite the exterior he's nice, he pulled out Emilia and Peter's chairs for them (which I though was really cute).. A guy I know reminds me a lot of him lol

I almost didn't recognize Lena. Wow.

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It sounds like some elementys of Book three will be handled in Season 2 (at least that's what the Ent Weekly interview implied). I'm a bit worried Martin won't finish it in 7 books, he admits in another interview that that could all change.,.. (he also commented on how worried he was about how to film the battle in Book 2 as they can't just cut it as they did the battle in book 1, but would never have the budget to film it as written.

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Yeah, I'm sort of concerned as well. I'm reading book 5 right now and I'm not convinced he can bring this home in two more books. Not to mention that the show runners said they think book 3 will take between 11/2 and three seasons!? They also said that they would feel like they had achieved something if they could film up to a particular event in book three (I won't name it for the sake of avoiding spoilers). So, I'm not sure they have any intention of filming this series to the book's conclusion.

Ultimately, I guess I suspected that all along. It took GRRM six years to write this last book, if you've read even the first, you can see how complicated they are. I don't see that he can turn them out much faster than he has been. And he's not even planning to start the next book until next year. Perhaps the idea is to film the last books as mini series or movies. I imagine it all depends on the series gaining veiwers from season to season.

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Yeah I know he prob needs a break, but I was shocked that he freely admitted, particularly knowing some of his crazy fans, that he wasn't starting the new book till January.

I just started book three, and am really enjoying it. Both my brother and a friend (who are both reading book five now as well) have said that the odd numbered books tend have so far been better than the even ones - of course I know many were disappointed by the characters focused on in bookj four (which I've been warned is a bit of a chore to get though), which was caused when he decided to seperate the intended book 4. Still, am loving the books, and the third one already has me more interested than parts of Clash of Kings.

It does sound like the intention with the series is eventually to not be quite as faithful to the books. With Martin's involvement, thaqt's not necesarily a bad thing, but could cause problems (partly too as one thing the series has been praised so heavily for is how faithful they've managed to be). I admit I have pretty mixed feelings about that too, though if book three might take ove rtwo seasons to tell, the series would have to LONG to get to the conclusion.

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