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HBO: Game of Thrones


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You know nothing QFan. (a play on Ygritte, not an insult). Neither does anyone else. Martin is famous for leading people down a wrong path and the possible clues I mentioned are all in the second episode of the series, in the convo Robert/Ned had. Also, remember that Ned said to Jon, "you may not have my name, but you have my blood". It does point to Lyanna being Jon's mother, in my opinion, but we don't know that and it is not a spoiler. Jon's parents have not been revealed in the book, there are other viable possibilities.

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I will be more careful in my comments from now on because I think that non-show the book info should be spoilers. After all, if someone has not read the books and just watches the tv show, there are a lot of things that do not exist or are not readily apparent.

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Half-way through, this episode is amazing! The fire on the boats was horrible. All those poor men burnt to death. Tyrion is the man! Stannis is a crazy and brave as hell.

What an episode! Blood, guts, burnt flesh! Tywin and the Lannister reinforcements to the rescue. Cersei is so annoying at times, but I understand her frustration.. Joffrey is young and annoying. I can't blame him for not wanting to lead the charge.

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Epic line. Along with let's go [!@#$%^&*]'em from behind.

How could I forget: The Hound turning on Joffrey and then trying to take Sansa away were great scenes. Loras allied with the Lannister to avenge Renly's murder. The best episode of the season. I could barely sit down.

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It was FANTASTIC. Just absolutely thrilling from beginning to end. Great script from George R.R. Martin. Every character involved was poignant and interesting.

LOVED the sequence where Tyrion sends in the one boat and creates disaster. The effects were TREMENDOUS. Fire can be notoriously difficult to do well (and, on series, usually looks horrible) but they did a large scale explosion that looked like a big budget movie. Major kudos to them for that. The soldiers burning, the ships sinking, it was more than I would have ever hoped they could achieve. Just unbelievable. And fantastic editing. Top of the notch stuff. They deserve an Emmy, for production values at the very least.

The Hound's journey in this episode was great as well. Surprisingly, his fear of fire seemed to humanize him. I like the relationship he's developed with Sansa. It looks like she turned his offer down but it probably would have been smarter for her to just take him up on his offer to take her back to Winterfell. I'm pretty sure he would really stop any harm from happening to her.

Tyrion really proved himself here. I hope against all hope that that final shot of him did not mean he's dead.

Cersei's scenes were phenomenal. She keeps ricocheting between total evil/bitchiness and a softer side and it's fascinating to watch. I really thought she was going to kill both herself and her son. Tywin's entrance was great. And I have to say that the ending shot was gorgeous; just a beautiful image to end the episode on.

Total success.

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Sansa made the right decision staying. No matter who won the battle, she would be relatively "safe" for the time being. Stannis and the Lannisters need her alive. She is a bargaining chip to use against the Starks and their people. The Hound might or might not keep his word and take her Winterfell. They might not even make it to Winterfell. The winner of the battle would have sent people after them and they would have been vulnerable to many dangers traveling by themselves. What would happen to her out there alone if he died? Look at Arya. With Yoren dead, Arya is only alive because of a series of improbable events and she is more of a survivor than Sansa.

Peter Dinklage remains the stand out in the cast, but Lena Headley has done some fine work. I hope that she gets some recognition and a deserved Emmy nomination.

It was an exciting episode. GRRM, the author, wrote the script which explains the intensity along with filming at night and the fire. I will watch again the episode tonight. Excellent!

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4 for you!

Man, any ep. that turns out to be one of my faves and gets the biggest reaction out of me turns out to be one of the episodes written by GRRM. This past ep. gave me so many feelings and was soooooooooooo good on a crazy level. I just loved everything about it and god that was one great battle!

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Okay, I just watched the episode again. Cersei's scenes droned on a bit, but the rest of the episode was stunning, awesome... The fire, the brutality of the fighting, Tyrion's speech, the Hound's PSTD and scene with Sansa, Sansa telling Tyrion she will pray for him like she does the King, Varys' offering Tyrion his friendship, Stannis in his war madness, the men chanting, "half-man, half-man," Tyrion's reaction to seeing Stannis' men coming at him, Podrick saving Tyrion, the final scenes where the Lannisters and Tyrells come to the rescue. Just an excellent episode with wonderful small and large moments.

“Don’t fight for your king and don’t fight for his kingdoms. Don’t fight for honor. Don’t fight for glory. Don’t fight for riches, because you won’t get any. This is your city Stannis means to sack. That’s your gate he’s ramming. If he gets in, it will be your houses he burns, your gold he steals, your women he will rape. Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let’s go kill them.” --Tyrion Lannister

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4 more for you! I'm hoping Peter takes yet another Emmy in a few months.

I just love the hound and especially his line - F**k water, bring me wine.

I agree with you about Cersei but Drunk!Cersei was a lot of fun I must admit.

I can't stop watching the fight and the pretty green fire.

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Boy, that was disappointing and not a good follow up to the last episode. What a let down! It was not a good season finale at all. The House of the Undying was a major disappointment. I thought TPTB were going to finally show the tv audience the tie between the seemly disparate stories. The only good parts were Sansa's smile when the engagement to Joffrey was broken and Theon getting knocked out. Of course, it was good to see hot Drogo again.

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