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HBO: Game of Thrones


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So yeah, that was fantastic. They definitely cleared the decks - even lame-ass Daario got the Apollo Theater vaudeville hook! I will be sad if that's the end of my beloved Margaery, but sooner or later she was likely going to get taken off the board somehow. She stayed sharp to the end, though, either way. It's pretty unlikely but I'll still be praying for her to turn up in the ruins like most of the cast of Melrose Place did after Kimberly Shaw's bomb - a few cuts and scrapes and they're all good!


I do wonder when and how Cersei decided to go this far and if she knew how far it would have to go. I wish we'd gotten more of that process. But the scenes with her and the Septa, her monologue was unbelievable, as was the mostly wordless opening sequence with careful, exquisite editing and framing - every shot like art, like graphic novel paneling. Miguel Sapochnik has shown his talent for directing epic action several times, but the tone and rhythms here were something else entirely and it continued apace through the entire episode, reinventing itself constantly with intimacy, with grandeur, with different levels of intensity. It was probably the most striking directorial effort I've seen on a show full of amazing episodes and incredible directors. He should win an Emmy, as should the costume folks for Cersei's incredible warrior queen armor - I foresaw a lot of twists coming, but not her coronation.


The show has been so focused on the women's rise this year, and now we have the direct parallel of Daenerys and Cersei, but the real heart of the story thrust has been Sansa's journey. I defy anyone to look at the whole of this season from their reunion, or this episode and their wonderful scene on the ramparts(?) and tell me Jon and Sansa have no relationship. I loved the way they processed talking about their father. And I am glad Sansa is fully aware of just how dangerous Littlefinger is. I think he is overestimating how much play he can get out of trying to play Jon and Sansa off each other. She was happy for her brother. And while Sansa is the true power behind the re-taking of the North, the scene with the Northern Houses pledging themselves to Jon was incredibly powerful and well-earned. As was her realization at the weirwood tree about how far she's come from wanting to be anywhere but the North, and now it is hers.


I'm not surprised they spared Melisandre. I know she told Arya she'd see her again. And thank God Arya is back in Westeros. They even managed to find a way to knit the damn Dorne plotline in well - once again the season is matriarchal, by having Varys intercede to unite the women of Dorne and the vengeful Olenna with Daenerys and the Targaryens. Also liked the callback to Daenerys' vision of the burnt-out Red Keep from Season 2 - that prophecy is fulfilled.


This show has vastly leveled up this year, and I think it's the strongest and most cohesive since perhaps Season 3. Season 4 was great but had its bumps here and there, and Season 5, while it had several excellent storylines, showed real signs of lagging trying to run parallel to Martin's book releases. This year they've been off the leash and completely liberated, and characters, relationships and story have all become richer, deeper and more forceful. It's just excellent. And I pity any show that may have to air against it next year (looking at you, my beloved Twin Peaks - not that they'll care, it's such a different show and a singular vision).



Cersei hates him (and everyone else), plus he was one of her many opponents to rule, one of few she was not able to nuke in the Sept. Qyburn is her loyal man and the new Grand Maester.

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I'd say Cersei started to lose her mind a bit when Joff died and Myrcella completed the process. When Cersei said Myrcella was pure and made her think maybe she wasn't an awful person (I'm paraphrasing) I figured the girl's would be a break of sorts for Cersei. Whatever she and Jaime said about keeping Tommen safe, I don't think Cersei ever believed it.


I agree that Little Finger probably won't be able to break Sansa and Jon apart. If Sansa wanted to be The Lady of Winterfell, Jon offered it to her. She said he's a Stark to her and I believe her. What I don't understand is why various people think they can marry Sansa when she has a living husband. Makes me wonder if Tyrion will die by the end or if the marriage will be annulled. I can't see him holding her to it at this point, but Little Finger must know that Tyrion lives? Maybe there is so much chaos he thinks he can do whatever he wants.


I wonder if Little Finger will get farther along in his plot to take the iron throne and marry Sansa in the book. That may be why GRRM has kept her in The Vale. I agree that the adaptation is really good, but this version of the world is by necessity smaller and more compact.  I'm interested to see what GRRM comes up with, if he ever manages to finish.  If he doesn't, I don't hold it against him as some do.


I'm also sad really sad about Maegary and Loras. One hard thing about the show is that I've lived with some of these characters for a long time and they are being dispatched with little fanfare. At this point there are too many to name them all, but people like Osha and Rickon are the hardest for me. I would have at least had a 30 second scene of her and Rickon talking.  Something to make their deaths feel more substantial. As it stands I feel like HBO has done a good job though. You can't make everyone happy.

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I would've liked another scene or two with Rickon or Osha. I especially loved Osha from back in the day, but I could see their fate coming a mile away when Ramsay brought them back into the game. It was the way of drama, and I doubt either the show nor Martin will or would bother having Rickon stand as impediment to Jon as King in the North or Sansa as Queen of the North (which I suspect she will be when all is said and done, and the truth of Jon's lineage is revealed - and I think Bran will remove himself from the running one way or another).


As for Margaery and Loras, it was brutal and sudden but it didn't demean their characters. Margaery was Margaery to the end, and I think she'd played the game out as far as she could. No one could have stopped Cersei, so their road ends here. I'm sad to see the Tyrell kids go but I figured they would one way or another. This is better than being tortured and humiliated by Cersei, which she might have found preferable.

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Lady Olenna is the true Queen of this show!


Margaery deserved better. I'm sad and bitter.


Cersei has officially become Charlize Theron from The Huntsman. 


