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Stray observations since I binged watched the entire series in the last week and a half:

I'm not sure how they did it, but Jamie has become my favorite character. Is he a good man? Hell no, but he still has a heart and really deep down even in adulthood is still trying to prove himself to his father. In fact all three Lannisters basically revert back to children wanting their father's approval whenever they're around him. It's truly amazing to watch.

I originally could not stand Cercei, but I think it's the actress who truly won me over with the character. I live for scenes between her and Tyrion. I love that there are times where it seems, she might actually love him as well but has hated him for so long that it's all she knows.

The Purple Wedding festivities were soooo uncomfortable to watch, that honestly Joffrey dying was the only way to satisfyingly end it.

The Starks:

I found Robb to be annoyingly noble and nice, similar to his father so I knew he wasn't long for this world.

Honestly I blame most of the misfortunes that befell the family on Cat.

While initially I didn't care for any of the younger Starks, I find them to be some of the most interesting characters on the show especially now that they've been completely orphaned. Their existence has become so bleak now that I find myself cheering whenever Arya gets any sort of vengeance. I do think it's time that at least two of the kids finally reunite. I was so disappointed that Jon and Bran were so close, and then he rode away. I was certain that he'd recognize the wolves and the actor seemingly for a second looked like he recognized them but instead they had him ride away.

I don't give two shits about Sam or that girl.

I enjoy Dany, but my god her story is so isolated it's getting hard to care. I really don't need to see her free every damn slave in the east. Give her her damn ship and army and lets keep it moving.

I enjoy the Tomwell's and really want to see Margeri(I think that's her name) succeed and prosper at least once. Her rivalry with Cersei is absolute gold.

I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot.

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I agree, if he were going to do it he would have been slicker about it, but I really don't think Tyrion would have ever done it. Being a kinslayer means something in this world. We've seen that the God's are real. Even Tywin believes in them. Tyrion had a LOT of reason to kill Joff, almost every highborn person at that wedding did, but Tyrion isn't as evil as Cersei thinks. He has threatened her, but we've seen him soften to her at times when she cries. She thinks he sent Myercella away to hurt her, but it was to protect the girl from Stannis. Cersei has never been able to see him as anything but the monster who killed her mother. I think we have Tywin to thank for that. It would also be interesting to see the mother. I think her name was Joanna, but I can't remember for sure. I bet she was a good person.

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I think Robb's biggest weakness was his belief that he could get what he wanted just because he thought it was the right thing and it was what he wanted. That's what killed his father, yet he didn't even see himself repeating the same patterns by choosing not to marry the Frey daughter.

I think Tyrion would have killed Joffrey if he felt he absolutely had to - if Joffrey's madness became too much and threatened the family and their rule (Tywin would likely do the same), but most of the time, you're right, he wouldn't.

I do think Tywin is one of the big reasons Cersei hates Tywin. It's not all on him, as Jaime doesn't hate Tyrion, but Cersei I think is more of her father's daughter, or on some level she wants to be.

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There was a great scene near the end of Season 3 where both Cersei and Tyrion finally come to terms with each other as the closest thing to friends and siblings that they must have been in years - they're both in the same boat thanks to Tywin's machinations, and there's no sniping from Cersei or other bullshit and they have to commisserate because they have no one else. I hoped it might lead to a new understanding between them, but the truth is Cersei is too hidebound, too proud and too locked in her own mindset, the one Tywin and life have engineered for her (and to a lesser extent, Jaime) to ever really trust in Tyrion, I suspect. She's turned on other people who could help her or be of mutual interest, like the Tyrells, and I suspect spurning Margaery and the Tyrells so viciously will be her undoing. Those women are much smarter than her. She doesn't know any other way to think or live other than always on the attack, and it's going to finish her off someday.

I think in her heart, on some unconscious level she knows he didn't do it - it's not his way. But she is incredibly angry and frustrated, and they did once vow vengeance on each other.

I think both Sansa and Littlefinger and Arya and the Hound are now on their way to the Eyrie. I hope they meet up. I am also amazed Sam has apparently yet to mention Bran's visit to Jon - or maybe it was offscreen. I really loved Sansa and Tyrion's marriage, however brief, and I hope it's not totally over. My fear is that Littlefinger hopes to annul it and wed her himself to try and make a bid for ruling the North (as well as fulfill his psychosexual obsession with Cat). Of course, the Boltons rule it now, IIRC. Littlefinger was poised pretty much as one of the core villains in his big scene with Varys midway through last season. He's a conniver; it's all he cares about.

The truth is Robb and the Starks likely could have been saved, at least for a while, if he'd kept Talisa as his mistress on the side. It happens all the time, certainly all the time on GOT and even in our real world; just Camilla Parker-Bowles it. I don't know if he'd ever have won the war given all those other blunders, but he would have been able to keep Frey in check.

Edited by Vee
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Well, if The Queen of Thornes is right Margaery's prospects are much improved. She'll still be Queen and she gets to marry the nice boy, instead of his monster brother. He's probably too young for her to get much out of the marriage anytime soon, but given her marriage to Renly, she's too practical to mind that.

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I think he's been written out of Nashville for good--like many characters on that show he seemed to justbe a stop gap to fill story while they still get to the ultimate pairings.

It's funny how apparently so many people didn't realize he was a recast of an old character. Maybe I only did because I knew the recast was coming. I know many didn't like the previous Daario, but I thought he fit the role a lot better--the pretty boy, much closer to Daenarys' age who is arrogant and despite herself she sorta is attracted to. It makes sense given how young she is. My problem with the recast--and he's probably a better actor--is frankly he LOOKS nearly as old as the other guys who have pursued her.

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I think the new guy is fine, handsome and a better actor. I've already gotten used to him. But I slightly preferred the old one if only because he was sort of the exotic prettyboy you can see turning Daenerys's head, probably for worse than better in the long run. He fit the role better.

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I've read some complaints that he doesn't work (Daario) that well compared to the books because in the books he's very colorful and bright (blue beard, fancy clothes). The blue beard would have looked ridiculous, but I do wish they'd kept the clothes.

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