Sansa's still wallpaper. Just a slightly better pattern.


Arya is finally made of win again.


F*ck! I just realized we have to wait a whole year til next season. :(

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This was such an amazing, brilliant ending to one of the show's best seasons yet, and there are hardly any words for it.


Perhaps the most interesting part in an episode full of non-stop jaw-droppers was Cersei, who I love so much for being such an utterly complex character that can't simply fit into a mold. That one, long opening montage of a scene was just beautiful, a collection of stunning direction, great photography, perfect production and the music doing something different than we've ever heard before. The blowing up of the sept, apart from being a visually thrilling moment, is just such a great climax to a storyline that became somewhat tiring. Seeing the HS being completely obliterated was so satisfying. It's sad to see Margaery go but I am so very happy that, at the very least, she remained smart and cunning all the way until the end -- she was the only one who knew they were screwed, even if she didn't know how. It was a great way to honor her character, even in those last few moments. Cersei's smile at watching the sept burn, like we did, was fantastic. Tommen just killing himself. And then Cersei's sadistic, yet oddly gleeful, torture of the septa. We don't see what Clegane does to her, and we don't need to, but Cersei saying "shame, shame, shame" as she walks out was utterly perfect. And let's not forget that black dress she put on.


Arya killing Frey was such a huge stunner as well. Again, utterly complex writing, making you both happy and uncomfortable at the same time. She really did create some kind of poetic symmetry with how she got rid of Frey.


Sam having a near orgasm when he saw that library. Hell, so did I! That was very sweet and touching.


I haven't had many good things to say about Dorne and the Sand Snakes, but bringing them together with Olenna and then to Dany for the purpose of revenge was really great. Not to mention the utter shutdown Olenna delivered to those hateful annoying Snakes. A spinoff were she does that all the time, please!


I'm glad Melisandre is getting to leave alive. Davos yelling that he loved the little princess was very touching, but Melisandre's part in this is not over yet, and I'm glad she lives to see another day.


It's so great to see Sansa and Jon's bond. I like to believe those two will stick together, although Littlefinger is clearly still a huge threat. And I cried when we saw Jon's birth. We have yet to be 100% sure of his father but so glad to finally learn about his mother. Lady Mormont is amazing -- another spinoff! :lol: But Jon getting proclaimed the King of the North. What a climactic, thoroughly earned moment.


Bye Daario! Not like we're gonna miss you. The scene between Tyrion and Dany was so necessary, so I'm relieved they did it. Those two are a good duo. And, of course, the ending shot of the season. Just marvelous. Things are about to hit the fan!


Winter is come!

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They shot the sequence with the septa just right. By the time I realized what the Mountain might be doing to her they had mercifully obscured the frame with Cersei.


Another nice note of symmetry I didn't notice: Lyanna Mormont, named for his mother, crowns Jon King in the North.

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That's a great observation about the women in the show. This season truly has been their journey to power, with all its beautiful and ugly consequences. They are true players of the game, which will only serve to make the climax of the story better. 


In a season with so many stories vying for best, Jon and Sansa's reunion and building of a (further) connection is such a strong contender, and the process of bringing them where they were in the finale felt so natural and organic. Sansa's tragedies, as you point out, weren't torture porn or useless devices to delay plot. They built her and matured her into who she became, and gave her a lot of stunning material in the process. As a person, I was sad to see her go through everything she did, but in terms of drama, it was great!


The show plays the long game, always has. You can't always see how what is happening right now will fall into place later, and everything with Sansa has built up wonderfully.



LMAO! Margaery is alive but blind! Loras has amnesia!


All joking aside, I did wonder if, somehow, Margaery comes back, burned and vengeful. Probaaaaably not, but an enticing possibility lol



Yeah, Cersei and Pycelle have been "feuding" for as long as I can remember. She hated his guts enormously. There was no way he'd live past this.



Thank God for that!



OMG. Yes.

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I would think so. Did anyone really think Marg survived that? I mean her body was blown to smithereens. Theres nothing to revive. Outside of a flashback or premonition, her time is done. Her death was rather final and she's a relatively minor character in the grand scheme of things that they wouldnt do a Jon style twist on her


That was so cold! I liked Daario and didnt like how Dany dismissed him. They spent so much time together and she really felt nothing? Dang. When she later admitted that and how she was only thinking about how she wanted to get over it, it made her seem even more cold. Their breakup seemed rather rushed. Ive heard all the theories about her and

uniting and I can only imagine that was done to get her single and ready to take on a king

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The chess pieces are finally being moved into place which is so exciting to see!


Cersei goes from being "shamed" in the season 5 finale to being crowned Queen in the season 6 finale.  And how she did it was so badass and so Cersei.  She continues to be one of my favourite characters.   She got what she wanted but the price was all her children dying. 


Jon is a Taegaryn?! Wow! That shocked me.  This changes everything now if he's able to control the dragons too.   I didn't/don't read the theories, so I was unaware people already guessed this.  Love the twist, though, yet part of me is a little bit sad that he's not Ned's son. 


Lyanna Mormont......this little girl is awesome!  The actress playing her is really good.


Walder Frey, Ramsey, and the High Sparrow are all dead....YES!!  And just like Ramsey's death, Arya slicing Walder Frey's throat was poetic. 


Love Dany and Tyrion's relationship!


Major kudos to David and Dan for a superb ending to a superb season!   And another kudos to Miguel Sapochnik for directing these last two episodes.  Hope he wins the Emmy for best director. 



@Vee, Michelle MacLaren is not directing WW, Patty Jenkins is. 



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